elianti Posted April 16, 2017 Posting this here since my question mainly pertains to smart doll guys(since he's my top priority for the next big doll purchase), but I'm also interested in how well the SmD girls and even DDs pose since I (still) haven't been able to handle them in person yet. ><" Soon... hopefully. I read a few times that smart dolls are great posers in general, but that they sorta fall short in comparison to DDs when it comes to their legs and any pose that requires any "ab crunch" (idk if there are any other possible 'issues'). Mysha's comparison thread and Maarit's comparison blog post have been super helpful, but one thing that stuck out to me was that both DDs and Smart Dolls(but especially Smart Dolls) can't move their entire legs backwards that much?? Is that really true? Any pictures showing the limits of a smart doll guy's leg rotation, or even just confirmation that they're about the same as a girl Smart Doll like in Maarit's photo here would be really helpful! I'm also interested in knowing if a DDS boy body's flexibility is about the same as regular DDs. I'd assume so, but maybe the slimmer legs/torso(?) might make a difference? (Or not.) I'd want my guy to be able to do back kicks(among other dynamic things lol) if possible so if he can't that'll be a bit of a downer. I can totally make do with whatever amount of flexibility he does have though! The 2nd(3rd?) versions of Eiji/Crimson don't have a concrete release date and I definitely don't even have enough cash squirreled away for that order yet, but I'm still getting antsy thinking about possible future photo shoots.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty Posted April 16, 2017 They cant really move their legs much at all. In fact I'm pretty sure it was me getting too ambitious with Kaito's leg posing (I think I tried to put one leg over the other so he could sit sassily) that resulting in me snapping his spine (Which I didnt realise for a while, but I got a free replacement due to the warranty which is nice.) Basically, you can make them sit on their knees - like the pose they come in when you buy one to make them fit in the bag - but they wont go back any further than that. To tell the truth, I think DDs and probably obitsus too are far and away better posers. Smartdolls feel kinda clunky and overly stiff, and Eiji's arms especially are always just falling off because there's a lot of empty space between the outer vinyl shell and the inner peg. (if this peg was longer it wouldnt be a problem, or if there was some adjustment to the frame to keep it in place easily, but its always slipping inside if I move his arm too much which causes his arm to fall off. I legit just assumed this was how vinyl dolls were until I got Rin and was amazed at how smoothly and effortlessly she moved. There's a possibility that the girls pose a lot better, but now that I have a bunch of DDs to compare my Eiji too he's always coming up short and it's made me a little disenchanted to be honest. I'm still interested in smartdolls but I'm probably gonna hold off on ever getting more unless these issues are addressed because its starting to bug me a lot how they cost a lot more than a lot of DDs when they have these issues. (My tan D'Coord in her beautiful extravagant frilly fullset cost far less than a boring plain tshirt and brown pants Mirai for example) I imagine the body flaws may be ironed out eventually, just like the DD body has received upgrades over the years, but it could be a while, and for the time being I'd rather wait and see what other boys Volks has in the pipeline. *twitter*instagram*art* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yumeiro Posted April 16, 2017 is a comparison that might offer some help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty Posted April 16, 2017 Yumeiro said: is a comparison that might offer some help. Ok this video definitely makes the girls look easy to move, and its even mentioned that they are. But I've heard people say their girl smartdolls were bleepbersome and annoying to move so I assume its a case by case thing? I know Mimiyo said she's never had problems with her Eiji unlike me. *twitter*instagram*art* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sinclair Posted April 16, 2017 I don't have a SmD, just DDs. As for posing, about the only poses that I wish I could do that they can't are crossed legs while sitting, like stated above, and knees to the chest. This is one of my most favorite poses, and they can't do it (Without cheating, aka dislocating their hips.). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yumeiro Posted April 16, 2017 Torino said: But I've heard people say their girl smartdolls were bleepbersome and annoying to move so I assume its a case by case thing? I know Mimiyo said she's never had problems with her Eiji unlike me. I have never had an issue with my Chitose either. I think they are wonderful (and very smooth) to pose! Well, apart from their limitations. (But was there not a confirmed issue with the overall boy body though? Or was that just the arms?) The leg thing is what made me hesitate when I first thought about making a purchase of a SmartDoll, since I mostly take photos with my dolls, and want them to be able to pose very well. But I have come to prefer the SmartDoll over Dollfie Dreams now. Thaaat could be due to the telescopic stand though.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
K-2 Posted April 16, 2017 (edited) Posability is a compromise between looks and range of motion. Posability is often limited by the looks of a dolls joints. Manufacturers will compromise looks to increase range of motion. They do this by adding joints where no joint exists in the normal human body (rotational joint found in mid thigh) and/or by creating joints that distend unnaturally (double jointed elbows and knees). Likewise they will compromise range of motion for the sake of looks (one piece torsos or moving the waist joint to up under the bust). Quote people say their girl smartdolls were bleepbersome and annoying to move so I assume its a case by case thing? This sounds like a comparison of joint operation, comparing resin doll operation to that of vinyl/internal skeleton style dolls. In resins the elastic strings control every joint and with moderately tensioned strings resins are relatively easy to move. But this ease of movement yields relatively poor overall posing and often a very floppy doll body. Smart Doll and other vinyls with internal skeletons have stiffer, mechanically controlled joints that will seem difficult to move in comparison to their resin counterparts. But this joint rigidity is what allows them to hold a pose so well. Also the type of vinyl used can give different ranges of motion. Smart Dolls and Dollfie Dreams use a relatively harder vinyl. The knees to chest sitting position can be accomplished by some Obitsus because the softer vinyl used in Obitsu abdomens can compress, unlike the vinyl of Smart Dolls and DDs. Edited April 17, 2017 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mimiyo3 Posted April 16, 2017 I have an Eiji and a Chitose and they pose pretty well. They do have less leg movement than my DD girls or DDS boy (Who really is basically the same as the girls on poseability) but they make up for that in the upper back and neck poseability. My only serious gripe is with Chi (Ted has it too, but to a lesser extent) when I try and move her arms certain ways and I don't brace her back when I do it her back is what bends first instead of the shoulder, but it's a minor nuisance in the grand scheme of things. Anyways here's some pictures. This is about as far as Chi's leg can go up on her. Angle is a little weird but she's so attache to her new sweater that she wouldn't wear anything else, and no panties, because she's Chi so I had to make sure there was a bit of censorship going on. It's not a bad range of motion for the aesthetic advantages the body has so I can live with the trade off. if you modified the hip area you could probably extend that range of motion but idk how good that would look or how much you could really do. The smartdoll girls can cross their legs, pretty much. It looks slightly funny but it's not bad. Chi: Why do I need to put my hands in front of me like this? Many reasons Chi. Many reasons. Ted is able to do a pretty good kick. The guys are more poseable at the hip than the girls are actually. I took his jeans off because they were kinda restricting him. lol The guys also sit criss cross a little better, it's still kinda funny though. As for the DDs, Aveline was dressed pretty appropriately for the occasion so she was happy to volunteer. She's easily the best at the criss cross thing. Also, she can do the leg hugging pose too! There's just a slight issue. Looks pretty good. There's just... This. It's easy to hide with camera angles and clothes so while it's not the end of the world, I would recommend not leaving them in that pose long term as it could put stress on the hips. Present! Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O. W.I.P. Rose, Tara Waiting Hannah, Lucy, Sonya. Neemos: Yuki & Mimi Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elianti Posted April 17, 2017 Thank you everyone for all of your input! @ Torino: So it seems like their Smart Doll leg posing capabilities are limited after all.. that's too bad. It's nice that they have that one year warranty in case it breaks though! In all likelihood I may need it since I often get a little excited when trying different poses... @ Yumeiro: Thanks for sharing that video link! Seeing them in action is the best. The telescopic stand is the one that is included right? It sounds really useful, as long as it can be used with their outfits.. @ Sinclair: That pose is one of my favorites as well! Too bad it's really hard/impossible to accomplish with most dolls. @ K-2: It's unfortunate that we can't have both a wide range of motion and nice looking joints/parts, and instead have to prioritize one or the other in dolls. Coming from an Obitsu background too I think I wouldn't mind a slight loss in aesthetics for a bit more leg posability.. Btw Miyuki is looking super cute in that pic! I really wish my girl can keep that pose, but her (fatter) tummy, thighs, and boobs just won't let her lol @ Mimiyo: Thank you, Chi, Ted, and Aveline for all of the wonderful pictures! Chi is incredibly adorable, and Ted doing that kick (in his boxers xD) is pretty awesome! Seeing them sit cross legged is interesting. Aveline clearly manages it best out of the three of them, but they all do it well enough. But I think that the crossed leg pose Torino and Sinclair meant might have been the other one that looks sorta 'business'-like and done when sitting in a chair? Or at least, that's the one I was thinking of. xD;;; Aveline looks great doing that knees to chest pose. That's about the same that my Obitsu girl can do, and her hip/thigh connection area also gets exposed. Good thing clothes or the right camera angle can easily fix it. ^^ My next question is: does anyone know if the hip/leg part of the smart doll frame actually can move back more and that the outer leg vinyl is just too stiff to allow any more range of motion, or if both the frame and the vinyl are preventing that extra flexion? I hope that makes sense. I have a feeling it doesn't lol My line of thinking was that if the former is true then it might be possible to heat up the vinyl to (temporarily) let them do more poses. It sounds kinda risky though, since it doesn't take too long for vinyl to cool down after the hair dryer treatment and the internal frame might get damaged if flexed in a way it's not meant to. I really wish I could do a J-trip this year to do a smart doll workshop and other stuff but it looks like it won't be possible after all. It would have been cool to simultaneously get a discount AND make a travel experience out of something I'd be doing anyway(since a doll isn't really 'mine' until I build them from parts and inevitably break something soon after lol) but oh well. ^^"" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mimiyo3 Posted April 17, 2017 It's definitely the outer vinyl that restricts it. I just tried to push Chi's leg up more (I'd do pics but it doesn't stay unless I hold it like that and I don't have enough hands to take pictures or film it.) and it went up. I could even see the vinyl bending a bit. Smartdolls have the hardest vinyl of the bunch from what I know. (Don't have any obitsus so I can't talk about them.) but yeah. Stuff is very hard so if the leg opening could be sanded to allow for more motion that would extend it. I'm not willing to experiment with this since I have very little knowledge about modifying things and I'm scared to screw up any of my girls. But if anyone wants to get creative and figure out a good way to do it that doesn't look too funny please share it. I'd be interested in trying it in the future if I knew for sure what to do. Present! Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O. W.I.P. Rose, Tara Waiting Hannah, Lucy, Sonya. Neemos: Yuki & Mimi Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elianti Posted April 19, 2017 Mimiyo3 said: It's definitely the outer vinyl that restricts it. I just tried to push Chi's leg up more (I'd do pics but it doesn't stay unless I hold it like that and I don't have enough hands to take pictures or film it.) and it went up. I could even see the vinyl bending a bit. Smartdolls have the hardest vinyl of the bunch from what I know. (Don't have any obitsus so I can't talk about them.) but yeah. Stuff is very hard so if the leg opening could be sanded to allow for more motion that would extend it. I'm not willing to experiment with this since I have very little knowledge about modifying things and I'm scared to screw up any of my girls. But if anyone wants to get creative and figure out a good way to do it that doesn't look too funny please share it. I'd be interested in trying it in the future if I knew for sure what to do. Thank you for checking! That's makes me a little hopeful. Obitsus are very squishy, especially in their torsos and boobs. I'm sorta interested in the super soft vinyl that some of the new AP obitsus use because the squishiness is nice imo lol Since everyone says that DD vinyl was much harder, I was surprised when the DD busts I got were still pretty soft. xD I'm sure a Smart Doll guy will be noticeably harder than my current girls! I'd be wary about sanding any visible areas, especially since Danny doesn't sell replacement parts. If he did, I might try it though! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mimiyo3 Posted April 19, 2017 Yeah, idk why people were saying DD's are super hard. They're not incredibly soft but they do squish so they're not hard. And yeah. The guys are hard as a rock. Please don't take that the wrong way lol Well, everywhere except the upper chest piece They're softer than the DDs there. And yeah... If you screw up you need to buy a new body entirely which is pretty expensive. Present! Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O. W.I.P. Rose, Tara Waiting Hannah, Lucy, Sonya. Neemos: Yuki & Mimi Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elianti Posted April 19, 2017 I'm still going to try to mod my guy to have shorter shins if it looks doable, so I really hope I don't screw up. ><"" Having an extra pair of parts to revert to the original look in case of a modding disaster would make me feel SO much better. At least Danny hinted that he may offer them eventually... I think? I think I remember some discussion about heads being sold separately someday.. and lmao I'm sure one of my girls will have something to say about that hardness once the new guy comes in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nozomi02 Posted April 19, 2017 I know people who have broken their smart dolls outside of the warranty period have contacted smart doll and been able to just purchase the part(s) they needed. Sometimes SmD will say they'll throw in the replacement posts for free if you buy a certain amount of other product. Just letting everyone know SmD is usually willing to work with you so you have options other than buying a whole new body. My Eiji's foot broke less than 2 months after his warranty period ended, and they still gave me a replacement for free. I just had to pay shipping, which was fine since I'd been planning an order anyway. At home: DDH-05: Kimiko DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki Smart Doll Chitose Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori DD Saber Extra DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki Smart Doll Harmony Smart Doll Twilight DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites