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How to buy on Mandarake, Wigwing?

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but... >__<;;


In general how to buy on Mandarake and Wigwing with conversion and stuff going on..


I'm sorry if these are super newbies questions D:

I just don't know where I would find how to buy without asking on the forums somehow.


Edit: *Found link on how to auction bid and whatnot for Y!J* lD;;;

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I'm not sure about Wigwing, but Mandarake you can just order from like a normal store. Put stuff in your cart, check out! Your CC will do the conversion for you (or Paypal if you choose that option), as Mandarake will charge in yen. However, they're basically a consignment store so not everything is always in stock. It's best to go for items you want asap because they could be gone an hour later!

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Oh okay. Thanks for the answer~

But do you know if it's alright to order items that are marked "storefront items only"? It seems like a lot of the dollfies are marked that way and sounds as if we can only get it if we go to the store in person.

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Like Alphakitty said, Mandarake is pretty straight-forward when it comes to actually buying: add item to cart, check out, and wait for the payment email. If it's something you think may sell quickly like a good-priced doll, you may also want to send them an email through their contact section to check availability; this way, if it's *not* in, you'll actually get an email, as opposed to nothing happening at all which Billy told me is the case if the item's gone and you don't email them. If you did nab it, they're fairly quick about sending you an invoice and getting things shipped--depending on whether or not you purchase during Japanese working hours, it can be as long as 12 hours but should often be less.


As for storefront, you can still buy them online, but there is a slight risk someone may have picked them up from the store without the site updating--hence the email trick.


The real trick to getting stuff from Mandarake is searching. Since it is a consignment store with several branches throughout Japan, there is no standardized method to them labeling items when they list them online. Sometimes they'll translate stuff into English, and sometimes they won't, and sometimes they'll have a title with both English and Japanese, for instance. So, I recommend searching both the English spelling for an item and the Japanese. Search both "Dollfie Dream" and "ドルフィードリーム" on a regular basis, and you may want to add in searching the names of the specific DDs/characters you're interested in. My Nanoha for instance was listed solely as "DD 高町なのは", and I've seen one or two others in the past listed as "DD Nanoha" instead. I know it sounds like a lot, but if you have autofill turned on, after you've searched once you can then just click in the search box and hit the down arrow to bring them up again. Plus, new stuff is by default listed first, so if you check regularly you can easily catch stuff as it comes up.


As for Wigwing, I haven't ordered from them, but according to a thread on Den of Angels you can email them to place an international order: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?105317-Ordering-from-Wig-Wing

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Thanks so much for the hint and answer! I will most definitely try and check using both English and Japanese. :]


Yeah I just wasn't sure if I had to email before I order or if I could just outright order for either sites, but that cleared up everything~


Thanks again!

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