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ddh03 on smartdoll body?

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I've been searching for a body with a thinner neck that's still adult looking for my ddh03 and realized yesterday that the smart doll necks are significantly thinner than DD necks! Does anyone have any pictures of a ddh03 on a smart doll body/would anyone be willing to take any if they have both? Thanks for listening!

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The neck peg that the head attaches to on the Smartdoll body is a lot smaller in diameter than the one on a DD so you'd have to mod it to make the 03 head stay on. Most often I've heard the easiest way is to get some small diameter clear rubber tubing from a hardware store to slide over the smaller SmD peg to make it large enuff to fit into the DD head hole. I'm sure there are other ways to do it but that seems to be the easiest way.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I know it would have to be modded, I'm just curious what the proportions look like so I know if it's worth it to get a smart doll body for my girl!

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I know it would have to be modded, I'm just curious what the proportions look like so I know if it's worth it to get a smart doll body for my girl!


Ahh okey dokey. I wasn't sure if you knew or not so I figured I'd explain.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I don't have a DDH-03, but I do have 05, 07, and 10. I could put any of those on a smart doll body if that would help you.

At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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I think the 05 would do it if you don't mind! Like the other older sculpts, it's a bit smaller. Thanks so much!

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It took a few days, but here she is! My semi-white 05 head on a smart doll body. If you get a normal skin Volks head, the color match is really close, much better than semi-white.


34724752646_f80c4c6f07_z.jpg20170519_183747 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


33955825403_76679d3cab_z.jpg20170519_183551 by Nozomi02, on Flickr


Let me know if you want more/different angles.

At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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That's great, thanks so much! The head/neck ratio looks exactly like I hoped. Time to save up...!

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