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Attending iDoll

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Hey there! I hope this is in the right place! I have a few questions about iDoll vol. 48 that I hope someone could maybe help me with. I'm planning on attending the event and my first question is about purchasing tickets.


I see from the event website you can purchase tickets online. I was hoping to go ahead and buy mine in advance (and I think I can pretty much tell how to do so from the website). My Japanese language skills are very poor, so I was wondering if there was anything in particular I should know before I purchase? (For example, will having a foreign address cause me registration issues or should it be okay? Is there anything I need to bring with me to the event besides tickets, id, and spending money)?


I'm also wondering- to anyone who's attended iDoll events before- how was it for you? Was it very confusing lining up in a queue before the event? Is Tokyo Big Sight hard to navigate? Is it okay generally okay to take photos of people's displays (with permission)?


Sorry about all the questions! Just nervous and excited about getting tickets, since I've never attended an event like this before (this will also be my first time visiting Japan).

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Tickets: Looks like they're using Ticket Pia for the pre-buy tickets. That is one of the major Japanese ticket services, and it expects people to live in Japan. Even though there is an online interface, foreign addresses are not supported and foreign credit cards sometimes don't work either, depending on the individual show. I would just give up on ordering online if you don't live there. Instead, you have two choices. 1) LANGUAGE CHALLENGE MODE: if you arrive in Japan before iDoll, purchase a ticket in person at any 7-11 conbini. You pay and they print it out right there for you. Ticket Pia works with 7-11, so go to that chain specifically. Bring the P-code it shows (634292), and the store attendant can help you buy it. Cost Y1000 plus fees. OR 2) EASY MODE: Show up and pay at the door (toujitsuken) for Y1200.


If you know something specific you want to buy, an advance ticket is recommended since it gets you into the venue somewhat quicker. Otherwise, you can buy morning-of.


Bring: Entry ticket, loads of spending money, large bag to carry stuff home in, water or Oi Ocha tea, snacks from the conbini, camera if desired.


Location: iDoll used to be in Tokyo's Hamamatsucho district; it being at Big Sight is new. Big Sight is where Volks Dolpa is held; it just means iDoll outgrew the old venue. Anyway, it is not confusing to line up - they say the doors open around 11am, and do NOT get there any earlier than 9am. The word for end-of-line is saikoubi 最後尾 which someone will probably have on a large sign. Japanese events are great about signage to direct you where to go, so even though the venue is large it isn't hard to navigate. Note that Big Sight hosts multiple events at the same time - be sure any line you get in is for iDoll and not something else!


Etiquette: It is generally OK to take pictures if you ask first. Some will refuse but most are totally cool with it. Also, unlike Dolpa, iDoll did not have space for attendee dolls to be set up, so don't bring a doll of your own. Not sure if that's changed for vol 48 - I didn't read ALL the FAQs ^_^;.


Nearby places: Tokyo Big Sight is on Odaiba, which also has major shopping malls Diver City (giant Gundam statue) and Aqua City (Joypolis arcade, Capcom store) amongst many other things. Volks LaLaPort is at the other end of the Rinkai train line, close by.


I, er, went to a lot of events when I lived in Japan.


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SakuraSylph, thanks so much for all the info! Everything you wrote is really helpful; I'm glad I asked before attempting to purchase!


There's a 7-11 directly next to my hotel, so I might attempt hard mode. It will be too tempting not to at least try, since I'll be there a few days before hand. Though if it's too hard, it's good to know we can buy directly on site if need be.


I'm super excited for getting the chance to attend this show! I'm sure I will end up spending a lot, especially since it's at the start of my trip. Thanks for all your expertise!

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I went to I-Doll Tokyo in July, and for some reason my friend was unable to get the tickets in advance. However, it was easy to get them on the day; there wasnt even that big a line up for them. Just walked up and bought them and got into the bigger line. I was surprised, especially for a big Tokyo event at Big Sight. (Not so much at I-Doll Fu kuoka in October, where I didnt even bother thinking about getting tickets in advance since its a lot smaller)Just cost a little more on the day but it didn't hinder us getting in, so dont be too worried if you cant get the tickets in advance. (For further reference I got there about an hour before opening; spent the time in line talking with my friend and marking the dealers I wanted to see on the map that came with my ticket (I'd taken note of their table numbers on twitter and the I-doll website beforehand)


I was allowed to take photos of everything but I did ask - although there were people with signs saying not to take photos (very few though). It's still best to ask. If you're not good at japanese you can just point at your camera and say 'daijoubu desu ka?' or even 'ok desu ka?'


If you hang around the area where people set up their own dolls, you may spot some familiar faces from twitter if you're the type to hang around Japanese doll-twitter. I saw one of my fave 'internet famous' MDDs in person Didn't even know her owner would be coming. Same rules as before, you can take photos, and they pretty much expect you to take photos of their beloved daughters(and sons) by bringing them, but its much more polite to ask first. If you were planning on bringing your own doll though keep in mind that you do have to pay to use those display tables and put your doll on them/hire the photo backdrops they have.


If there are specific dealers you want to see first and you know where they are on the map, I'd go straight for them first, and then go back to the beginning and 'snake' around each row until you see everything. Some of the really popular ones sell out of their wares really quickly, or get massive lines. If you're after something like one of a famous faceupartists custom heads I'd get there ASAP.


Here's some of my fave pics I took back in July if you want to hype yourself up a bit! (sorry the quality is bad, I only had my ipad back then)








I hope you have fun - I really enjoyed the Tokyo one when I went, it was just kinda painful cos I had almost no money to spend as I had only just moved to japan at the time and didnt have a first paycheque yet/had to save all the money I had for Rin's Dollpa preorder;; Going with lots of money sure would be fun, the hard part would be deciding what to buy lol.

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woo! Torino, you've got me hyped with all those pictures! I've already started making a list of what dealers I want to hit up, though I'm sure I'll see even more things I want when I'm there. Mostly, there's a lot of people whose work I've been following for a long time, and it will be great to see their booths (and possibly the artist themselves, if they are there) in person!


Of course, if there's a photo display area, I will probably go have a look. I won't be bringing anyone with me on this trip (gotta save that luggage room!), but it's always nice to get to admire other people's dolls!

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