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DD Joined/Once Piece Torso?

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51 minutes ago, cfx said:

This was standing too. In my case it's obvious Volks just cut the hole out too large on one side. Since all the vinyl parts vary a bit, it's also possible the particular thigh I used is shaped in a way to make the problem worse.

To add to my list of annoyances, this body part is not a good color match for the arms and legs I used. It's more pink, almost looks like SWS if I didn't have that to compare it directly to.

I'd post pictures but I'm unable to take any at this time.

Did you get this used, or from Volks? I've never gotten an NS that looks pink.

I have a lot of one piece torsos, and I've never had one with that noticeable a difference in the thigh holes either.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I got it direct from Volks USA, earlier this week.

It also has a few black specs that look like they're embedded in the vinyl. I've seen a few comments here about people getting parts like that but this is the first time I've had anything with those.

Measureing front-to-back, one thigh hole is about 37-38mm, while the other is 43mm. Both are about 43mm wide. The only way to mostly close the gaps on the larger one is to push the thighs up into the body so that the joining peg rides up in that slot in the frame, but when you do that then there's a big gap at the crotch. For any clothing I'd use this doesn't really matter much, but for swimsuits or lingerie like these are designed for it'd certainly be an issue.

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I was fortunate cause my SWS one piece torso is actually older than the rest of the body (also SWS) by at least a year. Granted, she's also lucky since her current lingerie would cover most of the thigh gap, though I would need another set to be able to tell better.

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12 hours ago, cfx said:

This was standing too. In my case it's obvious Volks just cut the hole out too large on one side. Since all the vinyl parts vary a bit, it's also possible the particular thigh I used is shaped in a way to make the problem worse.

To add to my list of annoyances, this body part is not a good color match for the arms and legs I used. It's more pink, almost looks like SWS if I didn't have that to compare it directly to.

I'd post pictures but I'm unable to take any at this time.

Did you purchase it recently from VolksUSA? I'm not at home right now but I didn't notice any problems like that with my one-piece torso, I got it in January from VolksUSA. I will check the body well when I get home. It seems like you got a faulty piece, VolksUSA doesn't accept returns but if you call them and explain the problem, they might accept it. Two years ago I purchased a head but I didn't realize I got the wrong color (I was still a newbie) so I called Volks USA to return it and get a refund and they said no, but I insisted, they talked to the manager and accepted. I think it will be easier in your case.


Oops, I just saw your reply above, you should definitely call VolksUSA and ask to return it and get a refund.

Edited by jazijaz
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