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New prototypes : Sunlight, Starlight and Sana

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Danny just posted these three cuties on Twitter


Sunlight :


Starlight :


Sana :


I'm not sure if these are new sculpts or if they're the same as Kurenai/Twilight/Moonlight but with a different faceup.


What do you think?

Edited by Guest

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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their new sculpts I think. but he really took a step back to the strange flat nose thing again...

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I'm kinda just eh, they seem lacking. I sorta wanted twilight though.

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I'm not interested in them at all... I'm disappointed with the lack of definition on the mouth with both this sculpt and Mirai. I'm also thinking the lack of character dolls make the various SmartDoll releases bland in comparison with Volks. I like the Twilight sculpt, but for the most part I guess SmartDoll just isn't my thing...

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I'm not one to usually harp on this but, so... much... sameface.

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The differences are slight. Would be better to tell if they all had the same hair, eyes, and outfit.


But I do like the eyes on Sana. Does Volks have any green metallic eyes that are like that?

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Not liking any of these sculpts. They are so bland and the mouths are really off-putting for some reason I can't place.

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  Jezrah said:
Does anyone else think they look like repainted/recolored Mihos?


Yup, I totally see it.


Honestly, I keep hoping Danny will stop with the repaints/recolors and actually make some interesting characters, but maybe I'm simply being too hopeful at this point. When he started the line I seriously wanted him to aim to fill the voids that Volks has, including aesthetically with his dolls.


He's taken on two things: Different color skins (Which we now have from Volks) and boys (A weird-lookin' one at that--and Volks has now taken that on technically too).


I hoped he'd explore more faces than "everyday cute girl," but it seems the more I wait the less that's really going to happen. I guess whatever makes you money, Danny. Just wish you'd stop being so dull in designs. oTL;

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Something looks really... Off, about their faces. It's like the eye shape doesn't fit with the rest of the face or something. This is honestly the first smartdoll sculpt I think I've actually disliked the look of.


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  Jezrah said:
Does anyone else think they look like repainted/recolored Mihos?


Yeah...the more I look at them both, the more I'm seeing it. In the lips especially. That's really disappointing. When I saw Sunlight...It just made me think something like "That looks like Miho with Kizuna's faceup". I think Sana is kind of cute, I like the shape of her eyes there, but...ultimately, I think they look pretty same-y again. :/

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Yup, I totally see it.


Honestly, I keep hoping Danny will stop with the repaints/recolors and actually make some interesting characters, but maybe I'm simply being too hopeful at this point. When he started the line I seriously wanted him to aim to fill the voids that Volks has, including aesthetically with his dolls.


He's taken on two things: Different color skins (Which we now have from Volks) and boys (A weird-lookin' one at that--and Volks has now taken that on technically too).


Really..... so Volks now offer a tan/tea skin tone as standard, first I've heard of this? Volks may have released a boy (who looks somewhat immature physically) and a "pretty" size (between MDD & DDS) that you can already basically get from Parabox like I own but Volks STILL does not offer a range of skin tones aside from the usual white/semi-white/normal.

I agree that Danny needs to focus on improving face styles/molds as they have a somewhat flat profile when looked at side ways unlike Dollfies but i'm still impressed that he has released standard dolls available in tan and black skin tones plus i'm hopeful he will release fantasy skin tones in the future, something Volks are not likely to do given the fact they've had years to do so and are only jumping on the "boy" doll bandwagon after realising that there is money to be made. A few years back they were quoted as stating (someone wrote to them enquring about a future male doll release) that they couldn't justify releasing a male doll as most of their customers were men and were content with female dolls. What a load of rubbish. Dollfies appeal to both men and women collectors and like wise both sexes can be interested in male dolls. I would lurve a tan skinned Mariko but I'm doubtful that's going to happen.

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  Error-Chan said:
their new sculpts I think. but he really took a step back to the strange flat nose thing again...


Ah yes, the flat nose is what mildly bugs me about these new sculpts. I mean, I like it on Mirai but I prefer sculpts with a non-flat nose.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Request. Don't use the big text. It actually is annoying to read because you blew up the text. ^^;;;


Go to the news section if you wanna see the stuff on brown skin. And the reason that I use the "technically" in my phrase is because I acknowledge it is a easy first step.


And Sweet. Danny made skintones like he promised. Good on him, but you know what? Skintones mean jack when your dolls aren't anything but boring sameface, round-eyed, Mirai look-a-likes because you can't be bothered to do more than change the color and tweak the face-up. I applaud his range in color, but without real range in molds it means nothing to me. It just means he knows how to balance dye.


At least Volks case of Sameface is just because they keep making the same line of dolls, not cause they are literally the same molds.


Volks really I don't think even now needed to make a boy. They weren't losing real business by not (Not like people boycotted them cause they didn't make a boy). DD are and always will be primarily made for men so the actual need to put those resources out was zero. I think it only happened cause they had a great first step with the Vocaloid license. And lets be fair, their first step at least is a success unlike Eiji who has a very, very mixed opinion on him due to his weirdly proportioned face that doesn't hold up at most angles. Maybe they also saw a chance to surpass a competitor, like how they are with DD Honey.


TL;DR at least Volks is making the steps so we can have better quality items in the future with more variety, and will not need to rely on the very-much lacking SmartDoll line up.

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yeah I have to agree with the comments here, these look awful and I'm definitely sick of Danny just using the same sculpts over and over while pegging them as "new dolls". Why not just offer faceup A/B/C and then pick your skintone rather than pretending they're new characters.


I actually really liked twilight and was even considering purchasing her but omg this is too much. how can he make his male molds so drastically different, but not the females?


(also I like Eiji and many other do, subjective opinion with the "weird one" comments. the repaints are much better.)


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I just...Meh with his stuff.

I really think he needs to reach outside of the box here. It's just all the same with slight mods...if that.


Annnd his heads are all slightly weird, like he needs to perfect the execution. There is always something slightly off with his dolls.


http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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  Error-Chan said:
Shot of Starlight for yous



Her eyes are gorgeous! .. but jfc,the original Irwin SailorMoon dolls had a more pronounced nose than this girl

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How to make a flat face 101, taught to you by Danny Choo.


I agree her eyes are GREAT. I love the shape and the distance is just right, but once you leave her eyes the rest is kinda a mess of what is having a face.

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Ugh see there it is something weird. Like Gunter said pretty from afar.

What are you doing with that "nose"??

ChiseAccurate! This is so odd...I just don't understand why he does it.


Eiji is weird to me as well and I own him. He's ok from like two angles, but seeing him in person kind of spoils it for me. I intended on having him re-painted but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

He just has that misshapen lumpy look.


I love the skin choices, wishing Volks would do that forever, but I don't care for Mirai's sculpt so it's irrelevant to me

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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  Amara77 said:

Eiji is weird to me as well and I own him. He's ok from like two angles, but seeing him in person kind of spoils it for me. I intended on having him re-painted but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

There's some pretty impressive Eiji repaints on twitter (toraneko_doll's are especially cool https://twitter.com/toraneko_doll/media) that I think prove it is possible so I think it's definitely worth a try. I'm hoping to attempt it myself next year. I personally dont dislike his faceup, but he definitely looks 'boring/vague' compared to Rin and Len, who have a lot more personality in their faces. I think his facial expression is just too neutral so I'm going to try to make him smilier and change his eyes a little.

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They're all so pretty! I like their sculpts and faceups!

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Good news for Sana fans : Danny just announced that she will be released in July/August on Twitter :

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I tell you, it's so hard not to buy all those new girls! I love both Sana and Starlight. But I have made a vow (Persona5 reference!) to new Eiji.

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