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Mirai Mannequin Machine

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I'm pretty sure it's an April Fools joke.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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  Eiko82 said:
I'm pretty sure it's an April Fools joke.

That's too bad.... I hope he deliberately broke the news today to make you think it's a joke, when in fact it is not. That the photos and video are true, it would not make sense to waste resources to ensure that seem so real... Boh... But Danny is eccentric, so, never say never (is an Italian proverb, do not know if you understand English or exists)

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Remember that Danny started all this business to make a doll for himself, and then share it with fans. I guess he just made the big Mirai for himself like a proof of concept etc. It does not have to mean, that it will go into production at all. Just imagine the price of such a huge doll and therefore how many of them would he sell.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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I cant see him actually selling this, although who knows: there are BJD companies that have 1/2 dolls.

I think she'll definitely become an interesting attraction at the Mirai store though!

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Yet it says that will go on sale entre this year, even with the base of the other doll and not just Mirai, I'm thinking that maybe will be produced only on demand or in small quantities.

By some calculations, the specific release, 800-900 € will be only the PC, so, I think that the minimum cost from 1500 to 2000€


Personally, I love it, but I want to understand whether it is a PC in the shape of doll or does what he said he had to do the SmartDoll Plus.


Eventually, I hope that also produces normal, the idea of a doll of 1/2 I like it very much.

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He has already made one atleast , that means he has made the molds to make the vinyl skins ect , seeing that he has the molds it would not surprise me if he made a limited run of them to see if they will sell , I for one will buy one

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I doubt this is an April fools joke. He mentioned earlier that Japanese consumers do not like being bamboozled.


SMART DOLL by DANNY@MiraiRobotics

Consumers in Japan don't like being lied to even on 4/1 so Japanese companies tag their posts with an #AprilFools tag



Plus I think this is his april fools joke

(warning NSFW contains oppai)



Onto the subject. I saw his progress on twitter with this 1/2 scale Mirai. I thought it was pretty cool. I would love to own one but finding a place to put her will be my struggle.


Although if it is a joke, damn. He's so mean.

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Price for clothes and accessories is going to be outrageous.

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While I highly suspect that the actual specifications of the doll's mechanical hardware is a little out-there, the concept of her being a large mannequin or small computer is technically sound (especially the mannequin bit).

If he segmented her back (like the open side of a computer tower), added a fan or two, and maybe mixed up the ports a bit, she could make a suitable laptop tower. A very expensive laptop tower, mind you, but a suitable one nonetheless.

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Heh heh heh.......


Oh how I wish I could comment like I want to.....







I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:
Heh heh heh.......


Oh how I wish I could comment like I want to.....








You can not tease us so ...


Not even a little thing?

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Mirai is very cute in that scale! One advantage of modern technology, she is proportioned correctly to his original vision.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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I thought he's been teasing a 1/2 scale doll for a while. If he actually put them up for sale, I might have to seriously consider it, more so if they are more digital assistant then dumb PC.

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  Morilec said:
  baldylox said:
Heh heh heh.......


Oh how I wish I could comment like I want to.....








You can not tease us so ...


Not even a little thing?



All I can say is that we saw this big girl almost two weeks ago when we visited Danny at his office. She is VERY impressive in person and her face up is amazing. Photos don't do her justice. As for any other details on her, I'm not allowed to say anything..... Danny let us upstairs into the R&D department but we had to sign a waiver not to say anything about anything we saw there.


Okay, we didn't have to sign anything but he DID ask us not to talk about the stuff we saw up there.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:

All I can say is that we saw this big girl almost two weeks ago when we visited Danny at his office. She is VERY impressive in person and her face up is amazing. Photos don't do her justice. As for any other details on her, I'm not allowed to say anything..... Danny let us upstairs into the R&D department but we had to sign a waiver not to say anything about anything we saw there.


Okay, we didn't have to sign anything but he DID ask us not to talk about the stuff we saw up there.





Sooner or later I'll go even in the store, and I'm sure he'll be traveling somewhere else..


I mainly want to know whether it is a PC or the robot that moves and is connected to home automation, as he wanted to make 1/3 scale models. I still start to save money, do not buy some clothes for my Mirai, we'll see...

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She's just a girl shaped PC. I have his blog in my news feed and this came across with more details then I've seen anywhere else. Not sure how everyone has missed it (Including me until this morning.). If he really makes the other girls in this size, I might just get Haruka when I need a new PC (Still waiting for her as a SmD too.).

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  sinclair said:
She's just a girl shaped PC. I have his blog in my news feed and this came across with more details then I've seen anywhere else. Not sure how everyone has missed it (Including me until this morning.). If he really makes the other girls in this size, I might just get Haruka when I need a new PC (Still waiting for her as a SmD too.).


Mh ... Sin ... I should change the PC, but do not think I should take a very Doll-PC, for what you need me. Sin.

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LoL, I have to have this. If it's released as a moving robot ok! If it's released as a doll PC tower ok! Or if it's just a huge smartdoll, I want it lmao. If it's as impressive as baldox says, I really hope it's released. I'm going to have to sell something and maybe take on side work but I want this. Oh and if other girls are to be released, decisions will have to be made. Sorry ladies your all extremely valuable but not everyone can make varsity. LoL


Please Danny if you scout this forums make them.

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He said today that he's working on her molds now. I'm pretty confident this is happening!

At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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I really like this idea even if it's not terribly practical ^_^;

But it'd be awesome to have her as a living room PC hooked up to a TV instead of an ugly tower! Streaming anime from Mirai would be hilarious

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  jadepixel said:
I really like this idea even if it's not terribly practical ^_^;

But it'd be awesome to have her as a living room PC hooked up to a TV instead of an ugly tower! Streaming anime from Mirai would be hilarious


I want to see someone put an Amazon Echo or similar into her. . . talk to her, and she answers back!


It'd be a close second to my favorite Echo hack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBqiW1R5_JM

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Just for the giggles, I would love to see the price tag

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It's beautiful, I already know I can never buy: '(

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