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Character themed outfit?

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First time posting a topic, so I hope I'm posting in the right place.


Ok so, I'm making a character(from a game) and obviously(as the title says) I want to know if anyone knows someone that can make a character outfit? It's for a Smart Doll body, some I've talked to only make outfits for regular Dollfies since they don't have SmDs, so out of luck there. But if anyone can help, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Thank you in advance.

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http://www.beyond-wonderland-bjd.com does a fantastic job with commissioned outfits, and they can do them in any size as long as you provide all the measurements. Be prepared to pay $100 or more though! But their work is really worth it - check out their Gallery

At home: Kanna<3(Custom DDH-01 MDD NS)

*Seiya-kun is getting reshelled into the new SmD Eiji*

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Thank you so much, considering the outfit i have in mind is simple compared to most of them I don't think they will have trouble, heheh. I emailed them and hope to hear a response soon.

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  SamND1967 said:
Thank you so much, considering the outfit i have in mind is simple compared to most of them I don't think they will have trouble, heheh. I emailed them and hope to hear a response soon.


They respond fast! Usually between 3am-5am Good luck! ^^

At home: Kanna<3(Custom DDH-01 MDD NS)

*Seiya-kun is getting reshelled into the new SmD Eiji*

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Just a little follow up, unfortunately they were unable to make my design as it's a little to complicated. I might have to learn to make it myself than, just need a sewing machine, lol. But if anyone else has ideas they want to commission, check their site. They do some amazing work.

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  SamND1967 said:
Just a little follow up, unfortunately they were unable to make my design as it's a little to complicated. I might have to learn to make it myself than, just need a sewing machine, lol. But if anyone else has ideas they want to commission, check their site. They do some amazing work.


Wow, it was too complicated to do? Now I'm interested in what outfit you requested, lol.

At home: Kanna<3(Custom DDH-01 MDD NS)

*Seiya-kun is getting reshelled into the new SmD Eiji*

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Well the outfit I was trying to do was Neptune's parka from Neptunia. I don't think I can upload a pic(not sure how anyway). But yeah, I was planning to do her outfit. I'm a big fan of the series, and was trying to make my own NepNep.

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  SamND1967 said:
Well the outfit I was trying to do was Neptune's parka from Neptunia. I don't think I can upload a pic(not sure how anyway). But yeah, I was planning to do her outfit. I'm a big fan of the series, and was trying to make my own NepNep.


Ah, Neptune! She's really cute ^^ But yeah although it is a parka, I can see how some aspects of it might be hard to create. I think it's possible though - keep looking! :3

At home: Kanna<3(Custom DDH-01 MDD NS)

*Seiya-kun is getting reshelled into the new SmD Eiji*

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So somewhat minor update on this (on this old post), I actually found someone to make the outfit, Black-swan!

So yay! only downside is uh... going to cost me a little over 1000 as they are able to make EVERYTHING.



NOW I MUST SAVE UP SOMEHOW!!!! You guys think this might be too much? I've run out of commissioners, and they are my last resort. *goes to cry in a corner.* Guess it depends on how much i really want it, huh?

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Is this the outfit http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/neptunia/images/6/64/Neptune_Parka_Full.png/revision/latest?cb=20141011194348 ?


Since you can do a lot of those things yourself, I believe 1000 is super expensive (I'm not saying that the pice is wrong, just that you could do some of the things yourself, of it is going to be time consuming but...)


Idk, if you really love that outfit so much... but I believe that you could try to do it yourself for less, maybe not perfect, but you don't know either if its going to be perfect the one the comissioner makes you..

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I can't post links(since I'm not an a full member yet, BUT GETTING CLOSE), it's that outfit but in black. Like what her older self wears later on.

Tbh, I actually made one myself, just i didn't like how the hoodie and bottom hem came out, since my sewing skills aren't the best. I'd show how mine looks but again, I can't post links.

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Ummm I think 1000 is a bit expensive...

Somethings of the outfit (if it's the one Nikn post) could be easily found/done, like the stockings - of course more complicated parts you could commission the person for the rest? But of course, if you find that the work of the commissioner is worth it I say go for it!

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I have never had anything commissioned. That said, I would never spend 1000 on a custom outfit. I know you said it includes everything. Does that mean a doll, head, custom faceup, eyes, outfit, and shoes? If thats what's included then maybe.

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  SamND1967 said:
So somewhat minor update on this (on this old post), I actually found someone to make the outfit

So yay! only downside is uh... going to cost me a little over 1000 as they are able to make EVERYTHING.


does everything includes an actual moving talking Nep-nep, 'cause... that's a bit too expensive for clothes only.

That'd be too expensive if full-sized human cosplay!! much less a doll

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  Aruku said:
Ummm I think 1000 is a bit expensive...

Somethings of the outfit (if it's the one Nikn post) could be easily found/done, like the stockings - of course more complicated parts you could commission the person for the rest? But of course, if you find that the work of the commissioner is worth it I say go for it!


I thought the same too, pretty expensive. I've seen their work and it does look really well done. But I think Imma try myself a bit more, see what happens.


  seventhfonist said:
I have never had anything commissioned. That said, I would never spend 1000 on a custom outfit. I know you said it includes everything. Does that mean a doll, head, custom faceup, eyes, outfit, and shoes? If thats what's included then maybe.


Everything minus the doll herself, so parka, socks, shoes, even a wig.


  Chise said:
  SamND1967 said:
So somewhat minor update on this (on this old post), I actually found someone to make the outfit

So yay! only downside is uh... going to cost me a little over 1000 as they are able to make EVERYTHING.


does everything includes an actual moving talking Nep-nep, 'cause... that's a bit too expensive for clothes only.

That'd be too expensive if full-sized human cosplay!! much less a doll


I knooooow! I was super excited but more that i think about it, it really is too much. I'm just going to try and make it myself. Super thank to you and everyone else who has been commenting. ^-^

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  SamND1967 said:
So somewhat minor update on this (on this old post), I actually found someone to make the outfit, Black-swan!

So yay! only downside is uh... going to cost me a little over 1000 as they are able to make EVERYTHING.



NOW I MUST SAVE UP SOMEHOW!!!! You guys think this might be too much? I've run out of commissioners, and they are my last resort. *goes to cry in a corner.* Guess it depends on how much i really want it, huh?



Ah yes, Black Swan! They really do charge a lot (they're famous for it), but they could make those parts that Beyond Wonderland can't. It really does depend on how much you want it ^^;

At home: Kanna<3(Custom DDH-01 MDD NS)

*Seiya-kun is getting reshelled into the new SmD Eiji*

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I have probably paid a total of 1000 for Felicias outfit some bought some I made myself so I'm sort of lumping in cost of my time and materials. I still need to custom 3d print a bunch of guns and parts. If the cost will guarantee you exactly what you want the I would say go for it.


Remember some of that cost may be time to source materials and time to prototype things. I probably made 3 tactical vests before ending up with something acceptable. I still need to go back and try a 4th to make the final version that fixes all the errors from the original process.

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I'm actually getting an outfit made by a Chinese vendor


I ordered 10 of them for $260 USD.


Since ordering just 1 costs about the same.

I will be hopefully selling the extras in the marketplace to make a little money as profit lol.


With the pictures they have sent me so far the prototype already looks great. I just have to see the clothes myself for the quality.


But don't be afraid to contact other vendors who make character themed outfits. Don't just stick with one. I actually have a really nice Junko outfit I bought from the said Chinese vendor and the quality was actually pretty good.

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