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Worth paying 8000YEN extra for MDD over Obitsu40 Body?

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New to MDD, but aware of the well known Pros and Cons of each body..


But I cant find enough reasons to justify the Extra 8000 Yen for the MDD body? Is it really just for the Knee Cap?


Anyone here actually bought an Obitsu 40 and regret after?


Right now I'm slightly leaning towards getting the MDD3 body, the longer neck on the Obitsu40 bothers me a little.. but that is not worth paying 8000 YEN


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It's not just the knee/elbowcaps, it's an all over aesthetic difference. I think the length of the neck's appearance will vary based on what head you put on it. My MDDs neck appears longer with an 01 head than my P40 does with a Sakuno. The P40 is a little wider throughout the torso and so it makes the fit of an outfit a little different than an MDD. And also the P40 is about a cm or less shorter than the MDD. I actually tried my Sakuno on my MDD body before her P40 came in and I didn't like it as much, something seemed just slightly off. I like her better on the slightly shorter and wider P40. I have no regrets about buying either body. My Sakuno only looks right to me on a P40, and likewise my 01 only looks right on an MDD. Obviously others use P40s for 01 heads and I think it looks fine, but my Mitsuki always has been and always will be on an MDD. If I switched her body she would look different. But even if the first body of that size I bought was a P40 I would still at some point pay the extra money and get an MDD, because the aesthetics are different. I got one in the first place because I thought the body was cute.


TLDR; if you really like/prefer the MDDs aesthetics then the extra money is worth it. If you're just looking to get the size then it might not be.


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It's not just the knee/elbowcaps, it's an all over aesthetic difference. I think the length of the neck's appearance will vary based on what head you put on it. My MDDs neck appears longer with an 01 head than my P40 does with a Sakuno. The P40 is a little wider throughout the torso and so it makes the fit of an outfit a little different than an MDD. And also the P40 is about a cm or less shorter than the MDD. I actually tried my Sakuno on my MDD body before her P40 came in and I didn't like it as much, something seemed just slightly off. I like her better on the slightly shorter and wider P40. I have no regrets about buying either body. My Sakuno only looks right to me on a P40, and likewise my 01 only looks right on an MDD. Obviously others use P40s for 01 heads and I think it looks fine, but my Mitsuki always has been and always will be on an MDD. If I switched her body she would look different. But even if the first body of that size I bought was a P40 I would still at some point pay the extra money and get an MDD, because the aesthetics are different. I got one in the first place because I thought the body was cute.


TLDR; if you really like/prefer the MDDs aesthetics then the extra money is worth it. If you're just looking to get the size then it might not be.


Just ordered the MDD from Volks JP.. very helpful read Mine is a 01 as well, better safe than sorry I guess..


Hopefully I don't have to wait an entire month for it to ship like my last order..


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A little late but I agree with Jezrah. The MDD is a very different body style than the Obitsu 40 so if you like a more round, childish body then the MDD is the way to go. The Obi is a bit more stable for posing and standing but the issues of the older MDD bodies have been fixed and the MDD3 body is an excellent new version. I have several of the Obitsu 40 bodies and while I love how they pose and look, my girls that have an MDD body seem cuter and more "natural" looking ( if that makes sense ) to me. Maybe a softer look is what I mean since there aren't as many hard edges on the MDD bodies like on the Obi ones.


Congrats on getting an MDD body and an 01 head! I have MDD sized girls with 01 heads.


I look forward to seeing her all put together!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Late to the party as usual...


I have both an MDD and 40cms. I have to concur with baldylox and Jezrah. It's really all about what you want to see. The look you're after is going to dominate your choice of which to get and as you've already ordered, doesn't matter much now.


Anyway, here's some info for you and anyone else considering the question of which to buy. Here are my vertically challenged 1/3 scale girls:



As labeled, left and center are Parabox/Obitsu 40cms. Technically the 40cm body is a Parabox product so credit where credit is due. Most of the external vinyl body parts of the 40cm (minus hands and feet) were designed by Parabox who commissioned Obitsu to manufacture them. Parabox also designed some modified internal parts (shorter legs, arms, and spine) based off of the Obitsu 50cm body skeleton. Since the 40cm borrows a lot of parts from the 50cm, a lot of 50cm parts will swap out with the 40cm so you can adjust the look of the 40cm.


Mittens (left) is a 40cm with the Parabox "Alice" head. Her 40cm body has been modified with a VMF50 Type E bust (tan), VMF50 hands and feet (tan).


Hyacinth (center) is also a 40cm with the Obitsu Haruka head. She has been modified with the stock Obitsu 50cm abdomen and the Obitsu 50cm large bust.


Pinky (right) is/was an MDD* (V1) with the Obitsu Haruka head. I bought Pinky about 7-8 years ago. She was my first Volks vinyl. I was expecting posing performance similar to my Obitsus. Was I very disappointed. I even wrote Volks about tightening the joints. Their actual response was, "Use a doll stand." That's not always possible for what I do with my girls (the MADh Vinyl photostory). So I ended up gutting her and replacing her skeleton with Obitsu 50/60cm parts. So besides the massive internal modification, she's MDD on the outside (except for visible ankle, shoulder, elbows, and wrist joints). Now she poses like an Obitsu, down to the magnets in her feet. I really dislike the extremely high waist on the MDD body so she will be getting an Obitsu torso soon. Haven't decided which.


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A little late but I agree with Jezrah. The MDD is a very different body style than the Obitsu 40 so if you like a more round, childish body then the MDD is the way to go. The Obi is a bit more stable for posing and standing but the issues of the older MDD bodies have been fixed and the MDD3 body is an excellent new version. I have several of the Obitsu 40 bodies and while I love how they pose and look, my girls that have an MDD body seem cuter and more "natural" looking ( if that makes sense ) to me. Maybe a softer look is what I mean since there aren't as many hard edges on the MDD bodies like on the Obi ones.


Congrats on getting an MDD body and an 01 head! I have MDD sized girls with 01 heads.


I look forward to seeing her all put together!








Thanks guys, really glad to know the two bodies feel different, not just in price.. the more childish look on the MDD is what Im after.


Kinda wish Volks JP is as efficient as Mandarake.. they finally shipped my previous order placed on 20/June..


K-2: The extremely high waist on MDD is a win in my case, more like a loli body..




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The extremely high waist on MDD is a win in my case, more like a loli body..

If that's what you want, you win! Buy the doll that makes you happy.


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