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How do you got layway on rare girls?

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A few times in the past I read in the forum:

"Put Sasara on layaway"

"Waiting for Rina on layaway"



How do you manage to put girls so rare on layaway? where? how much you pay on fees?


I found a girl I want for a nice price on Yja. But I don't know if I will manage to get all the money...

Even if I don't get her now, it would be nice know how to put her on layaway...

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I have heard that Dollfie World does layaway for items off Yahoo! Japan Auctions. I haven't done it myself.


Here is a quote from Bellatrix:


The matter with Natalie was the layaway payment option for items that she buys for you from Y!JP or so on. She add the normal 15% on the item as written on the site PLUS 10% (not noticed anywhere in the site) for the layaway payment.

I ordered Neris from her, and now I have to pay in total 25%, all the shipping charges, 4% of PayPal fees MORE plus the item's price.

Maybe I have done it if she have said before placing my bids, but she said AFTER have bought my itam, and now I have to honor my order for a non convenient price.


It sounds like the fees can be quite a lot for an expensive item though.

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Well, some of those purchases may be direct secondhand, as some owners are willing to work out a layaway directly with their buyers.


On the other hand, I do recall someone on Figure.fm saying that, if you're using Rinkya as your proxy and email them, they can set up a layaway for you. (Discussed in the comments of this post: http://www.figure.fm/post/en/27241/The+best+deputy+service+Reputation.html ) However I haven't actually tried it myself, so I don't know if they charge you an extra fee for the service. If what the poster says is correct it's a 3 month layaway max.


I think that places don't much like people using layaway even if they accept it, so I don't think it would be widely advertised on a website. When in doubt, I'd say contact the proxy service/company/seller directly about it to confirm and arrange.

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Thank you very much for the replys. Now I can plan better!

Summon ritual is over. And finally complete.

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