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Need some advice on body stocking

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So I've learned my kimono stains something fierce, and I need to get a body stocking for my doll. Now as a clueless newbie, I could use some advice.


Firstly, could someone please advise if there's much difference between the Volks stocking and the one sold at CoolCat? Volks is cheaper and they have other stuff I could order at the same time, but I'm worried there's going to be a big difference in quality.


Secondly, if CoolCat is the way to go, could someone please tell me which stocking to get for a M bust semi white DD3? I've looked through all their options and am kinda confused.


Finally, does anyone know what size stocking I should get for a L bust Smartdoll? I'm not sure if I should go for a DD sized stocking or DDDy. Also, she's a cocoa coloured doll, and I'm not aware of any stocking that works with that colour

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In my experience, the difference between coolcats and volks body-stocking are the elasticity of the fabric.

Volks body-stockings are much more elastic and "roomier". My DDIII can bend her legs up higher, while sitting, in the volks one.

(But that could be due to the model of the body-stocking - I prefer Coolcats "DDPN" ones, but their "DDPS" stockings might be more elastic)


The Coolcat ones are a bit thicker and feels sturdier - as in they will not break or tear as easily.

And they have different models too!


So there is pro's and con's with them both...


I have gone with this one for my DDIII. Again, it can be a bit tight. It fits better on an S bust than M bust, in my opinion.

But I know, there are many options!

So for starters, I would suggest going with a model that you need - like a high-collar one, if you are going to use it with a kimono.

Then go by the color you need or would like. And then check whether DDPN or DDPS is for you.


I have tried both volks body-stocking and coolcats one on a Smartdoll, and it fits just as well. But I cannot remember which bust I tried them with...

But I can try them on all, as I have S, M and L Smartdoll busts. Unless someone else has an answer.

I would assume though that for M and L busts, you should go with DDdy sizes.


I also would suggest contacting Coolcat and ask them if they could make a custom body-stocking for a cocoa Smartdoll for you. I know that they make alterations to their body-stockings, but custom colors... that I do not know...

But cannot hurt to ask - they are very nice to deal with!

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So I ended up getting a CoolCat DDPS stocking that's sized for a M bust DD3, and it seems scarily tight? Like I tried putting it on my doll last night, and it got caught around her upper tigh and I'm worried about it tearing. Is this normal? Should I just try force it on or is there a proper way to get a doll into one of these things?

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They are tight. And the tighs of SmartDolls are larger than those of Dollfie Dream III (I do not know how they compare to DDdy, actually).

They can tear if handled roughly too, yes. My advice is to try and twist it upwards instead of pulling, when it gets "stuck".

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Thanks for all your answers, Yumeiro!


I'll probably try get my doll into her bodysuit tomorrow, hopefully it works out this time

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Took some photos, for those interested in the future:


On SmartDoll L bust.

Volks bodystocking, should be semi-white skin color:




Coolcat【DDPN-59】Close-Fitting Clothing(W8)# Off White (custom made short sleeves):



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