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Yuuri Katsuki AND Viktor Nikiforov, from Yuri!!! On Ice

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So, I have become such total YOI trash that I entered for Kirito specifically to turn him into Yuuri Katsuki.


Now that I've won Kirito, I figure now's as good a time as any to share some of my plans for input, advice, and ideas.




Head, body: DDIII Boy Kirito




I may also keep his wig for what I like to call his "dork mop"--basically his off-ice hairstyle.


Slicked back "skating" wig: http://legenddoll.net/goods-11439.html (I thought I was going to have to DIY this thing, but stumbled on it while looking for Viktor's hair. XD)


Eyes: custom using Pupa Paradise bases


My dolls aren't mine till I've made them a pair of eyes, and I can't find the right shade of mahogany-brown anyway. There will be lots of Pearl-Ex in various shades of copper and gold so they're nice and sparkly.


Faceup: DIY.


I think the Kirito headmold is great, but I can't comprehend why Volks gave him such thick eyelashes when they're not like that in the art at all. I'm also going to make the eyebrows more like Yuuri's, and I might try to shade the lips a bit in between so it looks more like his mouth is open just a hair--de-emphasize the frown some.



Bottom Frameless: http://www.acbjd.com/gls003-13-black-frametrans-p-6876.html?cPath=107_108&zenid=0c5c500bb9c8b8544f285b304ff3170b

Full Frame: http://www.acbjd.com/gls005-13-black-p-9491.html?cPath=107_108&zenid=0c5c500bb9c8b8544f285b304ff3170b


Honestly not sure which of these would be better for him, though either would have to be painted blue. What do you guys think?


Episode 1, arrive-in-Hasetsu coat: http://www.tatabjd.com/en/goods.php?id=2884

Team Japan Jacket base: http://www.nine9style.com/shop/step1.php?number=15076&b_code=B20110123011527&c_code=C20110124034522

(confusingly, he actually has TWO Team Japan jackets, one black and one blue. The black one's easier so I'm gonna focus on that, and just use the black slacks from the Kirito default for pants.


(As for casual clothes, most of his style is encompassed by "comfy", so I think finding that should be just fine. XD)


Skates: buy black boots with close to the right silhouette, then 3D print blades based off this article: https://yoiconph.com/2017/02/18/the-blades-that-set-our-hearts-on-fire-the-different-figure-skating-blade-models-in-yuri-on-ice/


Gonna narrow down the boots a bit more before I link them; 7 candidate pairs is probably a bit much.


As for skate outfits, I really REALLY want to do his free skate outfit:



. . . unfortunately that front closure for the jacket makes basically zero sense, and with the decorations down the sides and back there's no place to put a side zipper. I'm probably going to have to cheat it somehow.


Eventually I may also look into making his short program costume:



Any further ideas, guys?

Edited by Poofiemus

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Congrats!!! I'm looking forward to see your Katsudon~


It's kinda pricy and you'll need a proxy, but how about these glasses? They aren't square enough, but you can get them in cobalt blue at least? They aren't folding glasses but I think they're still pretty nice(I have two pairs from them)



And omg thanks for that wig link! I want to make one in a similar style but couldn't find that many examples of actual wigs.

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  elianti said:
Congrats!!! I'm looking forward to see your Katsudon~


It's kinda pricy and you'll need a proxy, but how about these glasses? They aren't square enough, but you can get them in cobalt blue at least? They aren't folding glasses but I think they're still pretty nice(I have two pairs from them)



Oh, that site! I thought about that site, but couldn't find it again--probably because it's somehow still running on a flippin' Geocities site, and I thought Geocities was DEAD. I am a bit wary of them not folding though. Agatha's glasses didn't fold, and wound up getting damaged from being taken to and from meets. I'm also not afraid of doing a little paint; I completely repainted a pair of people-sized headphones recently, for instance. (Work freebies, so they had the company logo on them THREE times.)


  elianti said:
And omg thanks for that wig link! I want to make one in a similar style but couldn't find that many examples of actual wigs.


Welcome! That site actually has that style in a few other colors, so it may be worth browsing them before reinventing the wheel.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I was just coming to make a post with my own plans for a Yuuri doll! It's fun seeing how other people create the same character. The link to the skates is really helpful. Can't wait to see how he turns out!





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35371832634_ac62454b2e_z.jpgDSC_0007 Edit by Poofiemus, on Flickr


Well, now that I've scored this tracksuit from Otakusan, I'm wondering if maybe I should turn the top into the blue Team Japan jacket. . . or just let Yuuri skate around looking like a total gopnik.


I'll be waiting for both a new job and reports from Volks Int Kirito recipients regarding what fits before I get too much further into buying clothes, so while I debate the Team Japan jacket dilemma, I think it's time to start working on his eyes.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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No lie, I'm super excited to see when this project is completed. I remember a long while back (maybe in a SmartDoll thread?) we talked about customizing Katsudon and Victor. It looks like you got a lot more sorted since then and I can totally see Kirito as Yuuri~


I look forward to seeing his custom eyes! Also, I kinda wanna say just leave the jacket how it is. I am unsure how hard it'd be to modify it? (Gotta add black stripes right?)

Though you gotta modify the black one too soooo....I see the dilemma. Would you bother doing the black one though if you did this blue one?

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Yeah, it was in the SmartDoll section, because Eiji 2.0 is going to be pretty damn good bait for Viktor.


I'm kind of leaning towards keeping it as a gopnik suit right now, since the blue jacket is more turquoise, and this is much more cobalt. Adding black stripes wouldn't be too bad, but the base color would be more of an issue. That said, this track jacket is still going to be a great reference for either the blue or black Team Japan jacket!


His eyes should be fun. Hopefully I can mock them up in PS soon. Apparently I do have to order new eye bases for him, too--for whatever reason, the remaining blanks I have are 16 and 18mm, which are definitely too small for this.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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So, since I'm still waiting for him to ship from Volks USA, I'm starting some work on his eyes.


36633878150_04144c93e8_z.jpgFOR PRINT - Yuuri Eye by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I'm going to take this file to Office Max/Staples today or tomorrow to get this printed on acetate--that's one reason there's so many color and brightness variations, because I can't be sure how it's all going to look when transparent.


The other reason is so I can experiment with a LOT of different sparkle options--Pearl-Ex, glitter on the front of the prints, glitter on the back (like Abby's), just a whole bunch of experimentation going on. He's got to have sparkly eyes, because his boyfriend says so in episode 10.


I've also started acbleepulating materials for his skate outfits: scored some flesh-tone and black spandex for the Eros outfit and got some neat trims that I think could be good to add some texture and interest to the stripey bits on it. (As for the crystals though. . . I don't know if I'll get some square clear rhinestones and tesselate them, or if I'll go the crazy route and try *gulp* casting them in clear resin. Could get interesting.) I'm also gradually taking inventory of what materials I have on hand: a navy blue jersey knit that could work for free skate pants, a royal blue stretch taffeta for the free skate jacket, and this neat gold-and-black power mesh that will be great for Eros, and perhaps the waist bit on the free skate jacket.


I added some brown pan pastels to my faceup supply stash, so I have a way to shade his eyebrows and to possibly contour his face a bit to make it look more dude-like. His faceup may take a couple tries to get it looking both accurate enough and masculine enough for my tastes, but at least I'm armed and ready!


Still to acquire: a blue separating zipper for the Team Japan jacket, purple spandex or knit for the undershirt of the free skate outfit, probably some rhinestone colors for the freeskate outfit. An Alice's Collection run for skate boots, his face mask, glasses bait, and both invisible-style stands and some casual items for him and the girls. (Hey, $100+ gets you free shipping, I may as well toss it all in one massive order of doom.) Smart Doll Eiji 2.0 to be Viktor because these two dorks need each other.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I have some major updates!


Kirito has arrived, and the Yuurization process has begun in earnest.


So, first, eye progress.


37367238962_b372a7ed87_z.jpgEye sheet final by Poofiemus, on Flickr


Here's a godawful cell shot of the final eye sheet: an acetate print, with glitter on the back and Pearl-Ex of various types on the front. Some eyes have copper glitter on them, others have silver "Mirror Mirror."


The final candidates were row 5 from the top, columns 1 and 2, both with Mirror Mirror on the back. Column 2 is a warmer, more coppery tone while column 1 is more chestnut.


Finishing htem off took a bit, because I used clear resin as both an adhesive for the irises to my bases, and as a coating--and the first couple outer coats wound up with bubbles and other defects. FUN TIMES.


I wound up with a rather bizarre looking arrangement to control the overspill by the final coat:




It's an eyeball forest! (The eyes are held onto the tinfoil using poster tack/eye putty, LOL)


36689077814_122e1c6700_z.jpgEyeballs! by Poofiemus, on Flickr


But they're SHINY. SO SHINY. Both pairs looked brighter as soon as they were adhered to the lenses. Refraction and magnification at work, I assume.




Once those dried enough, I decided the column 1, cooler-tone pair was best, and stuck them into the Kirito head. They do brighten up his whole look compared to the Kirito defaults, but he's still so grumpy. Much more Yurio than Yuuri.




So off the faceup came. I also had to treat his forehead, because his black wig stained. I have since washed the wig with dish soap, but the jury's still out on whether or not it helped, and he'll be wigless for a while.


(BTW, I do also have shots of him blank taken with my good camera, and intend to do a reference thread with that plus the eye and wig swaps I did with him still in default faceup. Hope to get that up later this weekend.)




Then I sprayed him with some MSC, and did a quick test sketch around one eye. And while it's better than the default, it's still not right. It's more "beleaguered MMO healer is so done with this tank's bullshit" than "dorky katsudon can't quite believe Victor Nikiforov exists and doesn't know what to do about it." I even tried Abby's smaller eyes in him, in case the large eye was creating that effect. . . nope. Still had a very put-out expression.


So the current plan is actually to mod his eye holes, opening the upper lid at the inner corner so they're more square. That will also show more of the top of the eyeballs, so that's a bonus.


I've done some mods before, but on Agatha they were subtle, and the other mods were on Abby, who has a resin head. So, this should be very interesting.


Wish me luck.

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In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Good luck on the modding! It'd be so nerve wracking for me. But I have faith it'll turn out good :3

Currently at home: Autumn (DD2 DDH-01), Sakura (MDD3 DDH-08), Haku (Mio Akiyama), Mashiro (Mashiro Mito), Kaito (Vocaloid KAITO)

Mashiro Mito is my wife and I love her!

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  CeliathePikachu said:
Good luck on the modding! It'd be so nerve wracking for me. But I have faith it'll turn out good :3



Thanks! I actually started it tonight, and it has helped already, but I'll double-check in daylight and see if I want to take more off versus trying to clean up the work that I've already done.


Once that's done, THEN I can finally do his faceup. I'm oddly looking forward to doing his thick eyebrows.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I think modding is the way to go. To be honest I thought this head was an odd choice for Yuri due to how angular the eyes on it are, and Yuri has those big droopy puppy-dog eyes, more like the shape of a DD06.

I hope you can pull it off!

Putting a smile on a 'pouty/grumpy' sculpt usually results in the smile looking kinda goofy, which would suit Yuri a lot imo, so i look forward to seeing that.

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  Torino said:
I think modding is the way to go. To be honest I thought this head was an odd choice for Yuri due to how angular the eyes on it are, and Yuri has those big droopy puppy-dog eyes, more like the shape of a DD06.

I hope you can pull it off!

Putting a smile on a 'pouty/grumpy' sculpt usually results in the smile looking kinda goofy, which would suit Yuri a lot imo, so i look forward to seeing that.


His eyes are drawn kinda square, really, so I think I can at least do that much. It was modding the face and mouth that I was really trying to avoid--and if I couldn't make it work, I would at least have the right body. Preliminary modding efforts are pretty promising though.


And actually, the pout in the mouth is less noticeable with the paint off, so I think I can really get that "unsure half-smile" thing that he winds up doing so often.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Alright, so, I've been working on him for most of this week, so I has UPDATES!


First, I modded his eyes--I mostly sanded them, using both sandpaper and a sanding stick that's meant for nail art.


I eventually wound up with this:


36830472774_cd7e8d7f7c_z.jpgMods blank by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I wasn't sure if I should go further with the mods or not, so I tried a VERY rough faceup sketch to see how I felt about it:


36830461964_3e44d3fc9c_z.jpgAre the mods working sketch by Poofiemus, on Flickr


That. . . actually worked better than I expected, so I made sure any rough sanding scratches were taken care of with some 600 grit, and moved on with the actual faceup.


37492124056_08ee37120d_z.jpgEarly sketch by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I started with just one eye and brow, so I could come up with a game plan. Took me a while to get the placement just right; turns out, on a dude faceup, with such thin eyelash lines every damn fraction of a degree of an angle counts.


37540395891_7352c1ed57_z.jpgHalf a sketch by Poofiemus, on Flickr


That eyelid crease really threw me, and I had to Google several images of Yuuri to get it right--honestly, who puts an eyelid crease there?? But he didn't look right with it placed anywhere else.


37540391361_1fb6a00989_z.jpgBase sketch by Poofiemus, on Flickr


Finally I was satisfied and put the other half into place, as well as a bit of a sketch of the mouth. I still went with the parted lips look, because looking perpetually confused is kind of Yuuri's thing--even when he's determined he still looks a little baffled LOL.


37509150912_b6cdcfab81_z.jpg2017-10-06_04-48-16 by Poofiemus, on Flickr


After a coat of MSC, I was able to start building up some color--I put some pastel in his eyebrows to make them look even thicker and fuzzier (and therefore more dude-like), and then added a pale pink blush to not just his cheeks and lips, but to the tips of his ears and nose. If he's not cold from ice skating, he's embarrassed, so I felt it was fitting.


37540367541_8f9bf03199_z.jpgEyebrow tweak by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I had been sending some friends and my mom WIP images via Google Hangouts, and Mimiyo pointed out that the previous shot looked more sad than worried/anxious. . . that wasn't quite right, so I added a little kind of flip to the inner corners of the eyebrows. It was well recieved by my "test audience" across the board, so I ran with it.


23688042068_0e7c85434b_z.jpgFace up wig test by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I could finally, FINALLY consider the faceup done enough to try his head on his body, and decided that yes, the faceup was complete--but those bangs, yikes. Yuuri is not an emo sheepdog like Yurio, so they had to go.


37540358231_12b9fdb467_z.jpgBang trim by Poofiemus, on Flickr


And this is after I attacked his bangs with an eyebrow razor.


All these shots were done with my cell phone, so there's probably some color weirdness and lens distortion going on; I'm taking him to his debut meetup tomorrow, and intend to bring my proper camera with me for that, so hopefully I'll have some real shots of him soon.

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In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I can't wait to see him in person tomorrow! He looks super cute!


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

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He looks pretty cute and I love the blush to his nose and cheeks. Can't wait to see more of him. I wonder though if you have any wig that is 'slicked back' like reference photo. That and some sparkly skating gear would be so awesome!



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He looks super cute! I like his brows, and where you placed the eyelid creases.


Have fun at the meetup!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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WOW I never thought I would see a Yuuri =O! He looks amazing, now he needs his Viktor haha

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He's absolutely charming! And that cold-weather blush, oh my gosh.

... I might have to start watching Yuri on Ice now.

The post above this signature was probably TLDR, and I am very sorry.

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OMG I love him! I'm absolute YOI trash so I'm so excited to see someone making these characters


Do you have any plans to make anyone else?

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  fifimoon said:
OMG I love him! I'm absolute YOI trash so I'm so excited to see someone making these characters


Do you have any plans to make anyone else?


I hope to eventually do Viktor as a Smart Doll Eiji 2.0, and I do already have his hair. I made a rule though that I can't order Viktor till I've made Yuuri at least one of his skate outfits.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Not much of an update on Yuuri, since I've been busy with other projects and just, you know, adulting, but one thing did turn up today:




43699624414_e565006d28_c.jpgSKATES by Poofiemus, on Flickr


They're from that Volks preorder back in Feb or so, which was to commemorate the Winter Olympics. I realize that these are white ladies' skates, instead of the black he wears in the show, but the black ones were SD13 boy size and too big for Yuuri's dainty little fairy feet. (I did buy the black ones for Viktor, though, so. . .between that and having his wig, I guess I'm committed to putting together the Living Legend.) I'm not sure if I want to get leather paint and paint these skates black, or just. . .suck it up and let him have lady skates. I'll probably leave them white for a while and decide later if it bothers me.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Ooo the skates are really cool!


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Welp, I completely blew off my own rule.


I did not make any of Yuuri's skate outfits--partially because my craft room is a disaster zone that I haven't gotten around to dealing with.


But despite that, I still bought Yuuri the ultimate accessory:


His trophy husband.


44701863030_0469518260_c.jpg1225181319b by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I couldn't take keeping these two apart any longer, and apparently Viktor agreed. I actually shipped Viktor to my mom so I could officially put Viktor together on his birthday, Xmas day.


44701854120_c599b11015_c.jpg1225181521 by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I got the wig like, a year ago from Legenddoll.net, and while it took a little bit of hair dryer styling, it works out perfectly. Wig destiny.


46519098281_8597f148f7_c.jpg1227181033 by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I have got to bevel this boy's eye wells though--the Eiji Kai/2.0 sockets are weirdly deep, so as it stands his eyes wind up in shadow a lot.


46466905612_c6f5354926_c.jpg1228182354 by Poofiemus, on Flickr


I will probably also give him a new faceup. The default Eiji Kai faceup is a bit too "Episode 1 Passive Aggressive Bitchy Viktor" and I would rather have "Episode 10 Hopelessly In Love Viktor."


44701828460_592e9861fc_c.jpg1229181209 by Poofiemus, on Flickr


. . . this was supposed to show the height difference between the boys, but instead it really just shows how possessive Viktor is.


46466893172_8530dd4cf1_c.jpg1229181400 by Poofiemus, on Flickr


And we end on premium vinyl figure skater booty.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Aaah, they're so adorable together! My favorite picture is that one of Viktor with his head on Yuri's. Viktor's so smug and happy, and Yuri's shyly smiling... it's really cute!

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