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Vispo Doll

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any information about this companies dolls.

These are the dolls you're looking for, no you cannot haz them they r mine:)

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vispo dot cc is a website that collects all the artists works, it looks like he has stopped making dolls altogether but process pictures and other interesting stuff is on there

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I was briefly enamored with the first Vispo Rei, so I did a bit of reading up on those dolls. Here's what I can recall:


The bodies are a single-part torso, and I think have single-jointed elbows and knees.

They're definitely resin, as Vispo also does resin garage kits.

They're proportioned like DDs, but they're actually around MDD height, for some reason.

They were only ever sold at Wonder Festival and similar events.

These dolls are fairly uncommon, but do occasionally crop up on YJA and Mandarake. Last I saw one it was going for 90K JPY, I think? Been a couple years though.


For me the scale and the body's lack of articulation were kind of deal killers that kept me from seriously hunting one down, but I still think the Vispo Rei has a really lovely head.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I came across this on Manda today:  https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1114634468&ref=list&keyword=evangelion&lang=en

Now I'll need to find a good face-up artist.  

Rei is up, too:  https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1114634858&ref=list&keyword=evangelion&lang=en  Not a bad deal, with both Version 1 and 2's outfits, although some TLC and a face-up are needed.  

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