baldylox Posted June 7, 2017 Howdy people! Recently I've been seeing a LOT of posts here and in other areas like Facebook, all talking about making various busts work with various bodies they weren't designed for. This got me to thinking... what actually *will* work with what? I've got lots of different bodies and busts so I decided to go ahead and do a comprehensive look at what will actually work and how it looks. The following is a break down of various vinyl doll bodies showing what they come with, what fits on them and what doesn't. I've used all the different styles of DD as well as those of Smartdoll and an Obitsu 60cm body so there's a wide range of bodies and sizes to check out. Here's what I'm working with: DSC_0644 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr So let's start with one of the bodies I always hear people asking about changing busts on.... the original DDdy. Here it is with the normal bust. DSC_0645 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr From the back. DSC_0646 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And with the Shapely bust. DSC_0647 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0648 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The above photos are to show how the default busts look on the body. Any busts I show from here on are to be checked against the above fit and finish. We'll be looking at arm gaps and torso gaps in front, on the sides and from the back. The first modded bust most people think of for this body is either the regular L-bust or M-bust for the DD2 body. Here's what I mean. On the right is a default L-bust for the DD2 body. On the right is the same size bust but it's been trimmed down to closely match how the cut of the normal DDdy bust looks. DSC_0649 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Here you can see the modded bust and the default next to a default DDdy bust. See how the normal L-bust has a much longer vinyl area under the breasts? DSC_0650 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Now here's the modded L-bust on the DDdy body. Note the gaps are all almost exactly the same as the original DDdy bust. DSC_0651 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0652 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Another bust I have seen on the DDdy is an Azone 60cm large bust. Here's the older version of it that I have next to a DDdy one. DSC_0653 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr As seen here, the shoulders of the Azone bust are wider than the DDdy. The neck is also straight up and down and not angled forward like the DDdy. DSC_0654 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Here it is on the DDdy. The shoulder spacing looks a bit odd for sure but it fits. DSC_0655 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr There's a slight gap in front and around the sides due to this bust being so wide. Also, the arms are spaced far apart due to the width and the joint at the shoulder mounting outside the bust instead of inside like on the DDdy. DSC_0656 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And now we see the drawback of this bust. The gap is significant back here because the bust is cut too short to sit down over the lower torso properly. I adjusted this as best I could and not make it look worse than it already does. So for me, this bust doesn't really work too well. DSC_0657 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Now, on to the next bust that has grown in popularity when it comes to asking about fitment. The VMF50 busts. These are designed for the Angel Philia 50cm girls and will work on Obitsu/Parabox bodies of the same size. But I hear a LOT of people wanting to put these onto the DDdy and DDdy3 bodies so there's even more curves and a more natural breast shape on them. Here we see a normal DDdy, a VMF50 and the modded DD2 L-bust. DSC_0658 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr There are lots of different sized VMF busts but this is the only one I have available to try out. So this may or may not work for all doll bodies since you might have a differently designed and sized bust. But for this test, I used what I had available. In this pic, I have the DDdy/DD2 inner torso frame piece inside the bust. It took a heat gun and some time to actually get this on there. DSC_0659 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And here's the problem.... the inner frame is too wide for this bust. As you can see, the inner frame is causing the bust to be pushed outward and cause odd wrinkles in the vinyl skin. The inner tubes for the arms also won't line up properly without cutting into the busts arm holes to make the tubes slide thru better. I wasn't going to do that so for me, this is a fail. DSC_0660 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Also, I couldn't get the bust to slide upward anymore due to the shape of the open area inside. This means that those arm tubes are too low to line up properly with the arm holes. Much modding would need to be done to make this work and look decent. DSC_0661 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0662 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr As stated before, there *MAY* be other VMF50 busts out there that could possibly work better than this one but I'm betting you would still have to do some major modifications to them in order for them not to look stretched out or wonky. Now, the next doll parts we'll check on the DDdy body are for the Smartdolls. Since the SmD busts are cut short like the DDdy ones, lots of people seem to think they will just drop right on and look good. unfortunately, that's just not true. Here's some examples of why. Default SmD S-bust. DSC_0663 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr As you can see, the bust is wide enuff at the shoulder to support the arm install but there are HUGE gaps at the torso. DSC_0664 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0665 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Some gapping around the shoulders. DSC_0666 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Here's the SmD XL bust in tan color. DSC_0667 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr This actually isn't too bad on here. DSC_0668 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0669 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0670 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr There are still some gaps under the breasts and around the sides but it's really not that bad. I think this would work out well with a few small mods or adjustments. DSC_0671 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0672 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And now for the Large SmD bust in the Milk skin tone. DSC_0673 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0674 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr This one has a bit more gapping than the XL does. DSC_0675 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0676 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0677 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Now of course, you're probably going "But what about the DDdy3? That doesn't have the inner frame pice like that!" Very true! That's why we'll check all these busts on the DDdy3 next. Here's the body I'm using with the default bust on it. DSC_0678 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I tried to make sure the bust sat as neatly as possible but there were a few small gaps on the sides. DSC_0679 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0680 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr We'll start with the modded L-bust again. DSC_0681 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0682 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Not bad at all! DSC_0683 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Just for fun I tried out a DD3 M-bust on the DDdy3 body. It works but it has issues. DSC_0684 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The gaps are perfect but the bottom of the bust is stretched out and makes the breasts and the area under them look "off" a little. You also lose a lot of mobility when trying to move the upper body side to side. But if you were to trim this bottom of this bust down like on the modded L-bust, it would work out just fine. DSC_0685 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0686 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Now we have the VMF50 bust again. It seems to work a lot better on this body due to it not having an inner frame to block the way. I did have to stretch the bust at the bottom to fit it over the lower torso tho. DSC_0687 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr But why aren't the arms on it? Here's why. The holes in the bust are too small for them to fit thru. But you could easily trim away some of that with scissors or a knife to make them line up properly and fit the bust better. I didn't notice any other issues with this bust so I'm confident that with some trimming, this particular bust could work out nicely on the DDdy3 body. DSC_0688 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0689 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And now we move into the Smartdoll busts. First up, S-bust. Like before, there are MNAY gap issues here, some worse than on the DDdy body. With the waist of this body being smaller than the original DDdy one, it makes the wide SmD busts look even worse. DSC_0690 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0691 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0692 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr SmD L-bust. DSC_0693 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0694 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0695 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Way more gaps with this body. DSC_0696 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Same thing with the XL bust. DSC_0697 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0698 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0699 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0700 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And lastly for the DDdy3 we have the Azone bust. DSC_0701 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0702 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0703 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0704 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr For our next model, we'll be looking at the DD3/DDS. Before I made this post, I tried BOTH of these bodies out with busts and found the fitments between the two to be almost exactly the same every time. So to save time and space and photos, I'll only show the DD3 torso. Here it is with a default M-bust. DSC_0705 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0706 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Same body with the Shapely L-bust. DSC_0707 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0708 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0709 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Ok, I knew this wasn't going to work but I took pics anyway because they made me laugh. Here's the Azone bust on the DD3 torso. DSC_0710 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0711 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0712 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I know right? Silly. Nothing lined up at all on that bust. Next are the SmD busts starting with the S-bust. I never trult realized how tiny the waist is on the DD3 and DDS until I started doing these swaps. As you can see in the following pics, the waist is TINY and super thin. DSC_0713 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr So of course we'd have gaps. DSC_0714 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0715 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0716 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr It's the same with the SmD L-bust too. DSC_0717 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0718 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0719 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And for the XL as well. DSC_0720 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0721 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0722 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0723 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And now, the moment you have all been waiting for! Ok, maybe not ALL of you. But still.... these next two photos ( which are NOT mine, I found them on Twitter a while back ) caused quite a stir since they show a Sheryl Nome with a VMF bust and she looks quite good with it. 2017-06-07_12-19-59 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr 2017-06-07_12-19-49 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr So here's the VMF bust I have on the DD3 body, same as Sheryl. DSC_0724 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr So far so good! The seam lines look good and there's no real gaps yet. DSC_0725 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Ahhh, there's a gap. DSC_0726 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Shoulder gaps and sides of the torso too. DSC_0727 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0728 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr But still. I think a different sized bust ( like the one on Sheryl in those pics ) might work out just fine with the DD3/DDS bodies. You'd just need to make sure the bottom isn't too wide so it'll cover the sides and back better than this one does. So for once, it looks like you can do something with the VMF busts without major mods to the body or bust. And now for the Smartdoll body! Mirai in Milk skin tone will be helping us out. Here's the body with no bust showing the inner frame parts which are much less substantial than the Dollfie ones. DSC_0729 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The following are all shots of the default bust and larger sizes and how they fit on the SmD body. Note the seams, fitment and overall clean lines of how these sit so you can see the difference with other busts. The default S-bust. DSC_0730 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0731 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0732 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr L-bust. DSC_0733 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0734 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0735 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Tan XL bust. DSC_0736 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0737 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0738 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr So let's get started with the VMF bust! Please note there are no arms attached. And why is that? You know that answer already... DSC_0739 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The VMF bust is way too slim to fit over the lower torso of the SmD. DSC_0740 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I didn't even bother trying to heat this up to try and stretch it because it was just way too small. DSC_0741 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The DDdy bust didn't fare much better. DSC_0742 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I did manage to slide this one down further onto the torso but the arm holes wouldn't line up at all for me. DSC_0743 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0744 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Just for fun I tried the Azone bust out. It wasn't TOO terrible looking. DSC_0746 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr It actually slid on nicely and let the arms snap into place too. The seams were tight as well. DSC_0747 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr No gaps anywhere but those shoulders look really odd to me. This bust works and fits well but I'm not a fan of how it looks. DSC_0748 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I had another smaller Azone bust as well so I tried it out too. It wasn't good. DSC_0749 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr This actually fits my Azone 60cm girl, just like the larger one. Odd how it won't fit onto the SmD at all. DSC_0750 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Now for the Volks M-bust. DSC_0751 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The depth front to back is too slim to fit over the lower torso. DSC_0752 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr The modded L-bust works out nicely tho. DSC_0753 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0754 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0755 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr So that's it for the Smartdolls. Lastly I decided to add in the Azone/Obitsu 60cm body I have for my Sonya. It's the older style without double joints so it's kinda clunky and not the cleanest looking for lines but I like its style and place in vinyl doll history. Here's what's under the hood so to speak. DSC_0756 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Here's the smaller Azone bust. DSC_0757 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0758 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0759 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr This is the large bust. I hear this one is older and harder to find so I let Sonya use this as her default. DSC_0760 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0761 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0762 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Alright, so here we go with the SmD busts, S-bust first. DSC_0763 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0764 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0765 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr XL bust. DSC_0766 (2) by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Side gaps and back gaps weren't very bad with these busts but the overhang from the breasts was way too much and left huge gaps from the front of the torso underneath the breasts. DSC_0767 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Shoulders didn't look very good either. DSC_0768 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Well, I tried but while this kind of worked, it also kinda didn't. The VMF bust. DSC_0769 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr No gaps and the seams were great but the issues here are those darn super long arm tubes. DSC_0770 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0771 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I think if you were to trim those tubes to be shorter then this bust would look really good on this body. And now for the Volks busts, starting with the DDdy Shapely bust. DSC_0772 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr DSC_0773 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Not a bad fit really until you see all the space around the shoulders. DSC_0774 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr And the modded L-bust. This fit way better than expected. DSC_0775 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr There are some slight gaps at the shoulders but not really. The torso seams and gaps look good. DSC_0776 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I think if the arm tubes were trimmed a little and the inner shoulder holes widened a hair with a knife then the arms/shoulders would look much better. DSC_0777 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Just to give you some perspective, here's my Sonya on this bust. The neck looks a bit long but not too bad overall. DSC_0778 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I kinda like this bust on her, I may try to trim it out a little and see if I can make it sit better on her. DSC_0779 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr BONUS PICS! My poor Sonya got some stains on her bust so I had to treat it for over a month. But now it's all clean and she's happy to have it back. Here she is modeling a shirt I got from Drew/Animeshutterbug/Drizz website Dolldesigns. DSC_0780 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr I just love this shirt on her. And I love her too! DSC_0782 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr Thank you for looking at this post and I do hope it answers some questions for people! Billy 4 I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daisy-chan Posted June 7, 2017 Ah, I was hoping to have a SmD small bust on a DDdy, but I guess it just wasn't mean to be. Thanks for this post though, Billy! Very informational! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted June 7, 2017 Daisy-chan said: Ah, I was hoping to have a SmD small bust on a DDdy, but I guess it just wasn't mean to be. Yeah, sorry about that but it definitely won't work out. But you can always do a regular Volks S-bust on it, you'll just have to trim off the excess vinyl under the breasts to make it fit properly. Quote Thanks for this post though, Billy! Very informational! You're welcome! I'm glad it helped out. Billy I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kranberrijam Posted June 7, 2017 Very very informative! Funny how almost nothing fits the SmD torso. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drizz Posted June 8, 2017 I think danny purposely made the smart doll extra wide on top so you cant use other busts haha. Very informative post! My doll clothes & accessories shop - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
savahn Posted June 8, 2017 That was a lot of work! Thanks so much for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted June 8, 2017 kranberrijam said: Very very informative! Funny how almost nothing fits the SmD torso. Thanks! And you're right, I figured a little more would work on it but nope. That may have been intentional but I'm not too sure really. Drizz57 said: I think danny purposely made the smart doll extra wide on top so you cant use other busts haha. Very informative post! Whether he did or not isn't clear but it sure looks like that. It probably wasn't intentional but the SmD girls do indeed have a very specific look and shape to their bodies so I'm not too astonished they don't work with many non SmD busts. savahn said: That was a lot of work! Thanks so much for this. It was indeed! But it was worth it. You're welcome! Billy I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
K-2 Posted June 9, 2017 Drizz57 said: I think danny purposely made the smart doll extra wide on top so you cant use other busts haha. This was probably more a function of where the torso seam/joint is located, tucked up under the bust rather than lower under the rib cage or at the waist like most other vinyls. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
missadventure364 Posted June 11, 2017 Great post! Hopefully this will answer a lot of questions for everyone - I;m sure I'll have to use this as a guide in the future myself. I bet that took a ton of time and effort, but it turned out awesome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted June 11, 2017 missadventure364 said: Great post! Hopefully this will answer a lot of questions for everyone - I;m sure. I'll have to use this as a guide in the future myself. Thanks so much! I do hope people get answers and help from this. Quote I bet that took a ton of time and effort, but it turned out awesome! It definitely did but it was worth it as long as people enjoy it and it helps them with their questions. Billy I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cirquemom Posted June 14, 2017 Great, informative post. And YAY- looks like another Gretel fan. Love my Smart Dolls, but my Obitsu Gretel will always be my #1 girl. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted June 14, 2017 cirquemom said: Great, informative post. And YAY- looks like another Gretel fan. Love my Smart Dolls, but my Obitsu Gretel will always be my #1 girl. Thank you! And yes, I do love my Gretel/Sonya! When she came to me, she looked really bad. Her faceup was not done well and it caused stains on her face. But after handing her over to Eblktty for a redo, she came to me looking gorgeous. I've totally fallen for her and her retro styled body. One day she *might* get upgraded to a newer body but for now, I like her as she is. Billy 1 I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Starwaia Posted April 28, 2023 Great post, it's a shame about the lack of compatibility with SMD vs DD, but if one can acquire a Milk SMD head or body, full hybridization is still an option AFAIK if a specific body is preferred. I've been vaguely considering that if my SMD girls' bodies fail without replacement parts available, I can always go the body swap route- though I still prefer the SMD bodies for aesthetic purposes. I'm lucky all my SMDs are milk, though unlucky in other ways I suppose. Gives me a fallback at the very least /rambles Sonya is very pretty, I've always loved the Gretel face, it's a shame that I never got into the Obitsus but for now I am happy with what I have. Still, she looks so good! Currently watching BNHA, 1-2 episodes behind on the anime rn and absolutely obsessed! (being in a fandom late has made dodging spoilers an issue tho ) More into Nendoroids and my resin BJDs rn- including some BNHA character shells hehehe - my Smartdolls are boxed up at the moment but I'm still happy to talk dolls and doll plans! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baldylox Posted April 29, 2023 On 4/28/2023 at 6:15 AM, Starwaia said: Great post, it's a shame about the lack of compatibility with SMD vs DD, but if one can acquire a Milk SMD head or body, full hybridization is still an option AFAIK if a specific body is preferred. I've been vaguely considering that if my SMD girls' bodies fail without replacement parts available, I can always go the body swap route- though I still prefer the SMD bodies for aesthetic purposes. I'm lucky all my SMDs are milk, though unlucky in other ways I suppose. Gives me a fallback at the very least /rambles Thank you! Using a SmD head on a normal/flesh/fresh color DD body is a nice easy option if you want to have more body and bust styles for sure. I have a couple of SmD heads on DD bodies and they work really nicely. And there's no modifications needed to mount the heads either! Just warm up the hole in the head with a hair dryer or heat gun then slide it on to the DD neck peg. Once it cools, it's on there good and tight. To take it off again just reheat and pull. No damage and it can easily go back on a SmD body if you want. On 4/28/2023 at 2:15 AM, Starwaia said: Sonya is very pretty, I've always loved the Gretel face, it's a shame that I never got into the Obitsus but for now I am happy with what I have. Still, she looks so good! Thanks so much! The Gretel heads really are pretty if they are painted well. I'm not a huge fan of the big Obitsu bodies so I only have a couple of them. But they're still pretty and fun to compare to other vinyls. 😉 Billy 1 I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites