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Kurenai, Twilight and Moonlight

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A new original character. Danny confirmed that she's a brand new sculpt.



She's actually my favourite of the girls so far - and she'll be coming in tea colour too which I'm really interested in. Something about her seems more vibrant than the other girls.


She's still a work in progress though so some things about her like her faceup, eyes etc might change.

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I feel like her face has more dimension than the other girls? I like her eyes a lot! What's funny is that I think she looks a lot like Anastasia from Im@s!

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He said she's 'very different to previous sculpts' so could this mean he's solved the 'flat face' problem? I'm keeping an eye on her for sure.


I'm also kind of hoping these random new characters means that characters like Haruka are being saved for when he makes a shorter body.

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What's funny is that I think she looks a lot like Anastasia from Im@s!

I *new* I saw her somewhere



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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I think she's a HUGE improvement on previous sculpts, and will probably mesh a lot better with DDs in a group, but I'm already certain she will not be joining my collection.


This does make me much more interested in his future releases, though.

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She's very pretty!


I wish he'd finish releasing his characters from CJ first, though, I'm still waiting for Kanata

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Omg I really likeher so far. I really want a tea girl but the Chitoseand Mirai sculpts weren't quite what I was looking for. This girl could be it though, I'm excited to see more!


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OMFG she looks like she might not be flat! She reminds me of Miki Hoshii a bit--think it's the eyes/smile combo.


I'm with Cauldy at the moment: don't want this particular head (just not feeling inspired), but it DOES give me hope for the future of SmartDoll.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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...ohhhh no I really like her! She has a Miki vibe to her, and that smile! Really smiley sculpts and faceups really get me. ; -;" A tea version just might be perfect for one of my characters too.. but I'm trying to not get too ambitious with my doll plans and pace things out lol


Now I'm REALLY curious about the other girls and guys they're working on..

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I like her a lot! Looking forward to seeing more of her.

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She def has more of a nose than Mirai (unless this is just some really fantastic paint job?)


and omg, that perfect eye shape!!! Been getting a bit burned out on the 'taller' eyes recently, and this slightly narrower shape is right up my alley


Here's hoping she comes in gorgeous tan colors too!

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She looks so cute!! I can't wait to see her in tea.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I'm not feeling it...she looks like she has 4 eyebrows.

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...she looks like she has 4 eyebrows.


wait, what... *opens up image full-size on PC screen*

ahh, now i see it too!!! Looks like they drew the eyelid crease line way too high above the eye tiself and it's like an extra wrinkle eyebrow! (this is like the pointy chin on Anastasia. When you see it... cannot look anywhere else)

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I was going to use Ebony for a certain character but I think she will suit better. The only thing I don't like about the tea and harmony faceups is that the pink on the cheeks is really bright and looks strange to me, so I guess we'll see how she turns out. I think she'll work better for a character I had in mind though. Hnnngghh

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Seems like he keeps adding things to his plate... But I guess it is necessary to keep a flow of sales up.

Just hope he does not stumble or get burned out.


Do you not think Kurenai resembles SQlabs Kirie quite a bit?

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Seems like he keeps adding things to his plate... But I guess it is necessary to keep a flow of sales up.

Just hope he does not stumble or get burned out.


I'm hoping with actual employees they'll pick up the slack when he does get burned out/throw his back out again/catch the plague. Danny's shown multiple times he doesn't know what the terms "moderation", "work-life balance", and "take care of your health" actually mean.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Oh she looks great! I'm not sure I'll be getting her any time soon, but I thought that about chitose until I saw her in person so who knows!


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so looks like the tan version will be a separate character called Twilight, she should probably get her own thread I suppose?




I really like her;;;;;;;; I've never been gladder that smartdolls are non-limited, if I ever get her it probably wont be for a year or two, otherwise I mess up my current doll plans.


(Also thinking about how her head could potentially be good for a boy...)

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I really liked the look of Kurenai, but now I see Twilight! She is such a cutie! Just look at her little teefs! I think Danny is going in a really great direction with these new girls!

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Ooohhh Twilight is exactly what I've been wanting. Seconding the "it's nice they're not limited cuz I can't get her for a year or two" though.


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Let's please not start another thread for just the difference of skin tones okay guys? It's beginning to get cluttered here in the Smartdoll area so I'd prefer us not starting threads for each and every variation of a new doll he comes out with or shows pics of.






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I thought so - she does have a different faceup but it's best if they share this thread so I changed the thread title.

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