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Orange Blotches Appearing on SmartDoll Eiji

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Hi everyone! On Sunday, I was checking for stains on my SmartDoll Eiji when I've noticed some orange blotches on his torso, chest area, and on his nose on his face. Now, I heard of the jeans staining if you have Eiji in a sitting position, but I've always have him standing all the time. And I never try to touch his face whenever I take his head off to change outfits. I'm trying out the peroxide treatment but the stains seem to be stubborn as far as not wanting to go away. I don't know how these orange blotches got there but I'm getting aggravated and feel like just giving up and selling him. Did anyone else experienced this same problem as me and if you have, what solution did you take? Any suggestions would be appreciated!





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I wonder what could have caused that? I haven't had this issue with any of my SmartDolls.

Maybe contact Danny to get his thoughts? Your doll might still be under warranty.


Good luck!

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Mystery stains are nothing new in the vinyl world. There are numerous causes for these stains such as miscellaneous airborne particles in your environment (cigarette smoke, cooking smoke, lint from a garment, something from outside that made it indoors, etc.) that can land on the doll. Another culprit can be human skin oil along with what ever you might have been handling all day. Make up powders that can become airborne. The list goes on. It's just one of those things vinyl owners have to deal with.

Resin dolls are susceptible to this type of staining as well, however resin is not as porous as vinyl so the staining process can take much longer.


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Mystery stains are nothing new in the vinyl world. There are numerous causes for these stains such as miscellaneous airborne particles in your environment (cigarette smoke, cooking smoke, lint from a garment, something from outside that made it indoors, etc.) that can land on the doll. Another culprit can be human skin oil along with what ever you might have been handling all day. Make up powders that can become airborne. The list goes on. It's just one of those things vinyl owners have to deal with.

Resin dolls are susceptible to this type of staining as well, however resin is not as porous as vinyl so the staining process can take much longer.


Thanks for the info K-2. Never knew the various ways vinyl can stain.

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I wonder what could have caused that? I haven't had this issue with any of my SmartDolls.

Maybe contact Danny to get his thoughts? Your doll might still be under warranty.


Good luck!


Thank you Shadowcat! Yes, my doll is still under warranty. I've contacted Danny yesterday and the problem has been resolved.

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Considering just what K-2 said, you may want to sanitize your hands after eating Cheetos.


I'm really sorry, that's what came to mind.

Actually, does your Smart Doll have a face up? Face ups usually have some sort of sealant on them to protect them...

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I wonder what could have caused that? I haven't had this issue with any of my SmartDolls.

Maybe contact Danny to get his thoughts? Your doll might still be under warranty.


Good luck!


Thank you Shadowcat! Yes, my doll is still under warranty. I've contacted Danny yesterday and the problem has been resolved.


I'm curious to hear how it was resolved, if you don't mind sharing. I'm asking since the reply I got when I reported my very heavy staining was an offer to buy a new body at a reduced price.

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