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Only this month - DYI kit

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Maybe it's been delayed?







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LOL! He's surprised they would be popular?

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This month IS quickly coming to a close. Any word on the home kits? (Like I really need another doll.)

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According to this ninja'd pic taken during Danny's presentation at a recent con, the home DIY kits are scheduled to be released next month now. I kinda wonder if his first social media posts about their June availability was just to gauge interest levels..

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I thought June availability was in-store only?

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Here's hoping I can save up now. I'm half glad it was delayed since for me next month will be better xD

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I do hope I can scrape some cash up, and I hope boys are an option...

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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I too hope for boys, but I'd be equally happy for a Kizuna.

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I am so giddy, yet impatient, for this to launch. It's August already, why won't they hurry up and take my money?




This post mentions that when you buy the kit in-store, you get 10% off clothes. I suppose it's too much to hope that the same will apply to online sales.

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Has anyone heard of an update yet? August is half over now...

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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I'm thinking I should amend the title of this thread...

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Waiting for both this and Lelouch is driving me crazy! I was hoping that I would be able to space out the purchase of the DIY kit and Lelouch, at this point it seems they are going to be coming out right on top of each other! Plus the DD 2B and 9S dolls coming out some time soon(?).


Trying to save up toward these but I keep finding other things to spend money on because I am getting tired of waiting (like Miku's new deep sea outfit set).

It also annoys me that the new Panzar girl has been given a pre-order date before Lelouch and these kits. . .

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Waiting for both this and Lelouch is driving me crazy! I was hoping that I would be able to space out the purchase of the DIY kit and Lelouch, at this point it seems they are going to be coming out right on top of each other! Plus the DD 2B and 9S dolls coming out some time soon(?).


Trying to save up toward these but I keep finding other things to spend money on because I am getting tired of waiting (like Miku's new deep sea outfit set).

It also annoys me that the new Panzar girl has been given a pre-order date before Lelouch and these kits. . .


Wait, what!? DD 2B and 9S?? How did I not know about this.

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Smart Doll Home Kit - slight delay cos I want to make the experience even more awesome.

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Smart Doll Home Kit - slight delay cos I want to make the experience even more awesome.


Part of me likes that he wants to make everything 'right' but part of me is annoyed because this means I have no idea when the kit is going to be released. Next week? Two months?

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In the FB group he let us know that he is working on the video that accompanies the DYI kit, plus he also needs to work out how to replace parts if they break during assembly. The first doll to roll out will apparently be Mirai, followed by there rest eventually.

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Good to know belpita,


I am fine with Mirai being first because my Mom wants Mirai and I was thinking it would be easier for me to buy her one if it is at a 'kit' price point (which I am assuming will be just under $400). I wonder if this kit will be available for all the 'standard' models, or just the popular ones (like Chitose and Mirai). If it is all of the standards, then it would mean I could buy more Smart Dolls. . . . which would be awesome.

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Any news on kits? I keep hoping they'll be released at some point, with as many heads & parts available, possibly... AGH the neverending wait *_*

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