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New Smart Doll Guy(Update: REVEALED + Tea ver!)

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I need the milk version. I wonder if Danny will bring him to that anime expo in Dusseldorf in June.

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This guy has legit been on my wishlist since the first teaser came out, and it's like he's badgering to be taken home as more shots of him surface. To be honest I am always really into getting a 'perfect' doll in the way that it looks good in all angles (well, the up the nose shot is a hard angle to master, OTL ).


And with Eiji though I liked him alot, I was VERY UNHAPPY with any angle that shifted away from the front and top. I am a huge profile junkie and this doll, that nose gives me life.


I hope Danny Choo mentions something about a release date soon, I put so many plans on hold for that dark tanned version. OTL

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  Merlle88 said:
Any news about the release date?

The only official thing said by Danny himself was "maybe this spring".

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If you check the thread about Lalouche someone who visited the shop said that Danny told them he might not release these (new versions of Eiji?) boys until he has sold out the stock he already has of the other boys.


If I'm a bit pessimistic, I would say they won't be released until after summer.

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Mikoto Nui

Ech... Now I don't know what to do for what my future Smart Boy doll is gonna be. Should I get the bare naked one for my customized guy or get one of these awesome new looks of the Smart Doll Eiji/Crimson/etc?


They're this good! Maybe just maybe I'll hold off the Smart Boy doll as my fourth for now until further notice from Danny.

My Doll family:

Mina(DD3-ish), Nui(SmD Ebony), Nolene(MDD)

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Hi guys! The wait is over. I just received an email from Danny stating that the new SmartDoll Guy (Milk & Tea) should be out sometime in May!


Here's the confirmation:


" I wanted to let you know the smart doll guys have had some plastic surgery and are getting a renewal as soon as stock of the current models are depleted.





The new faces look like this

http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27395/Can+You+Guess.html (Crimson)

http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27394/Guess+Who+Not+Lelouch.html (Eiji) (Wig style may change)


If you prefer the current version of Crimson & Eiji then get them now as there are no plans to re-release them once their new versions are out. The new versions should be out sometime in May."

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I just saw it too!

Man oh man, I was almost set on buying Starlight instead.

But really, I neeeeed the new Eiji. I do hope he keeps that wig, though! I like it.

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Well then. Um. If anyone is thinking of selling their Old Eiji to buy a new one I'll gladly take it so long as it isn't completely destroyed or something. I'm hoping to get the old one as a birthday gift for a friend (Cause that's the version he wants for a character he's going to make) but a smaller pricetag would be great. >.<

I'll even take just a head and body.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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  Mimiyo3 said:
Well then. Um. If anyone is thinking of selling their Old Eiji to buy a new one I'll gladly take it so long as it isn't completely destroyed or something. I'm hoping to get the old one as a birthday gift for a friend (Cause that's the version he wants for a character he's going to make) but a smaller pricetag would be great. >.<

I'll even take just a head and body.

you can PM me I am 100% sure I will be swapping out my Eiji for the new one. I not sure if I am doing whole body and head or just head thought. I was planning on getting two heads so I think it will be just head I sell.


I really can't wait to get him but it will be with Isolda which atm looks like it will be early next year I get her.

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Of COURSE he gets released sooner than later, when I'd rather have more time to save up and make plans. XD At least he's going to be the new standard, so I'll have time to save up for future clothes horse Viktor Nikiforov. . .

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  sakura2012 said:
Hi guys! The wait is over. I just received an email from Danny stating that the new SmartDoll Guy (Milk & Tea) should be out sometime in May!


Here's the confirmation:


" I wanted to let you know the smart doll guys have had some plastic surgery and are getting a renewal as soon as stock of the current models are depleted.





The new faces look like this

http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27395/Can+You+Guess.html (Crimson)

http://www.dannychoo.com/en/post/27394/Guess+Who+Not+Lelouch.html (Eiji) (Wig style may change)


If you prefer the current version of Crimson & Eiji then get them now as there are no plans to re-release them once their new versions are out. The new versions should be out sometime in May."


Oh sweet lorde jebus finally some news!! Now I can finally get a proper male vynil BJD without having to feel like I had to settle down with the old Eiji because he's the only good and affordable option available even though I really can't stand his face. I am sooo happy with this new look on Eiji!! ARGHHHHHHH I CAN'T. I'm way way more thrilled about this new SMDB than Volks DDB Kirito. And this is quite the first!

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Mikoto Nui

I wonder, with the new Eiji and Crimson coming soon around next month, do you guys think that Danny Choo is gonna update the blank Eiji body(w/ head) to match the new looks?

My Doll family:

Mina(DD3-ish), Nui(SmD Ebony), Nolene(MDD)

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  Mikoto Nui said:
I wonder, with the new Eiji and Crimson coming soon around next month, do you guys think that Danny Choo is gonna update the blank Eiji body(w/ head) to match the new looks?


Oh, that would be much more in line with what I'd want, so I hope so. Might depend on how fast the old blanks sell out though.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Mimiyo3 said:
Well then. Um. If anyone is thinking of selling their Old Eiji to buy a new one I'll gladly take it so long as it isn't completely destroyed or something.

PM'd you.


I definitely want to sell my Old Eiji after this, but I'm not sure who will be the replacement doll for his character. New Eiji is nice but his face doesn't seem quite right. If Volks ever releases guys that look 20+ (character doesn't have a known age in canon but he's definitely over 20) I would have to think about that.

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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I actually want to buy the head alone. Too bad Danny doesn't offer this. I've started to get attached to my Eiji head. But I do want the new one as well.

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Mikoto Nui
  Mario said:
I actually want to buy the head alone. Too bad Danny doesn't offer this. I've started to get attached to my Eiji head. But I do want the new one as well.



Tell me about it. I also want an Eiji head myself for my male doll and I always wanted to see if I can try to put it together with a different body.


I bet that by the time that happens, it's about a couple or so years later.

My Doll family:

Mina(DD3-ish), Nui(SmD Ebony), Nolene(MDD)

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Yay for more release date info! I'd really like to get him home in time for my guy's bday in June but I probably won't be able to save enough(sorry Arturo). I wonder how many of the new guys will be available to start. I hope the wait(if any) for those who don't order right away isn't too bad.

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Soooo excited for the new Eiji. He fits Seiya Kanie so perfectly I sold off my old Eiji so I could get the new one since he fits the character much more. I also love the upgrades to his body ^^

At home: Kanna<3(Custom DDH-01 MDD NS)

*Seiya-kun is getting reshelled into the new SmD Eiji*

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  Yukamina said:
Hmmm the new Crimson looks like he'd make a good Ansem from Kingdom Hearts.


Omg... I totally see it! Dammit that's all I'm going to think of whenever I see a pic of crimson now! (Not that that's a bad thing mind u...)

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Hmm, think I prefer the original Crimson. *sigh* Guess I better start saving up some money

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Wow. I really like the new look of both boys. To me, there seems to be more personality to their faces.


And because the will be the new standard, I don't have to force-save money in a hurry to get them.

I'd get Crimson first, I think...

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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