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Building A SD/DD Hybrid

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Hi so I love love LOVE Smart doll's torso for two reasons:


1. I can charge my phone

2. The waist doesn't look like Other Mother from Coraline


Though I am also really interested in other faces and limbs from other companies. Here is my question: what limbs and head do i use for a SD torso?


I really want a dark skin doll but if i have to get a tan or pale torso instead, I wouldn't mind. SD are soo pricey (IDK why) but only the torso is appealing to me. If anyone has made hybrids that hasn't costed them an arm and leg and two kidneys, PLEASE help a first time doll buyer. Up until now, ive only collected monster high and ever after high dolls lol

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I don't think SmartDoll torso can be easily combined with other company's limbs. The pegs and joints are different and if you really wanna do that, you must be prepared to do heavy modifications. And it would be even harder given you don't have an experience with dolls of this kind. I don't wanna be discouraging, but I would really suggest buying a complete doll as your first and eventually do modifications of the way when you get to know the body better.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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I don't think SmartDoll torso can be easily combined with other company's limbs. The pegs and joints are different and if you really wanna do that, you must be prepared to do heavy modifications. And it would be even harder given you don't have an experience with dolls of this kind. I don't wanna be discouraging, but I would really suggest buying a complete doll as your first and eventually do modifications of the way when you get to know the body better.


That actually helps me a TON! So what about heads? are heads too difficult to mod too?

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The Smartdolls can definitely use other heads on their bodies but you'll have to do some modding to make them work. That's mainly because the hole in their heads and the peg they go onto in the body are a lot smaller than most companies like Azone, Parabox/Obitsu and Volks. But you can get some clear rubber tubing from the hardware store to slip over the neck peg of the SmD body to make up that space and secure the head.


As for arms and legs, that's not really going to be easily done. The inner frame is designed to secure arms and legs in a very specific way.... Volks and Azone/Obitsu don't have anything like it. So you'd have to do some major modding of frames and attachment points in order to make something else work.


It'd be way easier to just buy a full SmD body without the head and use those arms and legs and then keep the non-USB charging torso as a spare part. It might be more expensive that way but it'd save loads of time and stress on your end.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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