Hustic Posted July 25, 2016 So currently I own a hybrid of a white skin obitsu head on a normal skin DDS body and I really like the matching, I think the two skin tones work really well together. However, I also have a SWS head (Mariko) and was thinking about moving her onto a 48cm obitsu body so the two girls have a nice height difference. I eventually want to put her on a DDP body, but it looks like hoping for a SWS body only pre order or something is going to be pretty far off into the future. My question is will any of the obitsu skintones match my Mariko? Or will it look too off? Also, is there a way to blush the obitsu body or Marikos head to match each other if you think they wont match up naturally? Input and any photos would be great to look at thanks ^_^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noxxbunny Posted July 25, 2016 Personally, I'm in the minority here, but I like the matching of SWS and Obitsu White much more than NS. I think NS looks really dark compared to Obitsu's White. Maybe I just got a darker head or something, I don't know, since everyone else likes that combo. BUT, I find that the more red and pink you have in the faceup, the more the skin color difference is apparent. My hybrid boy is a SWS head. His faceup features only the teeny tiny-est hint of pink for some color. But the majority of his faceup is peach/light orange. So then I also blushed the top of his neck in that same light orange. I can't really capture it too well in a photo, but I think the blushing makes for a decent transition. I never really notice the skin color difference on him at all. But I noticed it a LOT when his head was blank. So I think faceup colors really matter here. I would think it would still work as long as you blush with the same colors featured in the faceup? If you even need to blush at all. not sure if that's helpful, but I hope it is. Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jezrah Posted July 25, 2016 I would say you could put a sws head on an obitsu body if you were willing to blush the whole head a little darker to match. But you can't blush the whole body light enough to match that way. And personally I wouldn't want to put that much blushing on a limited head like Mariko. I'd only be willing to do it on a standard head. I like the matching of a ns head on the Obitsu body because often you face is a bit darker than your body and once you dress and wig them it's not super noticeable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SydiaYuki Posted July 25, 2016 Hi! My bf Pharaviel, happens to have reshelled an existing white skin 04 in a sws 04 putting her on a white obitsu body and their match is pretty good in our opinion, just the hands being used are a bit darker but the overall body matching is very very good ****** My Custom DD outfits shop ******My Custom Faceups shop ****** Girls at home: Lilac - DD2 WS + DDH-06 /Primrose - White Christmas Alna head /Iris - DDS NS + DDH-05 modded /Amaryllis - MDD NS + DDH-06 modded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galatia9 Posted July 26, 2016 I have four Obitsu/DD hybrid boys, and they are all normal heads on whity bodies. I haven't seen Obitsu natural/normal in person, but it is definitely darker than whity. DDH-05 normal head on Obitsu 55cm whity boy body. The head is just a little darker than the body. Linda S. galatia9 DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
K-2 Posted July 26, 2016 Here's a mish-mash for ya. This is Hyatt who has a Obitsu fleshtone Haruka head on an Angel Philia tan (aka new Obitsu suntan) body with Obitsu/Parabox white skin pixie ears. Real people aren't one consistent skin color across their entire body. Why do dolls have to be? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hustic Posted July 26, 2016 Thank you everyone for your replies!! Okay, so it sounds like the whitey body might work for me, although I think 50cm would be better than 48cm since 48 seems a bit small. Another question, I saw on another post that there is indeed a 50cm Super white skin body? Does anyone know where I could possibly buy that body because I may be bad at googling but I'm having no luck >_< I'm not sure if that would be a better match, but I do figure if its too light at least I can blush it darker/pinker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
K-2 Posted July 26, 2016 I saw on another post that there is indeed a 50cm Super white skin body? Does anyone know where I could possibly buy that body The super white 50cm is available from the Obitsu online shop, but you will need a proxy to make the purchase and ship to you. It's currently out of stock but since it's still listed I think they will eventually make more. If you can't wait, the limited version of the super white 50cm (Mikaduki 2) has appeared on Yahoo Japan Auctions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elianti Posted July 27, 2016 I wasn't able to find a comparison of Obitsu super white and SWS exactly, but someone did compare their white skin 07 head with a super white 50-04 head on twitter. This blog post also compares obitsu suntan/whitey/super whitey. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hustic Posted July 27, 2016 I wasn't able to find a comparison of Obitsu super white and SWS exactly, but someone did compare their white skin 07 head with a super white 50-04 head on twitter. This blog post also compares obitsu suntan/whitey/super whitey. Wow thank you!! This comparison really helps! See I actually dont mind Volks white skin next to SWS except that its slightly too yellow for the SWS. But the obitsu Super whitey looks pinker to me than the volks white skin. So I think if its a little lighter but still pinkish then it will work well with my Mariko ^_^ Only problem is now to find a body for sale haha! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites