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Ebony Coming Home

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I ordered my first Smart Doll yesterday in the 11% off birthday sale! Two happy things occurred:


- Danny was unexpectedly offering free CJ green shirts for all Ebony and Ivory orders! Woo! How kind of him.

- I got shipping notification when I woke up this morning! Less than 24 hours later! Now that's service


I can't wait for Ebony to come! I will be posting picspam here when she arrives. (For UK people's reference, I will also keep track of how long customs hold onto her and how much they charge, lol).


Happy to be part of the Smart Doll family!

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Yey for dolls arriving soon! I am hoping mine won't be stuck in customs over the weekend, but I'm not overly positive.

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Yay, Ebony! She's still the girl I like most. Be sure to post a lot of pics! Are you planning to customise her at all or just keep her as is?

Still really waffling over getting her for her cute face and skin tone but I'm still being cautiously optimistic that eventually Danny will make a body more like a DDdy, since a body with slightly more shapely arms/legs would suit this OC of mine a lot more.


CultureJapan is REALLY fast. When I bought Kaito's hands, I paid for them on friday and they arrived on saturday, and Fu kuoka is pretty far from Tokyo. I heard the international post is only 3-4 days or less, but customs would slow it down unfortunately.

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  Missy_Magoo said:
I ordered my first Smart Doll yesterday in the 11% off birthday sale! Two happy things occurred:


- Danny was unexpectedly offering free CJ green shirts for all Ebony and Ivory orders! Woo! How kind of him.

- I got shipping notification when I woke up this morning! Less than 24 hours later! Now that's service


I can't wait for Ebony to come! I will be posting picspam here when she arrives. (For UK people's reference, I will also keep track of how long customs hold onto her and how much they charge, lol).


Happy to be part of the Smart Doll family!


you won't have to wait, long hun!!! El is already in Bodmin depo. I ordered him on the 26th.. they shipped on the 29th and it's only took 2 days to get here and get out of customs. just got to wait for that blasted letter to tell me they want my kidneys and a lung XD


Also grats on her. maybe at some point, we could get a Cornwall dollie meet together and I can finally see a smart doll tan in person ^o^




letting you know my customs charge with parcel force fee was just under £60 ( i bought blank body and extra hands)

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01.09.2016 16:55

Accepted from sender

Tokyo Osaki


01.09.2016 23:47

Arrival at international place of exchange

Tokyo Tokyo Int


02.09.2016 06:20

Send item abroad (Export)


...she should be touching down in the uk today or tomorrow!



@belpita ah yes you have a new arrival too! Squee! I see from the other thread that your parcel did get stuck in customs over the weekend after all, d'oh -__-;; I hope they release it and let you know the ransom damage soon!


@torino Yes, they are SO fast! Maybe it's just that I'm used to ordering a BJD and then patiently settling down to wait for 2 months, but damn, there's something beautiful about hitting the checkout button and then seeing it ship less than a day later


I'm planning to keep Ebony's faceup the same because it's so cute, but I might update her wig at some point. I'm torn between dolls with short, easy-to-manage wigs like Harmony...and the ones with long, silky locks that you can stroke and style like Mirai's. Maybe something in the middle will work


@Error-chan omg if you're near Bodmin then you're closer than I thought!! We should totally do a Cornwall doll meet in future haha, I have never had the chance to go to one before because they're always up country and I don't drive xD (closest I ever got was going to the London MCM expo a couple of years back, there was a lady selling BJD merchandise there! I remember being enchanted because it was my first time seeing a 1/3 doll in person )


But wow, £60 is very reasonable, that would be ok...I'm just afraid tbh that the chimps who work in customs will read 20,000 yen as £ or $ (like they have before -_-) and then there'll be a massive bill that I have to get them to refund later. I'm sure it'll be ok though, just being a nervous wreck until she gets here!! ^^;; Glad to hear your dolly did not take too long!

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Yes, I suspected my Chitose would end up in customs, which would mean a day's delay. I asked Danny if he could put a lower value on the package, but I don't know if he still does that. (No, I didn't specify any sum.)


I remember once when I bought a bjd for 30,000 yen, but customs read it as 80,000!


Anyway, fingers crossed for you! Looking forward to seeing photos.

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  Missy_Magoo said:

@Error-chan omg if you're near Bodmin then you're closer than I thought!! We should totally do a Cornwall doll meet in future haha, I have never had the chance to go to one before because they're always up country and I don't drive xD (closest I ever got was going to the London MCM expo a couple of years back, there was a lady selling BJD merchandise there! I remember being enchanted because it was my first time seeing a 1/3 doll in person )


But wow, £60 is very reasonable, that would be ok...I'm just afraid tbh that the chimps who work in customs will read 20,000 yen as £ or $ (like they have before -_-) and then there'll be a massive bill that I have to get them to refund later. I'm sure it'll be ok though, just being a nervous wreck until she gets here!! ^^;; Glad to hear your dolly did not take too long!


haha yeah, you're welcome to PM me and we can chat! and yeah I have not had a charge go to big only one but she was a limited and was marked at full price so I knew it would be bad XD. can't wait to see your girl! El will be here in a few days then I can start customizing things like clothing and so on.

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YAY! I'm so happy for you and I hope you get her soon. You are going to love her. She is so beautiful in person. I have one, and I find her super beautiful

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Congrats! I wish I had the money to purchase during the sale. Can't wait to see pics!

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Ooh how exciting for you! Hope your girl escapes from the clutches of customs soon.

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Thanks so so much everyone!


I'm totally excited because she's nearly here! Customs only took 48 hours to do their thing, which is amazing because I've had Pullips sit there for up to 11 days before...lol...luck of the draw I guess?


Anyways, she's on her way!! Just gotta ring up the depot tonight or tomorrow to ask for the damages and pay over the phone ^^;


6/9/2016 11:09 National Hub Sorted

6/9/2016 8:39 International Hub Released from customs

6/9/2016 3:10 International Hub Revised Customs charges raised

5/9/2016 20:28 International Hub Customs charges raised

4/9/2016 16:19 International Hub Awaiting Customs clearance

4/9/2016 16:13 International Hub Arrived in the UK


In other news the clothes I ordered for her from Nine9 Style arrived today! A few thoughts

-lol they're HUGE

-such adorable, beautiful quality! wow! I can't wait to see her in them!

-lol no seriously they are HUGE

-I ordered these on the 31st August, that is some fast service, big thumbs up to Korean post

-did I mention they are HUGE? xD I don't know how anyone has more than 1 1/3 doll, surelytheir wardrobe takes up so much space! haha

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  Missy_Magoo said:

In other news the clothes I ordered for her from Nine9 Style arrived today! A few thoughts

-lol they're HUGE

-such adorable, beautiful quality! wow! I can't wait to see her in them!

-lol no seriously they are HUGE

-I ordered these on the 31st August, that is some fast service, big thumbs up to Korean post

-did I mention they are HUGE? xD I don't know how anyone has more than 1 1/3 doll, surelytheir wardrobe takes up so much space! haha


What size did you choose? I see they have both DD and SD13.

Looking forward to review and pictures.

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I loooove Nine9 style's clothing; I feel like they and TTYA have the best jeans ever. I started out with 1/6 scale dolls so I remember thinking everything was huge at first, too! My 1/3 clothing fills an entire trunk and then some, so... I hope you have lots of space!

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I ordered my Ebony during the birthday sale as well and it only took her 3 days to arrive. when I go the green CJ shirt I was a little confused wondering if I ordered it and didn't remember or if it was a mistake that it was included. I got her and I love her but it is a huge difference between her and my dollfie girl. Smart doll is gonna take some getting used to especially those joints

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