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Bringing home the bacon... and 2 new dolls

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Well, well, well.... looks like I can finally do a box opening story with Smartdolls!


As always, my cat Lenny decides he needs to help me out.


29727986986_5bff8e9cdc_z.jpgDSC_0069 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Oooooo! Nice packaging!


29138740513_82fdc32723_z.jpgDSC_0070 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Sheesh, this lump of vinyl sure is heavy!


29651696792_01c3f433e2_z.jpgDSC_0071 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I love the little faceup protector they put on him, very cool.


29136250804_c09e4533cc_z.jpgDSC_0072 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Tah dah! It's Eiji! Danny sent him along with my Chitose so that I could use him as a model at the Atlanta BJD Convention this November. So he's not really mine, he's on loan until after the con.... then he gets shipped back to HQ.


29471748360_7eca169eb8_z.jpgDSC_0073 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Oh man, I love these bags! They are so cute and well made! The material is sturdy and printed with bright graphics.


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Yay, Lenny is "helping" Eiji.


"Bro, that cat is HUGE!"


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Eiji and Lenny ask... "What's in the baaaaaggggg?"


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We pull off the wrapping and see a box and some more wrapping.


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Here's what was in there.


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Chitose wrapped up nicely and in a kneeling position.


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"Ahhh! Where's MY hair? Where's YOUR hair Mister?"


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"Hmm, she'd be kinda hot with some hair. But bald might work too..."


29763727305_f8e661c418_z.jpgDSC_0081 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


"PLEASE gimmie my hair! I can't go around like this! What will people think?"


29138593453_22c502799f_z.jpgDSC_0082 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


E - "Calm down girly, maybe it's in here."


C - "Maybe! Hurry up and find it!"


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"YAY! My hair is back!"


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Do you feel better now Chitose?


"I'd feel MUCH better if I had some real clothing."


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This was in the wig bag. A Smartdoll stand ( in the same skin tone as Chitose! ), a chip of vinyl to test fabrics on for staining, a "Care and Feeding" card and an info card about Chitoses character.


29138537353_8471676b37_z.jpgDSC_0086 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


C - "You are so slow! I need my clothes please!"


E - "You certainly are one demanding chick! I think these are your shoes."


29136078374_cae3e53ac6_z.jpgDSC_0087 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


"Ewwww.... there's eyeballs in here bro."


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"These look like mine! I'm very concerned about this..."


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"Hmm, I wonder if I can fit into this..."


29471538130_7073ce4afb_z.jpgDSC_0090 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


C - "MY CLOTHES! Gimmie those!"


E - "What the heck is an "Air Stand"?"


29471529690_9d76302162_z.jpgDSC_0091 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


"Ahhh, finally. I feel so much better now."


29471520250_d681471dc0_z.jpgDSC_0092 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Lenny and Eiji are checking out the XL bust I got for Chitose...


"Whoa bro, these are amazing..."


29138418833_5b015f7d7e_z.jpgDSC_0093 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


"What? NO! Those are my.... STOP THAT! NOOOOOO!"


29471491190_8d4de6c4f0_z.jpgDSC_0094 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


"Settle down babe. You need to put these on so I can check you out."


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C - "Now I can't get married!"



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E - "Bro, why are we back in the bag?"


Well, everyone likes taking pics of their new kids in these so I figured we'd do it too.


C - "I'm a bit concerned that you called us your kids..."


E - "Dang bro, that's kinda weird."


Why do you keep saying bro?


E - "I can't stop saying bro.... bro."


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E - "Ohhh yeahhh, I look gooood."


C - "You LOOK like an idiot."


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And there we have them! I'd been wanting a tan Chitose ever since Danny first announced he would do one so I'm super hyped to get one of my own! As for Eiji, he'll be hanging out with me til after the convention ( WHICH YOU SHOULD ALL TRY TO COME TO! ) then he'll head back home to CJ HQ.


A huge shoutout to Danny for allowing me to borrow an Eiji to help spread the word about him!


Thanks for looking!





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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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That's so cool that he leant you an Eiji! I was wondering why you had him on twitter.

It's a shame he cant stay, he'd have the biggest harem in the world.

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That was a great box opening story.

Thank you!

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Hahaha! Eiji is an Abominable Bro-Man!


Grats on getting them both in; they're hilarious.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Torino said:
That's so cool that he leant you an Eiji! I was wondering why you had him on twitter.

It's a shame he cant stay, he'd have the biggest harem in the world.


Yep! I've known Danny for about 6 years now and while we don't talk as much as we used to, we still chat from time to time. And since I borrowed a Mirai Frame for the con last year, it made it easier to borrow Eiji for this year. It makes me very happy that Danny trusts me enuff to do this sort of thing and I'm always extremely happy when he allows me to do things like that. He's very much someone I look up to and I'm proud that I can call him a friend. So whenever I get the chance to help spread the word for him about his business and dolls, I'm all about it.


And yes, if Eiji *did* stay here, he'd probably be the luckiest boy doll in the US..... what with basically his pick from a veritable cornucopia of females.


  belpita said:

That was a great box opening story.

Thank you!


Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


  Poofiemus said:
Hahaha! Eiji is an Abominable Bro-Man! Grats on getting them both in; they're hilarious.


Ha ha! Poor Eiji, he reminds me too much of good old Rob Lowe with his pretty looks and perfect frame. Manami may get jealous of him since he's so pretty... And thank you very much!


To K-2's girls


You guys are so funny! It's true Chitose, you DO indeed look like mine except you have the bigger bust right now. But I did get the XL bust for mine as well so eventually she'll get swapped over to that one. And since you and Kizuna are going to be at the doll con in November, I decided to leave my Chitose in her small bust so that people can see the difference between you and her. Oh, by the way, don't listen to Kizuna, your butt isn't any bigger than my Chitose. It's a fine little hiney as is, you're good to go!


And Kizuna, while I do like your look and style, I don't know if I'll be adopting one of you for my family. I may eventually but for now I'm holding off. Besides, I can enjoy YOUR antics and pretty looks from here for the time being.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
But I did get the XL bust for mine as well so eventually she'll get swapped over to that one. And since you and Kizuna are going to be at the doll con in November, I decided to leave my Chitose in her small bust so that people can see the difference between you and her.

Maybe you should make the swap to the XL so there's a Smart Doll with the XL (unless your Mirai already has one).


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bwaahahahaha frat boy Eiji is the best xD I am very amused by the kick-to-the face photo and the last shot.


Also, Lenny is adorable. Please give him a pet from me ^__^

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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  K-2 said:
Maybe you should make the swap to the XL so there's a Smart Doll with the XL (unless your Mirai already has one).


But I thought YOUR Chitose had the XL Bust? Which one does she have?


  Ie-Aster said:
bwaahahahaha frat boy Eiji is the best xD I am very amused by the kick-to-the face photo and the last shot. Also, Lenny is adorable. Please give him a pet from me ^__^


I'm not sure Eiji is a frat boy, he's a male model that looks up to Rob Lowe so I think that's where some of his personality comes from. And thanks about the photos, they were fun to do! I will definitely give Lenny some pets for you!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
But I thought YOUR Chitose had the XL Bust? Which one does she have?

My Chitose has the large bust. Kizuna is a medium (most of the time).


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Fun read, the unboxing.


  K-2 said:


I love this photo! It's posed so well, with her looking at her backside.

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  K-2 said:
My Chitose has the large bust. Kizuna is a medium (most of the time).


Wow, I was way off! Since I don't have the Medium bust for the SD girls, I thought your Kizuna was the L bust and that Chitose was an XL. I guess the clothing your girls wear accentuate the busts quite a lot more than I first thought.


I've got the L for my Mirai but she doesn't wear it much except for when she wears the maid set. I'll still keep my Chitose as the S bust so we can show off the S, M, L and I'll bring along the XL bust separately so people can see every size available except for the SS.



  sinclair said:
Fun read, the unboxing.


Thank you!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
Wow, I was way off! Since I don't have the Medium bust for the SD girls, I thought your Kizuna was the L bust and that Chitose was an XL. I guess the clothing your girls wear accentuate the busts quite a lot more than I first thought.

I'm not surprised. The Smart Doll busts look bigger to me than their labels say. The medium looks bigger than a medium would be and the same goes for the large.


  sinclair said:
Fun read, the unboxing.

I'd have to agree.

A friend of mine bought an Eiji to be a surfer dude and I've thought of him that way ever since.


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This is a great story. I really love it. Your Chitose is so beautiful. But I'm just here wondering what Manami is doing to Eiji LOL

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  MrFjmg03 said:
This is a great story. I really love it. Your Chitose is so beautiful. But I'm just here wondering what Manami is doing to Eiji LOL


Thank you so much! I love Chitose too, she looks so nice in person! As for Manami, she doesn't really think much of Eiji..... she prefers pretty and sexy women.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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