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Sunrise x smart doll

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I'm throwing it off to bad convention lighting, the lighter previews did look better, and even my Mirai looks awful in certain lighting. I was hoping he'd upload a studio photo as well today, but I now think that'll be when it's no longer considered a prototype.


I've yet to watch Cowboy Bebop so I can't really critique the sculpt, but for people who have given suggestions hopefully he considers them!

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I really like the smiling face. It looks cute and dorky.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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sorry but this tweet made me laugh more than it should have done


Spike at Dollism HK. The first #Smartdoll to have different expression faceups.

スパイク・スピーゲル表情差分も製作中。©SUNRISE https://t.co/UYaqGG0Aou

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I think his head is way too big :/ A big head works for cute girls, but not for Spike. I tried (roughly) editing his head to be smaller, and a teeny bit wider in the face:




I still think he need more work (like those concerned eyebrows), but it's a start?

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  Mimiyo3 said:
I seriously hope people voice their concerns to him and he maybe revises certain things, but I'm afraid his general crowd is just gonna say it looks great, which it doesn't.


No joke, I fear this is why we get dolls that look so much alike--whatever main group he listens to doesn't mind it so he doesn't feel a need to change it. I think it is inappropriate though to take upon a licensed character and just not make them accurately either or put forth more effort than you would for your OC line.


Volks isn't perfect, but they at least do body changes for a lot of dolls mattering on what they wanna do. I.e. Alisa's bust change, or DDP. Small changes make huge differences for a doll. Spike definitely needs a new torso part like people have said. Spike has that "Super Hero V" going on. The head is big for this body, but it would look okay (ish) at least proportionally had you fitted the shoulders. His head is definitely a bit too slim. He has a pretty strong jawline that I think could have been emphasized on just a little bit more. The eyes look better in the smiling picture (which that ones saddens me more because I wanted that expression), but still the face isn't right.


This feels like a case of started off great, and then just decided too hard and stuck a "good enough" sticker on it. I don't know how you could confidently say your design is perfect (or good) when I think a company you just paired up with (Kotobukiya) has a better representation of him in the works... Link: http://myfigurecollection.net/item/396921


And I don't love that figure (I probably wouldn't buy it), but it sure looks better than Danny's Spike. Closer, but not perfect either.


I dunno, I'm just annoyed. As I said I really wanted to like him. I keep rambling cause I'm upset as well. oTL;;


  Poofiemus said:
I was kind of hoping he'd be okay bait for either the 10th Doctor....


And I would have LOVED to have seen this. :< Sad day, sad day.




This all makes me feel like we are back to stage one with Eiji. Just mostly upset, and loss of interest on a great character design possibility. And the chances of Danny listening to us and really changing it feels like none.

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Yeah... Doesn't help that Danny never really acknowledged what I said, but he asked a question about some hardly related tangent in a reply to someone else. Can't help but feel he's turning a blind eye to criticism. No one said anything except a few people chiming in and agreeing with what I said over the initial shots, and once the smiley face was shown some people started fawning over it, with like, one or two saying they liked it better than the frown. I doubt we're going to see a sculpt change.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I doubt it. He did the "work" he had to, and he'll make money so all in all our opinions really don't actually matter. No reason to modify it if people will buy it. I think he got over all of us after Eiji.


But see, this bothers me so much. Nothing is more dissatisfying to me (whether Smart Doll, or Volks) when you don't put forth the effort to properly match the character to their designs. People shouldn't feel the need to instantly "fix" your mold to actually reach the space that is acceptable. If it is supposed to be a specific character (not to be converted to an OC) then you should be happy with them out of the box. That's at least how I feel. It always bums me out when things, even those I'm not interested in, have this happen to them. It is like getting a figure it doesn't at all match what it is based on. Same exact concept.


I'm even more confused when I think about Danny saying Spike is his "favorite" character, and yet he, as a fan, thinks this is a good representation of him? I guess I just can't get it. I'm totally and utterly stumped.

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  Gunter said:
I doubt it. He did the "work" he had to, and he'll make money so all in all our opinions really don't actually matter. No reason to modify it if people will buy it. I think he got over all of us after Eiji.


But see, this bothers me so much. Nothing is more dissatisfying to me (whether Smart Doll, or Volks) when you don't put forth the effort to properly match the character to their designs. People shouldn't feel the need to instantly "fix" your mold to actually reach the space that is acceptable. If it is supposed to be a specific character (not to be converted to an OC) then you should be happy with them out of the box. That's at least how I feel. It always bums me out when things, even those I'm not interested in, have this happen to them. It is like getting a figure it doesn't at all match what it is based on. Same exact concept.


I'm even more confused when I think about Danny saying Spike is his "favorite" character, and yet he, as a fan, thinks this is a good representation of him? I guess I just can't get it. I'm totally and utterly stumped.


Honestly, I think part of it is Danny might not have the best eye for detail. Some people just don't pick up on these details that are off, and make it look bad even if they can see that it looks bad, and some can't even see it to begin with.


I think part of the reason we're more critical of Danny than his other fans, even on things like this where we can't imagine how this could look good to someone has to do with the possibility of volks dollfie dreams having an aesthetic that better appeals to the more detail oriented, while Danny's aesthetics appeal more to people with less of a sense for it, because if you don't see those little details, they look like anime characters just popped out of the screen, while volks sculpts with more detail might look odd to them because it doesn't look like the way anime looks in, well, anime.


Also, I can easily see how even for someone with a good eye for detail Spike would be a difficult undertaking. His look in 2D would be incredibly difficult to translate to 3D, or perhaps even impossible without taking some liberties with it, and by doing that, in order to keep the resemblance strong you have to tow the line between applying realistic features to him while still keeping him solidly in an anime style. This causes there to be a fine line between not losing detail to the anime aesthetic, and making something more akin to a resin BJD sculpt that may or may not end up in uncanny valley territory at worst, and at best, wouldn't solidly look like anime anymore. I'm not faulting him for screwing that up. I can't say that I would do much better if I had the skills and resources that he has, but I am a bit peeved that he doesn't seem to be listening to criticism or even acknowledging it. Yes, it will probably still sell, especially with the different faces being a cool set of bells and whistles to add to the appeal, but if he listened to people and made it look better it would sell even better, so even from a business standpoint slapping it with a "good enough" label just doesn't make sense. If you want to grow as a company, you put out the best stuff you can.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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And this is why Smart Dolls do not appeal to me. At first they did, but then I began noticing weird proportions on them. Especially around the faces.

I was considering on buying Eiji for an OC I wanted to make, but the head sculpt just seems off, and the male body seems odd to me too.


If Danny doesn't take steps to improve then he will continue to put out odd looking dolls. Honestly only if a huge group of people were to complain about it then that's when he will finally listen.


It's a shame because I thought with Spike, I was going to get Smart Dolls. But they just make me turn away even more and just hope for Volks to release their own line of male Dollfie Dreams(Not shota like Len).

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I've never liked any Smartdoll faces. The bodies appeal, but none of the heads do. I can live without them, so no worries.

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  Torino said:
geez it really throws me off seeing Spike almost the same height as Miho, too. There should be cohesive consistency with character heights with licensed dolls. I know this is because he still only has one male body and one female body, but it just further heightens how weird a choice Miho even was.

Yup, I agree with that. Miho is definitely too young and too short to be on that taller body, and putting Spike on Eiji's body makes the difference in their sizes even more drastic.


I would really like to see Spike with a side glance, and with his head in a different position.


I'm assuming alternate heads would come with him, and preferably more than just two heads, because Spike has such distinctive expressions.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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Eiji looks better irl than in pictures, like most dolls, and the same goes for Chitose, both of which I have. The flatness is a bit of an issue, especially with Chitose. But they still manage to look good to me, not disproportionate as that can vary a lot with anime. What drew me to them was in Eiji's case that despite his occasional weirdness, he still looked so much like an OC of mine that I decided to go for him. Only thing I dislike about the Male body is it needs just a little more flexibility in the legs.


As for Chitose, she's pretty damn flat, but seeing her in person, her cuteness factor was just too much, and the expression she has just seemed very unique and charming to me. She very quickly became her own character. The mirai sculpt girls just look... Generic. They're flat, but that's not the part that bugs me most. I can't really make much out of them and that's what turned me away from them. As for the girl bodies, I think the arms need a just a little more shape, but other than that they look nice.


This... This is just a whole other level though. I can't think of how you could make this sculpt look right...


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I'm personally more critical on Danny because I think these molds are possible. There is a way to translate masculine anime characters from 2D to a 3D form, we see it all the time with a lot of male figures. It isn't impossible. I don't think Spike is impossible. While none of the figures or garage kits out there are perfect, their attempts still feel closer to what I want then this, and I would have happily taken that "closer" because anatomically they look good. That's a good example of taking a part and making it your own so you can translate it. It makes sense to do that, but please just do it in a nicer, more pleasing for the eye way.


I am pretty much on the side now that maybe Danny just doesn't have an understanding at how to form masculine angles, or aesthetically his style will just never quite fit it. We are seeing a lot of issues that I feel like we saw with Eiji. The girls are very flat. I think his issue with flatness clashes when he needs to do more than just what he has been doing.


And I know that I judge harder because his competitor is Volks. You should be aiming to surpass them, not proving to me why maybe it is good Volks hasn't tried making masculine male molds. If this is a possibility then goodness, I'm happy we haven't had anything till now.


Anyways, I'll let it go. There's no way I see Danny fixing this head to something tolerable. I've ranted myself tired haha. I'll just be happy I don't have to spend the money.


On a side note, I said this when he released Eiji, but I feel the need to re-state it. Holy hell, please don't let him ever get the rights to Solid Snake. I don't need to see Snake get butchered, kthx.

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Oh I never said it was impossible, just particularly with Spike I can see how it wouldn't be easy. That being said, I agree that Danny's tastes just don't match up to it well at the very least.


Also he asked me on twitter about my opinion on "why doll owners are so emo" I have no idea if that's a genuine question or some joke that was just lost on me. I have an answer about fashion (That I tend to see in the resin community more than anything) which I gave him, in case for whatever reason that was a serious question. Not sure what to think about that. If he was making a jab at people then... Well, that's kinda unprofessional but I'm not going to freak out over an assumption because tone and intent got lost via text.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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So uh, I don't know if anyone else here follow or even cares about prominent games journalists, but Doll!Spike really reminds me of Waypoint's Patrick Klepek

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  Mimiyo3 said:

Also he asked me on twitter about my opinion on "why doll owners are so emo" I have no idea if that's a genuine question or some joke that was just lost on me.


Ok to be honest my first impression of this is that it was a really rude and snarky way to ask why doll owners are so 'depressed/unhappy', ie 'why are so many of them unhappy with my products'(Referring to how many people have asked if all the newer OC dolls are the same mold as previous ones, which he's been snarky about before.) That's honestly the only way I can interpret it and...that is rude as hell. If that's what it is I'm honestly a little speechless that he'd talk to a paying customer like that, as well as dismiss criticism. It's weird to me because Danny is a perfectionist, that's kinda his thing. It was, anyway. Lately I really am getting the whole 'good enough' vibe from him. Is it because he's trying to do too much at once? Is it a lack of resoures?


But this recent dismissive way of waving away critique is honestly the reason why I dont say much myself so I applaud you for saying anything at all.


I understand how frustrating and precarious a position he is in - obviously he cant listen to everyone and its important to do what you yourself want to do...but at the same time, the critique is valid. He really hyped this release up and I feel like he thought it was perfect so someone not thinking so hurt him a little more than he'd like to admit. Maybe there will be better photos in future - theres still a while until his release and maybe there will be tweaks (not holding my breath but who knows). But to be honest its his attitude that worries me more than the quality of the doll. I've always found him really easy to talk to, but lately I'm worried about annoying him. I think it's a consequence of treating your customers like a friend and being so casual with them - maybe he doesn't actually intend to be as rude as he comes across because he also just sees it as being casual. It's just a bit jarring is all. Like people give this critique because they want the dolls to be better, not just to be aholes.

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  Mimiyo3 said:

Also he asked me on twitter about my opinion on "why doll owners are so emo" I have no idea if that's a genuine question or some joke that was just lost on me.



Wow... just wow..... I know a while back I asked if they will ever make the knees bendable to the elbows way and he came back with something like " no other companies do that" which I thought at the time was worded rudely but that there takes the basket.


All I can say is if enough of us complain to Sunrise its self then it might get through as they don't want negative feedback on their character.


tell them that the doll does not stand up to the characters and when you mentioned it to the doll company they shrugged you off and mention or screenshot the comment about us being " Emo" and say you are upset by this.


that might get through to Danny that HE is not the end all for an existing character and he needs to step up and get over himself if he's going into this part of the doll hobby.

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Spike's hair color is a dark dark green, not medium brown. grrr.

Tsuneko (Alisa) - Asuka (DDH06) - Haruka (DDH06) - Momoko (DDH04) - Lux (White Xmas Alna) - Alia (DDH-07) - Kizuna (smartdoll) - Azami (Alice Kuonji) - Melty - Kos-Mos - Kirika - Sheryl Nome - Ranka Lee - Mariko Sensei - Airi (Momo)

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Error-Chan, why not go to Danny then?

Complaining to Sunrise about something that is a matter of taste... I do not think it would lead to much action.


People new to the whole doll thing might find out about them through the Spike doll, and as well not care so "deeply" about the ascetics (although the price might deter then...) compared to someone who is familiar with this type of dolls.


But I can agree with you all about how it looks unfinished... The proportions are off! And not at all at the standard of what I would have expected of Danny to release. But again... taste.

THOUGH - Not to mention the attitude at which he has been addressing people lately... I assumed it was just a matter of language-barrier and/or trying to "fit in" with today's more "smart-ass/all goes"-attitudes, but trolling/shit-stirring to gauge reactions to upcoming dolls too (the moonlight and twilight heads, right?)... So that is why I think that if you have a problem with Danny, make it known to him, instead of, well, going all around and behind his back about it, so to say.

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  Mimiyo3 said:
Also he asked me on twitter about my opinion on "why doll owners are so emo" I have no idea if that's a genuine question or some joke that was just lost on me. I have an answer about fashion (That I tend to see in the resin community more than anything) which I gave him, in case for whatever reason that was a serious question. Not sure what to think about that. If he was making a jab at people then... Well, that's kinda unprofessional but I'm not going to freak out over an assumption because tone and intent got lost via text.

When you're dropping that much money on a doll, you have the right to be emo.


Actually, I believe that everyone is picky about what they get when it comes to their hobbies. It's not exclusive to doll owners.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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I actually like the idea of going directly to Sunrise. If Danny is going to shrug us off, because that's how he's chosen to handle the criticism then take it to the people who are really in charge. I agree, it is hard to listen to everyone and get a good result, but the choice to just shrug someone off, or take to responding rudely is not appropriate. You can be casual and polite to your community. As someone who is a figure head he should know there is a line, and he's passing it. And don't call language barrier out when it comes to English for Danny. Danny's English is spot on, and he's pretty darn confident in it.


Also it is surprising that this is his attitude choice when now he's not just a representative for one company, but multiple. Your actions affect the whole when it comes to business. People judge all the time on one single detail, and thus wonder/judge it the others associated with them think/believe that is okay.


I guess my question then is: what is the best way to contact Sunrise?


  Mimiyo3 said:
Oh I never said it was impossible, just particularly with Spike I can see how it wouldn't be easy. That being said, I agree that Danny's tastes just don't match up to it well at the very least.


I guess it is better to say I think it "feels" like it is impossible. Like because we got this, it has that overhanging feeling now like "There's no way we could ever have a good looking Spike doll!" And that feeling bums me out. Didn't mean to put words in your mouth, that wasn't the goal, and sorry that I made ya feel that way! Was just expressing how it feels in my own words.


  galatia9 said:
When you're dropping that much money on a doll, you have the right to be emo.


Actually, I believe that everyone is picky about what they get when it comes to their hobbies. It's not exclusive to doll owners.


This is also very true, haha. If you care about something, you are going to care about how it looks even more. Add in that we drop hundreds on a single item and of course you are going to have a moody community. Unfortunately, I still think this is a rude way to choose to respond to a paying or potential customer.

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  Yumeiro said:
Error-Chan, why not go to Danny then?

Complaining to Sunrise about something that is a matter of taste... I do not think it would lead to much action.



for me. I have messaged him soo many times about thing and only one or two things I have gotten a reply to and it's not answered what I wanted to know.


in the ends, i feel as this is a company doll he has the job to make it want the fans wants. if the fans don't think it's right then he has to change it. if a company get a license to make something then the main company is looking for them to make it right.


I have been re-watching CB-BB and I was looking forward to the release something I can slowly save for while working on my Oc's but honestly. I would rather just make my own atm he's not right and the look just seems to be an " it will do" as the body is not changed as others have said. and the head? there is something not right but I honest I don't know what it exactly is. maybe its the same as the Coco skin the lighting or angle is messing it up so until the official images come out it may change

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I'm all for talking to sunrise instead at this point. Danny really is just ignoring his customer base at best, if not being out right rude to them. Surely they would have some say in the matter. I want this to turn out good, because until this point I've had a lot of respect for Danny and have wanted him to succeed. I still want this to succeed if for not other reason than to put pressure on volks so they start making more strides and improving their stuff.


I agree with everyone else on Danny's management of this changing from trying his best to "Eh, good enough" and he's getting salty when people don't accept "good enough" from him. (Which is completely legitimate considering the previous standard he's set and the price range of his products.) I want to think he's a decent guy and he's just stressed out because he's taking on so much at once, but i'm not sure anymore. If that's the case he'll likely realize it sooner or later. Hopefully before anything tanks for him. Now I'm just hoping Volks starts making some masculine dudes since I really can't hope for much from this anymore.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I don't see how contacting Sunrise is going to make any difference, because the contract is already done. They must have approved his methods. It's not their job to make sure prospective customers are happy at this point, it's Danny's job.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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I was told the doll community was nice with nice people , I have never seen so much nick picking , IF you don't like his dolls its simple DONT buy them . He has been getting so much shit from people he has maybe had enough and just doing what he wants and what Sunrise accepts . It is his company and his decision .


The vast majority of Volks Character Dolls are NOT a perfect examples of the characters they represent either

a good example is Kosmos and Momo they only look like their characters because of their clothing ect , their faces are all wrong ! but with Volks you don't have ANY input because we only see the final product .

At least Danny is showing proto types and sometimes making changes BUT every change costs him money so you cant expect him to keep changing until everyone is happy! and keep the prices low.

I like all my 8 Volks dolls and all my 6 Smart dolls even thought they are not "perfect".


but as I said you don't have to buy them if you don't like them !

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