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hitting the books!

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This is around the time of year where newly graduated nursing students are studying for their boards and anxiously awaiting their test dates-- which I remember very vividly, even though it's been a few years :p


Ruri wasn't there to witness that, though, so it really doesn't seem to bother her all that much. All that really matters to her was that mom passed, and that's why she's here Good luck, and happy studying!




(I love the Our Generation sets so much. I saw the biology one and I knew I had to have it! My impulse control pretty much dissolves when I walk down that aisle in Target, and it takes quite an effort not to leave the store with a million things to spoil my girls with )

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That's such a nice photo! She looks like she's pretty serious about studying.


You are SO RIGHT about the Target MG stuff! The scale is amazing and everything looks so cool on the store shelves.... it's almost impossible to say no to half of it! Nice buy on that biology set, the little mannequin is too neat looking.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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such a good girl having tea and not overloading on caffeine =P

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Nice pic ^^

Your girl had soo pretty eyes *-*

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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This gives me all the nostalgia

I was never in a nursing or health related track, but I wanted to go into Biology research very badly in high school and college. There were many nights like this, with a textbook and my laptop and a cup of caffeinated beverage--usually coffee in college, but tea, like Ruri's, in high school.

Even though I'm not normally a fan of accessories targeted at kids, I have a terrible weakness for mini science sets, probably because of those old career hopes.

(Is this the set that comes with the little molecular model too, btw?)

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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Great scene! I was a Biology major so that makes me remember studying. Just replace that tea with an energy drink....


Those MG accessories are perfect for your studious girl ^^


The cast so far: Sky (DDS Mariko), "SK" (DDH-07 on DDS)


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baldylox : I've been eyeing the laundry set online, but it's super difficult for me to tell how big the washer and dryer units would be compared to my girls. I can estimate based on knowing the height of the OG girls, but ultimately I won't know unless I stand my DDs next to the set :/ Still, so, so tempting...


Chise : Since Ruri is a ghost, caffeine doesn't affect her much as-is She likes tea because it isn't bitter and because it comes in so many flavors!


merry-go-round : Thank you! After having her wear these ones for so long, I don't think I can see her in anything else!


Ie-Aster : This is the one that comes with the molecular model, and it also comes with a transparent film that has a diagram of the human body on it! The anatomical model can also be disassembled and reassembled. They have a baking soda volcano set, too!! Honestly, miniatures make me so happy that I just can't pass them up. Some of the items in the various sets I plan to re-paint or change a bit so they look a little more realistic (I have a travel set with a rolling suitcase and I've been toying with the idea of repainting and... upholstering it, I guess?)


SeikoKitsune : While I don't miss nursing school at all, every once in a while I do miss sitting in the library with my face stuck in my textbook. Energy drinks are so bad for you but some of them are soooooo hard to resist-- I really liked the blue AMPs in school. Now they don't make them anymore Our bio majors had it so rough at school; kudos to you and Ie-Aster both for pursuing such a complicated field!


Thank you guys!

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She looks so hard at work!! And I'd like to second how beautiful those eyes are!!


I haven't really spent a lot of time looking at the MG accessories at Target but those are so cool! Especially that anatomy mannequin!! o:

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What a cute shot, she's gorgeous!

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I live for in-scale props! You're so lucky!

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