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Merry Christmas!/Volks ThanksFest

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I've been meaning to upload these for the past few weeks argh.

Anyway a few weeks ago the Fu kuoka Volks showroom has a 'Thanks Festa' - a special event to commemorate 5 years since the store was rennovated. SD and DD fans were invited out back to a venue full of multiple photo spaces, and then the Volks staff got a photo of all our dolls together which went up on the blog. It was a lot of fun, and I was able to do the bulk of my Christmas photoshoot with Rin here.


Of course, I took a lot of photos at the other photo spaces too, but I'll post them elsewhere later as I just wanted to upload the most Christmassy ones.

31713135612_0247e3c100_z.jpgIMG_2290 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

Rin's outfit is Azone's new christmas dress for their 50cm girls! I took a gamble in ordering it, although I'd seen Azone50 stuff fit a DDS before. It fits perfectly, the real problem is that Azone didn't white-line the top at all (wtf?!) so she was banned from wearing it until I got her a body stocking. (She's had it on since then and no staining whatsoever).

31713134502_1297524e1b_z.jpgIMG_2293 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31487739590_181e0c3d3d_z.jpgIMG_2295 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31860779235_18f2749f71_z.jpgIMG_2298 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31744151261_43be9ddc71_z.jpgIMG_2300 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31487737410_edb79d0122_z.jpgIMG_2303 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31487736140_e09377996c_z.jpgIMG_2304 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31019917064_f0d9e51852_z.jpgIMG_2311 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31019917854_9274290cd8_z.jpgIMG_2310 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31822915636_025cc1064c_z.jpgIMG_2313 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31822914406_4e6d49ab96_z.jpgIMG_2317 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31822913476_bd442fc9fc_z.jpgIMG_2324 by torinomh mh, on Flickr


Got a few Christmassy ones of Mel, too. Although this is before he got his 'proper' eyes.

31487730980_5cc5fd69e1_z.jpgIMG_2375 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

31050894233_c6a59d66c0_z.jpgIMG_2379 by torinomh mh, on Flickr


Here is the group shot!

31860763945_051e6e4de7_z.jpgIMG_2390 by torinomh mh, on Flickr


There actually weren't that many DDs compared to SDs...only two other guys besides me, and then a woman came in with two adorable MDDs later plus another guy with a bunch of Touhou girls. However, there was apparently a similar event in the Sapporo store on the same day and according to the twitter pics the DD:SD ratio was almost reversed.


bonus: here's one of the pics from my favourite of the photo spaces. I'll dump them elsewhere later; I might make my own general photo thread.

31860762125_5713f62ffb_z.jpgIMG_2456 by torinomh mh, on Flickr

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Rin looks darling in that! The Christmas space is so pretty and colorful. And Mel is so cute!


Glad you had a good time! The group photo is awesome.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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What a fun set of photos! Rin's clearly enjoying herself, but I think I like the picture of Mel carrying all of those presents the most! I'm looking forward to seeing more photos set in of that sweeet looking photospace!


I'm surprised Azone didn't line that Santa outfit though! So far all of the non-white 50cm clothing I got from them(besides some dark tights, which I stain tested first before keeping them on for an extended period of time) were lined in white.

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Merry Christmas!


I love the photo of Mel carrying the gifts because it looks like he is about to tsundere-ly present them to Syd. It reminds me a lot of the cupcake scene.


And the photo with Rin in the photo space is gorgeous! The whole aesthetic really makes it look like an illustration turned 3D.

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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Rin is loving this! She's so ridiculously cute.


The colors and clarity in your photos really make each image pop!


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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I love the photo of Mel carrying the gifts because it looks like he is about to tsundere-ly present them to Syd. It reminds me a lot of the cupcake scene.

More like dump them in front of him and say he was about to throw them out and didn't buy them specially or anything. But damn, I really do want Syd in DD form as well. Volks are gonna have to make another more mature-faced girl like Sheryl or an actual man, though - and even then the head sculpt will need to not look small compared to Len's like Sheryl's unfortunately does. I'm still wondering if 07 would be ok but I have some doubts.


Thank you for the comments, everyone! I now realize that the Volks blog link I included doesn't work thanks to the censor filter here that also makes it so I always have to type the place I live in as 'fu kuoka' 8') oh well

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That's a very lovely sets of photos ^^ Your Rin is so cute.

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