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Politely Nefarious









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Manami 2.0

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Hahaha! No you weren't a royal pain!!


Other things were a royal pain, like paypal, hijacking Pure Neemo payments for several days more than I thought polite... but you? No! I actually thought you did shockingly well, considering Manami had to wait overnight to be picked up (seriously... they can't give me my packages the same day?!) and also that she had to wait a day while I went to the doctor (they specialize in torture, I swear). Nope, considering, you did pretty darn well.


Plus, now the Pure Neemo girls are ultra helpful, always wanting to fetch drinks and such, and Alna is complaining about how we never have enough visitors, and Sprout is actually agreeing with her. It's... it's almost scary.



Aww, you're too kind! I agree that Paypal was really sucking it, I mean really... making you wait for your own money? Such turds. But had *I* not been stupid and forgotten how to spell me own account there, none of that would have happened. Stupid on my part.


I am so happy you are enjoying your new PN girls! I really tried to give them attention here but it just didn't work out like I hoped. But it was all for the better because now they are where they will have way more fun and get more attention as well! I do expect to see more pics of them in the future! And that goes for Sprout and her sisters too....


I have been giving thought to having my Miyuki redone as well so Alna and Sprout may get their wish for another visitor. But I am still not 100% sure I want her changed over. She doesn't have any real "issues" or anything.... she's just not as cleanly done as my other girls. She's just like Manami was when you got her. So if I make up my mind, you may see her in time.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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