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Height Comparison Request: SMDB, DDSB, Obi65, Obi55

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Hey! So, I've got some. . . ideas brewing in the back of my mind, and I'm wondering how these three boy bodies compare, especially in terms of height. My 'anchor' doll here is the SMDB, so I want to know how tall/short the DDSB, Obi55, and Obi65 are in comparison. I know it's not likely anyone's got all four, so just whatever comparisons you guys can muster would be appreciated. Thanks!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
Hey! So, I've got some. . . ideas brewing in the back of my mind, and I'm wondering how these three boy bodies compare, especially in terms of height. My 'anchor' doll here is the SMDB, so I want to know how tall/short the DDSB, Obi55, and Obi65 are in comparison. I know it's not likely anyone's got all four, so just whatever comparisons you guys can muster would be appreciated. Thanks!


So the SMDB is the Smart Doll Boy? (checking my alphabet soup)


I've got the two Obitsu guys and can add a Smart Doll Kizuna for reference (and maybe a ruler).




The camera was centered at the 54-55cm height so the doll heights projecting back to the scale should be fairly accurate, even though they are a bit in front of the board. Kizuna wouldn't take off her heels so you've got a stocking feet Chitose instead. The Seedring, which was the prototype for the Obitsu 55cm male, has been modded with 60cm legs. Both my 65cms have had the -1cm neck mod. Rin got interested when all the guys came out.





What a disinterested bunch of schmoes....

Edited by Guest


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And I have a smartdoll guy, Len, and my Chitose on her smartdoll body to help out there! I've got to set up a counter or something for them all to stand on though so give me a moment.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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  K-2 said:

So the SMDB is the Smart Doll Boy? (checking my alphabet soup)


I've got the two Obitsu guys and can add a Smart Doll Kizuna for reference (and maybe a ruler).


I'll edit this post later tonight with an image.


Yup, S(m)art Doll Boy.


Thanks a bunch to both of you! This is basically part of my idea reality check, so I appreciate it.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Thanks for those pics, K2! Hm, the Obi65 might be okay for the project, but seems the 55 is definitely too short--the latter would be better suited to Yurio Pliesetsky the Angry Child. Interested to see how the DDS Boy measures up.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Hey! Got my comparison. I threw in Celia and Melody (DD3 and DDS respectively) because why not. I'd have uploaded sooner but a small fiasco happened because someone wouldn't listen to me when I told him not to wear that black jacket while he handled Aria to try and fix her hips. I'll be posting a help thread about that stuff now for sure so K-2, your advice will be most welcome. Poofie, I imagine the smartdoll guy body will be even taller if you get that new bust with it! I'll definitely have to do that. Ted is like 6'3" in canon so yeah, not a short dude.




I also realized why Ted looks so familiar in this outfit... He looks like Silver from Pokemon.



Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Ah, thanks, Mimiyo! Hm, so looks like for the character I'm investigating, the Obi65 with a Neck-tomy is probably the best choice, with the DDS Boy as a second option. . . .Trouble is, the poor cinnamon roll tends to wind up off model more than any other character in the series, so it's hard to say which is better. Might come down to a matter of interpretation and body availability.


Also LOL yes, Ted DOES seem to be doing an inadvertent cosplay.


EDIT: K2, finally got home and read closer:

The Seedring, which was the prototype for the Obitsu 55cm male, has been modded with 60cm legs.


Do you have a link/worklog of that particular mod? I'm very curious now, especially if it'd be possible with the modern Obi55; I'm digging that sort of in-between height.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I'd love to see custom YOI dolls! But for some reason I cant help but think it's incredibly likely that there will be official ones down the road, so I'd rather wait and see myself. It's unbelievably popular (one of the best selling series of last year and then some) and every merchandising company is gonna want a piece of it, and it might just be the final push needed for more vinyl male character dolls. (There's also the fact that Danny Choo hinted at the possibility which I previously didnt have high hopes for at ALL but after seeing the new mystery boy, it just might work) Or maybe i'm just being overly optimistic ;-;

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K2, your Rin makes EVERYTHING she leans on/gets close to look amazing. She's the perfect saleswoman!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  Torino said:
I'd love to see custom YOI dolls! But for some reason I cant help but think it's incredibly likely that there will be official ones down the road, so I'd rather wait and see myself. It's unbelievably popular (one of the best selling series of last year and then some) and every merchandising company is gonna want a piece of it, and it might just be the final push needed for more vinyl male character dolls. (There's also the fact that Danny Choo hinted at the possibility which I previously didnt have high hopes for at ALL but after seeing the new mystery boy, it just might work) Or maybe i'm just being overly optimistic ;-;


Yeah, I'm pretty far from being able to do custom Victor and Yuuri financially, so this is really more of a recon phase than anything else. The way I see it, if I have plans for full custom versions, and then there are official ones that are just a hair off, I'll already have ways to fix them, and if they're WAY off, or just take too damn long to happen, I can forge ahead with my custom versions later when I have monies.


Current plan is to use the milk version of the new SMD boy for Victor, actually, because he's pretty damn close, and using a slightly modded 09 head for Yuuri--though what body Yuuri should go on is a much harder question to answer. I don't currently plan to do Yurio for two reasons: one, with Victor being such a clothes horse and desperately NEEDING his darling Katsukidon, this project is big enough; two, Homura can out-cranky Yurio in her sleep, so I really don't need anything more on the grumpybutt front.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
Do you have a link/worklog of that particular mod? I'm very curious now, especially if it'd be possible with the modern Obi55; I'm digging that sort of in-between height.


It's an extremely easy mod.

Step 1: Buy 60cm legs (or take them from a 60cm body)

Step 2: Remove 55cm legs at the hip. (pull straight off, perpendicularly to the "spine")

Step 3: Put entire 60cm legs on to 55cm body.


The difference in height between the 55cm and the 60cm are mostly in the legs, specifically the longer vinyl thighs and shins and the "bone" sections between the joints. These "bone" sections are molded to the knee joint so if you were going to buy parts to mod 55cm legs to 60cm, you would need to buy 60cm thigh vinyl, 60cm shin vinyl, and 60cm knee joints. You would use the 55cm's hip and ankle joints, both identical to the 60cm's. The 60cm and 55cm's feet may be different but that's all cosmetic.


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  K-2 said:
  Poofiemus said:
Do you have a link/worklog of that particular mod? I'm very curious now, especially if it'd be possible with the modern Obi55; I'm digging that sort of in-between height.


It's an extremely easy mod.

Step 1: Buy 60cm legs (or take them from a 60cm body)

Step 2: Remove 55cm legs at the hip. (pull straight off, perpendicularly to the "spine")

Step 3: Put entire 60cm legs on to 55cm body.


The difference in height between the 55cm and the 60cm are mostly in the legs, specifically the longer vinyl thighs and shins and the "bone" sections between the joints. These "bone" sections are molded to the knee joint so if you were going to buy parts to mod 55cm legs to 60cm, you would need to buy 60cm thigh vinyl, 60cm shin vinyl, and 60cm knee joints. You would use the 55cm's hip and ankle joints, both identical to the 60cm's. The 60cm and 55cm's feet may be different but that's all cosmetic.


Oh, so it's basically all part swapping/kitbashing? Nice! Okay, so that's an option for Yuuri if I can't find an Obi65, or don't want to bother with a doll with zero replacement parts. Thanks very much for the info!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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So, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to intrude, but I'm getting the impression the Obi65 body is actually taller than the Smart Doll boy, but thinner?  I thought I saw a pic somewhere before, by Cirquemom i think, when she got a Crimson, and he was shorter.


So height wise from shortest to tallest I think it would go


Obi55< DDSB


I would also like to nail down the various boys' heights for future projects and it seems no one has all of them just yet so it's not easy.


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I can't contribute with pictures of my own dolls unfortunately, but scouring the interwebz for doll comparison pics has become a bit of an weird obsession for me since getting into this hobby and hopefully these images help some.


Credit to nmachi on their blog:

Smart doll guy & Obi65 male comparison, plus some DD heads on a SmD guy body lol: http://ameblo.jp/nmachi/entry-12131209754.html


SmD Guy compared to a Parabox 40/47cms, DDS Ranka, and DDIII KOS-MOS (individual comparisons instead of a lineup): http://ameblo.jp/nmachi/entry-12131028710.html


Actually, their entire "body comparisons, etc" tag is a treasure trove to me lol xD


Credit to moumoucandynuts on twitter:

Smart doll guy >> Obitsu 55cm with an 09 head >> DDS Mariko: https://mobile.twitter.com/moumoucandynuts/status/759199948349014016


Credit to nayuta_7 on twitter:

Obitsu 60cm male(with an 07 head??? not completely sure) and Eiji: https://mobile.twitter.com/nayuta_7/status/688243022434156544


For Yuuri, I think an obi60 male would work nicely height-wise if that new Smart Doll guy will be his Victor. ^^ However, one thing to keep in mind is that the Obitsu 60cm leg parts that were originally used to make the 60cm male that used to be sold are now discontinued. You can still use the currently available bjd-style Obi60 legs with the Obi55 male of course, but the look of the legs(thighs especially) is a bit more slender yet shapely.


Also, just a heads up that separating the legs from a 60cm(and I assume 55cm too since they use the same frame) Obitsu body for the first time takes A LOT of force. Expect to struggle for a bit if you do this mod! Or at least, I did for about an hour. xD;;; Besides that it's pretty straightforward in general though. I'm still hoping that Obitsu updates their 55/60cm bodies sometime though--they could really use a refresh aesthetically in my opinion..

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Here's a comparison photo of Obitsu boys and the DDSB:




Ob65cm, Ob60cm, DDSB and Ob55cm. The Ob65 has had a 1cm neck mod.


My Ob60cm is the double jointed Obitsu girl body with an Obitsu 60cm male chest and an Obitsu 55cm male lower torso on it. The double jointed Obitsu girl body has a three part torso. I don't know if the 60cm male chest part works with just the two lower parts of the girl torso or not. But it's kind of annoying having such a small torso on him. He doesn't sit up very well. His height is all in his legs. When he sits down next to the 55cm boy, they are both the same height, and the 60cm slouches more. But at least he is a good height standing with the DD girls!!


Also, I will concur with elianti and say that it takes a LOT of wrestling to get the 60cm legs on and off!! I was afraid I would break my boys when I was putting the male torsos on them!!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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  elianti said:
I can't contribute with pictures of my own dolls unfortunately, but scouring the interwebz for doll comparison pics has become a bit of an weird obsession for me since getting into this hobby and hopefully these images help some.

Nice detective work elianti.


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