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Hello fellow DD owners!


I am in need of some DD hands. But I need your opinion!































Which are the most necessary hands in your opinions? And... you have 01 pair of each hand? Or there are hands that you advise having more than 01 pair? Or even a pair for each girl?


I know that I will need to buy the hands both in normal skin and in white skin. I only have Beato default hands(BTW, wich model is it?), and already decided to get the h-09 hands. It is true that the Saber will come with 2 pair of hands? Wich ones?


And, do you prefer h-07 or h-05? or both are interesting?

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I think, that 04 hands ("flat" ?) and 06 (gripping) are good for start and "general" poses.

If I may borrow the photo for illustration purposes



IMGP4160 by XOHimitsuOX, on Flickr


Other are imo much more "specialized".

Seriously, how often You want the V-sign, catgirl poses or other "uber-kawaii" gestures ?

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I agree that the 06 hands are extremely useful, and the new 08s probably are too. As for what others you want, I think it partially depends on if you're into doing photostories, or just beauty shots. If you're into photostories, the pointing hands are very expressive in my experience, and I'm considering picking up one of the fist styles for expression/acting purposes too, but for beauty shots they're probably a bit superfluous. The V pose and rock/kira-kira hands I consider kind of specialty hand shapes that are probably only suited to certain characters enough to be worth picking up.

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I haven't been able to get any of the new ones yet like the "rock out" hands or new gripping hands. But I do have at least one set of each of the others. And as for the closed fist/nyan hands, I have like 5 pairs. I like teh kittehs.


I would say you would want one of each set if you can afford them. If not, you will want at least one pair of gripping hands so your girl can hold things. The flat/open hands are also nice to have for posing and action shots. They work well for letting your girl be expressive. But I personally think one pair of closed fist/nyan hands are needed for more expressions. She can show some anger with them, some cute kitty like poses or hiding under the blanket shots. I love the closed hands. So after all that rambling, I would say get one each of closed hands, open/flat hands and gripping hands.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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That is something that I hadn't thought about... Thanks for bringing up the subject, Saluli!


I do like the V-sign and rock out (I do them myself way too much ), but I think I that the neko are a must. But it also has a lot to do with my perception of a dollfie and the character that I plan to build for her.


A n00b suggestion would be look around with the clothes and accessories that you already and see which "style" would fit your dollfie better at the moment. It feels more personal than it might look.


If you don't have the basic ones, you could go for them first and slowly build for the "special" ones.


That said, I will also need to do some thinking about it. For my wish list, I would say:

  • H06


Anyways, good luck with your choice!

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Based on my own experience, this is what I'd suggest.


I'd say 08 and 04 would be great to start with. You can do a lot with those hands and they are the 2 that I bought first.


The reason I say 08 rather than 06 is because the right hand in the 06 is made to fit in a gun and has "trigger finger" which looks a bit awkward. The 08 is more graceful


Between the 05 and 07 it's just a matter of personal preference. You'll get some use out of them in odd ways other than just "nyan nyan" poses but they are so similar that you don't need to have both.


For example - in this picture there is one each of the 01, 04, 05 and 06



02, 03 and 09 are the probably the most limited in terms of their use. I have them for the sake of having them, but haven't used them very often.


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Sorry to derail the thread but I just had to say that I LOVE this picture! Those two girls look so happy with their haul of loot! I love the DD sized DD boxes! Great stuff there.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I guess it depends on the feel you're going for. Do you want your girls to seem relaxed and natural, or do you want them to seem like they're specifically posing for photos.


I do mostly stories so I prefer natural. I use 05 and 06 the most often when I pose girls. Although if you aren't planning on having them use swords and guns much I think the new 08 is a better replacement for 06.


I personally think 05 is more representative of natural poses than the completely flat hand of 04. Yes 05 is a tight fist which isn't completely natural, but a loose fist is pretty common, and from many angles the 05 will look just like a loose fist. Where as a completely flat hand with spread fingers isn't something I see see people doing unless they're waving at each other (or slapping each other ).


So I put 04 in with 02 and 09 as hands more useful if you want it to look like the girls are specifically posing for the camera. And I think 07 is much more direct at nyan nyan poses specifically than 05. So if you're wanting camera poses hands these would all be good choices for you.


So as with most things, it depends on what you want to accomplish.

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I really like h-05 hands, but I think the new h-07 are more detailed and feminine.

H-06 hands are practical but up close the details look a bit manly, in my opinion.

And of course you can always mix and match which is lots of fun

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Thank you very much for all the input!

It really helped me. Considering the high shipping from Volks International, I intend to get the hands for Beatrice and Extra in a single time. (alter's ones will wait until she is here....). So, I am not considering the personality factor very much....

Probably I will get 04, 07(or 05... didn't decide yet) 08, 09.

but, surely, I would love to have all of them. For now, I will look a lot to beato hands and try to get some inspiration.

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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