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Skintone comparison with Fairyland

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I have a question to both Fairyland bjd and Dollfie Dream owners: which DD skintone (semi-white or normal) is closer to Fairyland's natural? I hope for your advice. And photos would be just perfect!

Edited by Guest

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I'd love to see this too, I've heard good things about Fairyland bodies and sometimes I think it would be nice to make a taller DD!

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So, I can't answer this question quite yet as I'm still waiting for my two Minifees to come in the mail but it should be fairly soon so I'll post comparisons when they arrive.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I don't think any skin tone will be close enough actually. And consider that resin yellows (and it's pretty known that FL resin yellows faster than other resins). I have some pictures for you with FL NS and WS and DD NS, I don't have SWS and WS, but they are lighter than NS, right?


It is a little dark, so I took photos with lights off and on.










( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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It's worth mentioning, if the match isn't very good there's always the option to have the head or body painted to match. I've had an old WS CP Dark Elf Soo head on a DD2 WS body for...gosh, probably seven years now? The inside of the head is as yellow as it gets, but the outside of the head still looks perfect since it was airbrushed by the faceup artist to match the tone of the DD bust piece I sent for color reference.


(Acknowledging, of course, that this is a much much smaller task if you're only painting a resin head to match a vinyl body rather than painting a whole resin body to match a vinyl head )

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I'll post comparisons when they arrive.

My congratulations with new dolls. I'm looking forward to see your photos.

I have some pictures for you with FL NS and WS and DD NS.

Thank you very much for your help!

It's worth mentioning, if the match isn't very good there's always the option to have the head or body painted to match. I've had an old WS CP Dark Elf Soo head on a DD2 WS body for...gosh, probably seven years now? The inside of the head is as yellow as it gets, but the outside of the head still looks perfect since it was airbrushed by the faceup artist to match the tone of the DD bust piece I sent for color reference.

I understand that most likely the faceup artist will paint my 5 years old Feeple head to match DDS body. I'm just trying to figure out which skintone I better order. Can I see the photos of your Soo somewhere?

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I'm in a bit of a rush right now, so here's just two quick ones of her + the inside of her head (the natural lighting doesn't really show, but it's very yellow, like sunflower yellow): http://imgur.com/a/xaax1


I'll take a photo of her next to a NS and SWS DD when I get home from work, I didn't think of that until I'd already started running late, haha.


e: Sorry for the wait! Here we go:



A basic full-body picture so you can get a look at the proportions. Keep in mind that this is an older DDII body, but the current DDIII looks pretty similar, just with much much better poseability.



Semi-White Skin Miku on the left, Airbrushed DESoo on White Skin in the middle, Normal Skin Ranka Lee on the right.


I took a few photos compared to just their hands, for a more close zoom:






I hope this is helpful as a reference. If you can think of anything else you'd like to see just let me know

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So, I can't answer this question quite yet as I'm still waiting for my two Minifees to come in the mail but it should be fairly soon

So how are your girls doing?

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Oh man I totally forgot! They came in and they're doing well actually! They just got their permanent eyes actually. They basically look in between semiwhite and normal skin. I'd go with blushing the fairyland stuff to match DD normal skin (Since the resin is more prone to yellowing as previously mentioned) however if you blush bodies especially with the resin ones you're gonna have to reapply it every now and then because it'll chip at the joints. Dyeing is also an option if you want to avoid that but dyeing things is... Tricky. I'm already freaking out about when I eventually have to do it for a character of mine. Especially because I'm sure he won't be the last...




Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Your crew is very cute! Rins are adorable.

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