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Furniture Building

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Hey guys,


Does anyone have any tutorials or advice on building doll furniture? I'm in the process of building my girls a scale replica of the Black Lodge from Twin Peaks and I need to custom build some very simple chairs.


For reference: https://filmfork-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/content/Twin%20Peaks%20-%203.jpeg This is a picture of what I mean and the chairs I want to build more or less.

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I looked into it briefly because of how hard/expensive it is to find 1/3 furniture in general.


The woodworking is probably the easy part. I don't imagine it would take more skills than what a kid in shop class would have. But can depend on how much detailing you want on exposed wood surfaces. You'd need a dremel and a sculpting knife if you want to be really fancy. Cushioning and padding is also not difficult, you could use almost anything soft and voluminous for it. If you want a detailed or complex cover, or want to use difficult materials, that is its own thing. Less confident about sewing or leathercraft.


To start out I would probably just focus on form rather than function. E.g. as long as it looks good it doesn't matter if its actually super uncomfortable to sit on. I don't think it's important to make a functionally accurate scale replica. Between home depo and a crafts store, you can probably get all the materials and tools you'd need.


All in all, I figured it would take so many different skills and so much time to make good quality scale furniture I gave up on it. XP

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Considering that what you are making is fully covered in fabric you have other options.


but to get you on a general direction there's this from XOHimitsuOX:




Styrofoam as a base material is also an option, here something from chun/puppy-52:




To make the styrofoam pieces into curve's you could make one of these:

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