yokha Posted January 13, 2017 thats what i called improvement, the sculpt has more dimension now. ive seen a lot of awesome custom face up eiji, and i wonder this improved sculpt potential, the cheek bone and jaw line was awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amara77 Posted January 13, 2017 His head still looks a bit smaller but not quite as small as Eiji. I agree he's actually a ... sculpt now! His face looks great, nice cheek bones and his jawline is great. He actually looks masculine which can be tough to get with anime, AND dolls, but Danny pulled it off well. http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop Spoke too soon.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Posted January 13, 2017 Well, I've actually got 3D software and live in the same metro area as Somonul, so I could model the skate blades myself and then pick his brain on how to finish them so they look metallic. Trouble is, both Somo and my mom used to figure skate as kids, so they're likely to peer-pressure me re: accuracy when it comes to buying the boot base. Yeah, the 09's jawline is pretty decent for him, same with the mouth; the eyes I might consider modding just a hair to get more of that kind of. . . square shape that he's got. But I think doing faceups for my own dolls is fun, so I'm not phased by that or the eyes at all. (Making custom eyes for my open-eyed dolls is practically a bonding ritual at this point. They're not mine till they've got OoaK eyes I've made. XD) On the upside, the milk SMD dude here would pretty much only need eyebrows repainted, and maybe a teeny bit of lip/mouth enhancement, so THAT'S a relief. Not only would Victor's wig be a nightmare, but Yuuri would technically need two wigs: his 'dime a dozen dork' mop, AND his 'smexy slicked-back skate queen' hair. I may be insane enough to at least *try* making them, but. . . yeeah, if that didn't work or I was just like 'screw it', the wigs would definitely be the most pricey, pain-in-the-rear part beyond the heads/bodies most likely. *edit* Accidentally a quote tag Oh that's good at least. You can design directly from the anime (though I don't think their skates were anything specifically special), but that is also unfortunate that you'll get a bit of pressure. Accuracy never hurts I guess though. I wonder how hard it'd be to design the boot-part? I feel like strangely enough using a cheaper boot shape (Kinda like those really flimsy ones? I need to go find an image) would work really well to build around. Yeah, Yuuri would be the harder one just cause he's a more custom piece, but I can already see it being fun to customize all these items, including him. Makes them feel even more special just cause you put forth so much effort. :3 And taking a breather from Viktor needing so little work is equally nice haha. At least 09 is a lot easier to find. I see it constantly just chilling on places like Mandarake and even nicer prices on eBay. What body would you use for Yuuri? And wigs suck when it comes to custom-made. These days they can go up into the hundreds so easily because of the type of fiber used and such. Would you get the longer wig for Viktor as like a throwback piece? Just asking cause he's so pretty with long hair. o3o I may, or may not have a thing for long silver hair though. *looks at username which is from a character in Kyou Kara Maou! with long silver hair...* ~~~~ On another note...... Hmmm, I think he'd be kinda not a match, but does anyone think that the Milk ver. with a face-up change could possibly be Araragi Koyomi? I feel like maybe it is just a little off... Maybe his head isn't wide enough? I feel like a face-up could make him work, and I'd be okay doing a smirk-y ver. of Araragi. >3< But then I have to go back into Senjougahara hell, and I don't know if I wanna do that. I tried once and seriously failed! I need more pictures. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poofiemus Posted January 13, 2017 I'll probably base the blades off real ones, because the anime blades change depending on how lazy the animators are. As for the boots, I'm honestly just thinking of narrowing it down to a few potentials, and then asking Mom's and Somo's advice for what's closest, 100% accuracy be damned. The more I look at the 09 and screenshots of Yuuri from the revised, TV-broadcast animation, the more I think it'll work for him. I'm fine with skewing him towards the Katsukidon end of the spectrum as opposed to the Eros end, so Victor can just deal. Hmm. . . long-haired Victor. . . What I could do is throw one of Ags' old wigs on him, and see whether or not it makes him look too much like a member of a Scandanavian metal band. You're right custom wigs are pricey as hell--it's why I want to at least attempt a wig first, to see whether or not the process drives me insane enough to fork out for a full custom job. Body wise, I'm not sure if Yuuri should be a DDSB, an Obi65, or if it's possible to shorten the SMDB calves by like, 1-2cm, because he's got to be shorter than Victor. Hm. Maybe I should ask for comparisons between them, because obviously body type affects the budget level and timeline for Project Victuuri--or if I even get intimidated out of doing it altogether. :/ WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE SO MANY PROJECTS AT ONCE WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF Hm, I'd say the head would be like an older, mid-20's Araragi, instead of a teen Araragi. And that would mean making Senjougahara mid-20's too, probably. Not sure how much more or less hell that'd be for you. In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Posted January 14, 2017 I mean get as close as you can, but 100% accuracy with almost anything is pretty impossible. I mean, Yuuri is cute no matter what...Viktor did choose him when he was still a cute, lil Katsukidon~ And I mean, it'd be fun to try him with one of those wigs at least. Though, yeah, unless you style it right (with a band of flowers maybe) I could see the plausibility of looking like he's in a metal band. XD I wish you luck on making wigs! I looked at a lot of tutorials, and even have a couple of friends that do their own wigs, but I'm very aware that my patience is far too short for the process. Cause isn't that just how life is? One thing pops up and you go OMG I WANNA DO THAT and then suddenly you get another one that gives you equal drive. But then you start to split up drive because too many projects, and others get forgotten or thrown to the side... I've been there, and I'm sort of there but I am always in the "where do you even start" phase of projects. And I'd say Obi65 for the sake of maybe being thicker? DDSB is just so, so slim. Feels like that'd be better for someone like Yurio... He's a freakin' twig. That wouldn't be terrible. I guess the issue is that mostly the material we see of them is in their teenage years (and upwards into their older teens). For me, I've already gone the full mile in attempted to create Senjougahara once before (Commissioned literally everything) and ended up ditching it all because I couldn't find a head for her. I'm still not sure what I'd use. But they are probably my favorite couple anime-wise (even if I admit I don't really watch the stuff that comes out now....the spin-offs are not generally that good imo...). Honestly the more I look and think about the face the more I feel like maybe it is a little too far off for him. It is fine, cause I guess I can keep thinking on how to even start making LoZ: Twilight Princess's Midna (imp ver.). >.>;;; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jezrah Posted January 16, 2017 Ooohhh I so want more info about this guy........ I want to know if he'll be a regular guy with an essential edition like Eiji, or if he's a character who'll come with a fullset, or what. If he can be bought as an essential edition without clothes I may be able to swing buying him soonish. If not... then I guess I ask myself whether I still want to interrupt what I had been saving for or just go back to those old plans. I neeeeeeeed to knooooooooow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Error-Chan Posted January 16, 2017 Trying out real eyes in the new #smartdoll guy head mold. スマドの新しい男子ヘッドにリアルアイ入れてみた。 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlyViolin Posted January 17, 2017 Wow. To me that looks amazing. So amazing. God damn it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elianti Posted January 17, 2017 ...gaaah teal eyes too?!? Geez Danny way to make it even clearer that this guy is perfect for my Arturo.. even though the realistic style isn't what I'm going for. If he's sporting auburn/red hair in a cool style in his next picture.. But speaking of eyes, what size do you all think this guy will take? Were the animetic eyes they were in before the same as Eiji & Crimson? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yokha Posted January 18, 2017 so much potential on this sculpt, cant wait to see what people gonna do with this face sculpt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merlinkia Posted January 18, 2017 Psyched about these boys! I'm finally going to make the plunge and get my first male doll this year! I honestly can't tell you who I like more.... Now I just need to see Lelouch so I can know for sure who I'm getting...hmm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElenoreLoretje Posted February 2, 2017 This is exciting!!!! New smartdolls guys!! Ive been drooling over Crimson and his loveliness for quite a while now but maybe there'll be even more smartdoll males if i wait a little longer? ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mario Posted February 11, 2017 So uhh someone had gone to the Mirai store and got to look at the new Smart Doll guy prototype. But uhh... What is this angle? Does this look weird to anyone else? Now that someone has taken photos of this the nose looks so weird to me! aaaa please tell me this is just bad photography or the hair causing this illusion! The front view still looks so pretty. ; A; but that weird view made me feel a little uneasy about him. More pics Shido took Sources Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akai Okami Posted February 11, 2017 I think it's a mix of unflattering angle and washed out lighting. But then I think its good to see 'bad' photos of a doll beforehand so you can get a better idea of what they really look like! I messed with the images of him (upped contrast, tweaked sharpness, etc) and find that even at that angle I quite like him. So far he's still at the top of my list for my next vinyl purchase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shailara Posted February 12, 2017 I think all anime style dolls have an angle from which they look just weird ^^; That might just be me though... Ive come to terms with it and usually just dont consider 3/4th angle when i pick heads! (\_/) ( ' .' ) ( uu) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jezrah Posted February 12, 2017 I still love the smirky milk version, his nose isn't bothering me. I've managed to put what should hopefully be enough for him away, now just a waiting game for release. I'm excited, this will be my first full doll purchase (not in parts n pieces) in three years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mario Posted February 12, 2017 I'm still excited for the release, I'm going to get him day 1. I am sure it's just the really bad lighting which made the nose look awkward. By the way Guess who's spotted in the wild. A cocoa new Smart Doll guy and a cocoa Mirai? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shailara Posted February 12, 2017 Is he new? He looks like Eiji to me... and I thought we had seen him before for some reason. (\_/) ( ' .' ) ( uu) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belpita Posted February 12, 2017 I saw a photo on Twitter where his hand was open. It was such a fascinating gesture! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty Posted February 12, 2017 The person in that tweet seems to think he looks amazing from all angles. The lower one isn't the best and it does make his nose look a bit odd but I don't think it's deal breaker territory, and he still looks better from a lower angle than Eiji does. Eiji really only looks good from the front or from above (he actually looks really cute from above which is why most of my pics of Kaito are from that angle) so it's actually good to me that there's some improvement there. Although weirdly the tea guy doesn't look weird from the exact same angle and I can't figure out why. I really need to swing by the store to get a look at him in person but I'm not sure when I next get the chance. *twitter*instagram*art* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mario Posted February 13, 2017 I really need to swing by the store to get a look at him in person but I'm not sure when I next get the chance. While you're at it, ask if there's a release date for him yet for me pls? ;w; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jezrah Posted February 13, 2017 I really need to swing by the store to get a look at him in person but I'm not sure when I next get the chance. While you're at it, ask if there's a release date for him yet for me pls? ;w; Seconded, I'm anxious for a release date but I'm worried it's pretty far off since they don't even have names yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nozomi02 Posted February 13, 2017 I heard these guys are actually replacing Eiji and Crimson and are due out in April. Wasn't an official statement from Danny though, so not sure how accurate it is. Either way, I want the tea skin tone one, so I'm budgeting as if he is getting released in April. My Hoto-chan will finally have another guy to help him deal with all my girls! At home: DDH-05: Kimiko DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki Smart Doll Chitose Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori DD Saber Extra DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki Smart Doll Harmony Smart Doll Twilight DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mario Posted February 13, 2017 I heard these guys are actually replacing Eiji and Crimson and are due out in April. Wasn't an official statement from Danny though, so not sure how accurate it is. If this is true, this will be the best birthday gift ever. I really can't wait. I have money for him and danny is refusing to take it by not releasing these guys fast enough! Honestly, if I ever went to the Mirai store, I would pay DOUBLE for the prototype they have on display. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Merlinkia Posted February 14, 2017 Guess who's spotted in the wild. A cocoa new Smart Doll guy Lol I missed your post and posted about this boy in a different thread! I'm so excited for this guy, he is perfect! Praying he gets released in April with the other boys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites