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Original Design Resin Eyes

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Recently I've been experimenting with making my own resin eyes. I've been wanting some custom characters/custom cosplay for my girls and having trouble finding just the right eyes. It's taken some trial and error (thanks to Jadepixel and others who kindly posted about their process that helped me through some pitfalls), but I think I have a workable method. Here's a set of pretty standard custom eyes I made for my Maki.


30689471125_60aa6676b5_h.jpg20161030_094147 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


I really like how they turned out, but I'm not a very good photographer, and it can be hard to really capture the light in doll eyes unless the conditions are perfect. I wanted to see if I could make some eyes that would capture even low light so they'd be easier to photograph. They're a little rough, but good enough for home use, and I like the effect. What do all of you think?


30389246850_c2044e3de3_b.jpg20161027_201419 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


30575565942_5c7daa7598.jpg20161027_201241 by Nozomi02, on Flickr

At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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They look amazing!! I love the glittering shimmer effect!

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I've been trying to make my resin eyes here in Australia and oh boy... it's been really rough. Finding materials here is IMPOSSIBLE without importing and I'm only here on vacation so I can't afford to wait weeks for imports.

So I had to purchase "industrial resin" This kind of resin is not for hobby use but it's all I could find.

So I printed a bunch of M.O.M.O variant color eyes and blue Mariko eyes I made(For testing) to see how it would come out with this resin.


The results... aren't really pretty. The resin doesn't fully cure and it's always sticky and wet. It looks almost like the same problem as yours with the roughness. So disappointed to see that I can't do any while on vacation. I have to wait until I get back to America. If anyone wants the fixed M.O.M.O eye designs feel free to let me know.



The printouts and the failed eyes.



Close up of the failed eyes, you can see how the resin doesn't cure clear + it's very sticky.



And this is what they are supposed to look like.




Yours on the other hand look much better than mine. If you're having trouble keeping them smooth like I am, have you tried using a sealant after you remove them from the mold? Another thing which can help is to sand them then apply carnauba wax.


This is pure cosmetic though, you don't need to smooth them out if you're fine with the roughness.

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Thanks for all your kind comments! I'm actually working with the manufacturer of the mold I'm using (they also make the resin I use) to see why the resin is no longer coming out as shiny as it used to. So far the customer service has been really good. In addition to working with me on the mold, they're sending me some polish to make the stuff I've already made shiny. If anyone is interested, the resin is Little Windows. http://www.little-windows.com. It's super clear and doesn't smell at all.


I've made a few more eyes since my last post. Still working out what colors look best, but they're getting better!


31502672803_ddc325382c_c.jpg20161122_195504 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


32193909081_7575a2b501_c.jpg20161121_163348 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


32193779781_1c8dd26b27_c.jpg20161225_173502 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


32193778351_61ddaef83e_c.jpg20170101_111804 by Nozomi02, on Flickr

At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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Thanks for all your kind comments! I'm actually working with the manufacturer of the mold I'm using (they also make the resin I use) to see why the resin is no longer coming out as shiny as it used to. So far the customer service has been really good. In addition to working with me on the mold, they're sending me some polish to make the stuff I've already made shiny. If anyone is interested, the resin is Little Windows.


Never heard of this brand, thanks for the post!

Sounds like a great customer service experience, keep us posted!

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