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Injection vs vinyl

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When he said that, he was just talking about revealing the doll. He'll be product testing for probably months, so no cortex for us quite yet! :C

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But I want one NOW. I get the feeling he tests his products more than some of the video games I play these days get QA testing.


I guess I shouldn't complain. It shows he wants only the best to be released.

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Well, this hobby does teach you patience, doesn't it?


I hope an ETA will be disclosed soonish though because waiting kills my hype a bit and there are a lot of questions about Cortex that need answers

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I'm newer to the hobby, so I haven't learned to have full patience yet. I just got my first email from volks announcing a preorder period that starts in spring, and then you get the item in fall.


I am used to pre-ordering other things that sometimes take a while though. I just usually end up forgetting about them until they show up. But I can't imagine forgetting about a single amazing doll though.

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I'm super new too, I don't even have a doll yet and while I try being patience I simply can't

I stalk Danny's Instagram multiple times a day hoping that he'll say something about Cortex

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Hey! I don't have a doll yet either! I keep hoping though. Injection type doll would make it MUCH easier to get a smartdoll though.

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I'm curious about the injection Smart Dolls, but not really interested in getting one myself. I just wanna see, what they look like in the end and hope someone who already owns a Vinyl Smart Doll gets a Cortex one and does a comparison

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  ajl said:
Hey! I don't have a doll yet either! I keep hoping though. Injection type doll would make it MUCH easier to get a smartdoll though.


That's the same thing I thought


  Rosie said:
I'm curious about the injection Smart Dolls, but not really interested in getting one myself. I just wanna see, what they look like in the end and hope someone who already owns a Vinyl Smart Doll gets a Cortex one and does a comparison


I'm sure there'll be plenty of photos around to satisfy your curiosity

I can't wait to see the comparisons myself to know what more experienced collectors think about this version ^^

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Had they been annoucned before I bought my first and only planned Smart Doll I might've gone for the Cortex version instead, but I'm pretty happy about my vinyl boy, so it doesn't bother me too much a cheaper version as announced so soon after I bought mine, lol

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Requiem Art Designs

I'll be going to Japan this summer and I'm DESPERATELY hoping that the new injection dolls will be available by then... but with my luck, they'll go up as Japan store exclusives the week after I leave

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  Requiem Art Designs said:
I'll be going to Japan this summer and I'm DESPERATELY hoping that the new injection dolls will be available by then... but with my luck, they'll go up as Japan store exclusives the week after I leave


Ah, the good old Murphy's law...

Anyway, I recall Danny stating somewhere in January that he needed at least six months of testing before the release, is it right? Did I imagined it?

Because if it's true the injection dolls should be out in summer indeed...

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  ajl said:
Hey! I don't have a doll yet either! I keep hoping though. Injection type doll would make it MUCH easier to get a smartdoll though.


I'm also in the same doll-less boat. I'm currently saving up for the dolls as they are now, but if we have 6 months before the cortex is officially released, I'll definitely have enough money for the Cortex. At the lower price point, I won't even mind wiping the face if it doesn't come blank.

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They're kits and the price will be announced next month!





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  ToriaCrux said:


They're kits and the price will be announced next month!

So cool! But the packaging lacks of appeal to me.

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  Bellatrix said:
  ToriaCrux said:


They're kits and the price will be announced next month!

So cool! But the packaging lacks of appeal to me.


Yeah its not the best, but it is very telling. The face isn't shown, so we still don't know if the heads come blank and where is the inner frame? The Cortex is supposed to have it, right?

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The frame was already available as a separate product so i suppose, Cortex will have packages for the frame and for the shell. And maybe a box for both of them.

Also, as I see there is no faceplate in the shell package.

I think it's a smart planning from Danny - frame is the same for all version (vinyl and Cortex) - package 1.

The shell probably will be the same for all Cortex versions - package 2.

The only difference will be the faceplate - probably in 3rd box, with faceup, and shielded from scratches and damage.

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I agree with Kumi, it seems like a logical choice.

I can't wait to see the price, I'm so excited

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I'm very excited to see progress!! I'm really looking forward to hearing the price, I think that will be the deciding factor for a lot of people. I don't expect to get one immediately, as I really want to wait and see what other owners think, especially the feel in comparison to vinyl. I certainly like the idea of expanding my doll collection more easily, and I think it would be so fun (and great bonding time) to build the doll myself.

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I'm really looking forward to finding out how much these are going to cost. I'm hoping they'll be about half the price of a regular SmD. if so, I'll buy one to see how it is compared to the vinyl ones.


And I think the reason the packaging is like that is because these are looking like they are going to be sold/advertised as DIY kits and also cost savers. So instead of a pretty box and such, why not put them in bags to save money on packaging? He already has those bags and can get tons more without having to change sizes for them. Saves him money too. It's a win win for everyone involved I think.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I was going to make the same point as baldylox about the cost. He is already making them as a "cheaper" alternative to the vinyl SmDs, so it would make sense to save some more with the packaging. Sure, it doesn't look pretty, but who cares for a pretty box if you get to save a bunch of money right?


I am also excited to see the price. If it's only $100 or so off, I don't think it'll be worth it, but if it's half the price, I'll be super tempted to not even get a vinyl doll ^-^

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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And really, who buys a doll for the packaging? Not me. I buy the girls to play with, and the box just goes into the attic. They could come in a paper bag for all I care.

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This is exciting! It looks like it's a 'version' so I'm assuming there will be a preassembled version too.

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  sinclair said:
And really, who buys a doll for the packaging? Not me. I buy the girls to play with, and the box just goes into the attic. They could come in a paper bag for all I care.


Yup, that's what I think too. Plus, a simpler packaging can possibly mean lower shipping fee, which is great for overseas buyers

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I keep imagining Danny making the announcement on the 1st of April, it being surprisingly low, and everyone being like "WAIT is this a joke?" Obviously, that's not gonna happen (probably) but he's made announcements on April 1st before and been completely serious.


Regardless, I'm excited to see what the price will be. Building a cute girl from a kit sounds like something I could easily get behind if it's affordable enough, simple packaging or otherwise.

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He's got a lot on his plate and keeps announcing more dolls and clothing, so I hope we hear more about the injection mold soon as I definitely want to try it.

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