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DDH-06 head on Soom Super Gem (F) body? Photo request!

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So an off the wall question:


Do you all think it'd be possible to mod a DDH06 head to fit on a Super Gem body?

Additional points to anyone who can maybe supply me a look of a head on said body, because I think the 06's head is big enough but I wouldn't mind seeing a comparison.

I've been trying to plot a character and a running problem was height and body type were not a thing I could get through the DD body choices, BUT I happen to like the Super Gem female body and then got on thinking maybe that'd be a great alternative.


I know there are a few people who've fit DD heads on BJD bodies before, but I've never really looked into the task, let alone know exactly how to mod the head to fit.


Figured the best thing I can do is ask first and see if any peeps here have ideas.

Also realize resin matching would have to happen, but that's not a worry of mine. That's why you choose the right face-up artists.


Thanks to anyone who can answer!

Edited by Guest

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I don't have a Super Gem girl to try it out, but it seems pretty do-able.


Don't think any mods are needed if the Soom body just has a hook/elastic knot to secure the head and not a special adapter like FL dolls. You might have to untie the elastic knot to get it through the hole in the DD head, but then you can secure it with the S-hook same as any resin head. Or, you may be able to shift the knot into the torso and just run one loop into the head if that's easier. If the head is still a little wobbly some silicon putty in the neck well can fix it. That's how I was able to put DD heads on MSD-size resin bodies in the past, at least.


I'd be careful about the tightness of the elastic though since DD heads do tend to crack around the hole for the neck post and tight elastic could put a lot of pressure on that area.

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I figured maybe I'd need to adjust the head for the neck size, but I actually found out the neck cirbleepference is only a 1cm off the DD body (DD is 9cm, Super gem is 10cm), which is helpful. So the silicone putty will definitely be a useful thing to fill any gaps if there really is any.


Also, thank you for the tip about the elastic. It makes perfect sense now that I've read it, but was simply something I hadn't thought of.




I do hope maybe someone who has the body and a large-ish DD head (Like 06, 07 or Yoko--just bigger) can give me an idea, but honestly I may just start going for this right now. o3o

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I would volunteer with one of my girls but i have a lot of the old SG girls so i dont know if the new body is the same in the neck

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From what I know the body isn't too different, and I may end up with an older body (I'm not specifically looking for the newer ver.) so being able to see is better than nothing if you don't mind! :> Please and thank you.

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I don't own a DH06 head, so I used Saber Alter v2's head on a super gem body from 2015:



I have more pictures in this album


Alter's head fit snugly on the neck, it will only gap if you tilt her head way over to the side. Due to the small neck hole you will need either a piece of wire or a restringing tool in order to get the elastic into the head.

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That works out perfectly still, especially cause I can also see a white skin comparison (I was planning to use WS).


It looks pretty good! I kept thinking maybe the neck would look pretty long but honestly it seems fine. o3o

I guess I'll totally go through with this whenever I find myself a body.


Thank you so much for the images! I super appreciate it. :> I'll keep that in mind with the restringing tool. I think I still have one about somewhere.

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u wu I'm glad I could help you~


The necks of DD are pretty long to begin with, so that could be why it doesn't look too strange? If you can't find your restringing tool, you could always try using some wire or string. String might make it too bulky to pass through the head hole though;;;


I'm looking forward to seeing your completed doll ^^

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