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Doll Point ‘Build-a-DD’: Dream Choice!

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I have a DCH14 in Tan, she's quote adorable.


I think there might be a twin tail style, but don't remember exactly... Most of the wig styles are standard production ones (though some are only available to purchase in store).

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Is it common practice to rename the parts to fit the new system? I mean, Dream Choice uses the standard heads DDH-01 to 10 but they are renamed DC-H-01 to 10 even though they are the same.

Is that the same for the other standard parts? What about D'coord and FCS, do they have their own names?

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Outside the 'menu' only the parts exclusive to dream choice are called DCH, which are the two ddh01 variants and dch14. Maybe they just wanted the menu to be consistent or something , which is odd cos I would have expected them to want to draw attention to the exclusive heads.


D'Coord are just regular DDs with prepainted standard heads in complete outfits that come already made up as a fullest doll, the only exclusive head is 11, but she's just called DDH11. I agree it makes it confusing as it implies she's the same as other heads when she's D'Coord only. (As for FCS which is for super dollfies, that's the only way to get almost any super dollfie numbered sculpt anyway outside the coord models only available in Harajuku and Kyoto (which are only the mini SDs anyway) or pricey one off lottery dolls as they don't sell SD parts separate like they do with DDs, so no fancy name is necessary)

In the past Volks have made limited D'Coords of Moe and Natsuki (which colourful hair) but there was only one of each and they were a one-off lottery thing, so I'm not sure they count (plus they were available outside D'Coord previously whereas 11 isnt)

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Yeah, but the menu is official until you have a contradictory source.

It appears to be the same for FCS like every head is named F-something, F being FCS shortcut. At least, the other parts are not renamed.

As for D'coord, I was thinking maybe the description of the heads in some book or brochure made up another name for the heads like DC-H-... oh, already taken. I never saw much description about what D'coord are constituted of (ex: D38's D'coord, they just tell you go figure) and that's why I was asking like it's a "system" too.

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the 'system' for d'coord is the staff make a doll out of parts and display them, you walk in and if there's one you want you say 'i want that one', they take it down and put her in the box (undressing her first, so when you open the box its kinda like getting a limited fullset with naked doll and clothes separate). The outfit used to just be a random one chosen from their catalog, but now they've changed it to give them D'Coord exclusive school uniforms (similar to how the coord model SDs have coord exlusive outfits). They restock the available models each month or so. The box for them looks like the regular yellow DD box except it has a 'D'coord' sticker on it - it's not as fancy as the DreamChoice one, although its possible they're going to change this after introducing the school uniforms.

The ones at Dolpa are lottery and so are any extra special ones when they're first released (ie the tan 06 and 09 were first lottery only, and so was DDH11, but now they're not. Moe and Natsuki were just a special thing for DD Gathering). It used to be that the tan girls would only appear in rare occassions so it was hard to predict and I wondered if it'd be the same for 11 but nowadays whenever I've gone there there's been at least one tan girl (was a tan 02 last time I went) and one 11. Not sure if its a coincidence or if they make sure there's always at least one available.


I think the original idea behind D'Coord was so that you could get a non-limited doll already made up and coordinated, for example if you want a DD but a) dont want to spend the kind of money a limited fullset usually entails/dont care about the limited characters anyway or b) dont want to bother around with painting blank heads/commissioning someone else to. Since its a convenient way to get a doll already 'completed'.

...although the price has gone up since they changed to the school uniforms. But they're still technically better 'value' than a DreamChoice, as they have a full outfit plus shoes whereas the Dreamchoice's only get the slip dress, but are similarly priced. I guess the luxury of choosing exactly what parts you want accounts for that.

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I was planning to open a general thread on D'coord to ask some stuff here but you killed it... I was talking about references. :( (Anyway, I answered myself with my D38 link like they are classified by size and head mold and nothing is different.)


So, your explanation confused me, actually. Do we agree that it's not "a doll", a one-off (replaced by another one-off when the previous one was bought > I am using the word one-off as a one_of_a_kind word, I am not making reference to Volks' One-off), but "a model" which will be available a full month? And every month they are renewed but still it's a bunch of fixed models in some quantity, not just the staff playing with the catalogue every day and trying to sell random configurations? I might have totally misunderstood the concept.

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They're only oneoffs in the sense that there are so many possible combinations of hair, wig, eyes, body, bust and outfit that it's unlikely to see the same one twice (but I did see one that was almost the same as my Bri, tan ddh09 with purple eyes and wig and the magical happy dress, but she came with cat ears instead) (On that note I find it weird that the D'Coords can have ANY of the volks eyes whereas the DreamChoice only have one type in different colours). The SD oneoffs on the other hand are heavily advertised, have unique faceups and sometimes even special outfits for each specific doll unavailable anywhere else, but with D'Coord, everything except DDH11 and the new school uniforms is available elsewhere. (A lot of the wigs used to be exclusive but now you can get them through Dreamchoice.)


Think of it as someone hitting 'randomize' on a character creation screen (that has parameters for head, wig, eyes, bust size, and before the school uniform switch, outfit and shoes) a few times every month and putting out one of each of the resulting configurations as dolls. There are only one of each. I was confused by this at first because I thought every month there was a certain configuration that you could buy all month, but the one on display is the actual one you buy. So in that sense they are one-offs, and it -is- possible to go on a day when there are few or even none left at all (I personally haven't seen this but i heard it does, could have been really soon before the new D'Coords day)


I think it might be better to make a thread actually, not just cos this is the DreamChoice thread but because someone in future might need the info and not know where to look. I can answer what I know - I -think- I'm the only person here with a (DollPoint) D'Coord...? (As there are also people who won ones at LA Dolpa) The only one that posts her anyway... if there is anyone else I want to see the doll lol.

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Going to Japan in March, so I'm definitely going through with this then. :D Probably going to get a NS DCH-14 on the DDS! I'm so excited... I'll share my experience once I get it done.

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Thank you Torino, I had indeed totally misunderstood the concept. What I am saying since we start talking about D'coord was resumed by this sentence of yours:

  Torino said:
I was confused by this at first because I thought every month there was a certain configuration that you could buy all month, but the one on display is the actual one you buy.

Now, I understand they are cheap one-off system and not some January New Coordinate Collection 2018.

So, my thread has no value anymore because I was gonna ask how was it possible that no one was interested in listing those new monthly models until now? If some catalogue existed or if they were listed in Volk News? But, no, apart from event based D'coord, there is no point in indexing those truly randomized girls.


Man, I read the page about D'coord like half a dozen of times but their presentation is confusing as hell and, at the end, you still don't know what it's truly about.

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I've collected a few D'Coords on my Pinterest board, but it's more for faceup reference than the fullset since they don't often get photographed in full dress, and the outfits aren't usually unique. I've got a feeling that D'Coords and Full Choice have the same set of faceup options, but don't have enough data yet to confirm


Here's a link if you're interested:


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Yeah volks never actually post photos of what's available anywhere so it's not possible to share photos anyway. The only way to see what dolls are available is to go to the store. They only advertise it beforehand if they are lottery only, like the first release of the tan DD9/6, 11, the LE Natsuko/Moe and the Dolpa ones.


Since I don't live in Tokyo and can't go with regularity there are still things I don't know, like if there is a pattern to which ones are available (i.e. One month they might focus on having a certain head in tan, but the wig, eyes and outfit are still different) or if it really is random. But there does seem to always be at least one DDdy, at least one DD, at least one DDS and at least one MDD. And like I said, unless is a coincidence, every time me or a friend has gone lately there has always been one or two 11s or tan girls in the lineup.

DDP might join the lineup soon because they made one for Dolpa.

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Thanks for all of the info on D’Coords! I for one would think it would be really useful for it to be in its own thread to be easier to find by anyone planning to visit Japan. I kinda wish the timing of my trip was different so I can be sure that I can get a tan DDH-09 on a Dynamite body through Dream Choice instead of only hoping for the best with D’Coord. Knowing that there is usually a good variety of D’Coords always available now is reassuring though, since for some reason every time I visited DollPoint during my last trip in Nov 2016 there weren’t any D’Coords available at all. >__<“

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Do you guys think it would be worth it to proxy a Dream Choice, if the specifics really didn't matter too much? Like, I want the brown skin and I know what head and body I want but besides that it does not matter too much about the hair and eyes, since I would probably change them anyways :l

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  Rosie said:
Do you guys think it would be worth it to proxy a Dream Choice, if the specifics really didn't matter too much? Like, I want the brown skin and I know what head and body I want but besides that it does not matter too much about the hair and eyes, since I would probably change them anyways :l


I feel exactly the same way. I hope to find a proxy to do exactly this once the brown bodies are back. I know the body and head I want, and don't really care about the eyes or wig so would leave it up to the proxy... but I'd prefer it be someone familiar with DDs to know what they're doing.

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  Eustia said:
  Rosie said:
Do you guys think it would be worth it to proxy a Dream Choice, if the specifics really didn't matter too much? Like, I want the brown skin and I know what head and body I want but besides that it does not matter too much about the hair and eyes, since I would probably change them anyways :l


I feel exactly the same way. I hope to find a proxy to do exactly this once the brown bodies are back. I know the body and head I want, and don't really care about the eyes or wig so would leave it up to the proxy... but I'd prefer it be someone familiar with DDs to know what they're doing.


I would probably use my regular proxy, whom I've ordered Doll Point and VIP exclusives from before, who specializes in dolls, if I did it. It just sucks for me, how there are no one-piece torsos for the brown skinned girls.

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I don't see why it wouldn't be as that'd be about the only way to get a tan DD. I plan on doing it that way this year or next.

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My proxy also just let me know, she would be willing to do it, if I needed it. So I might begin saving for that.

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Using a proxy does sound like a good way to get a Dream choice but wouldn't it be hard for you to tell them what faceup to pick since we don't know every option yet (I think? If I'm wrong then disregard this)? Unless you're planning on getting her re-painted or you're getting DDH-14 which only has the one option. Then it's all clear.

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I would personally get her repainted. But you are right that all the options have not ben posted online

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Best to find a proxy that has done it a few times and can give you some advice and info. But my goal is a tan DDH14, so I don't have to worry about faceup. also the eye options has been published in Volks News. The only thing I want to know is hair color and styles. I know I want purple hair, but what shades of purple do they have?

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Requiem Art Designs

I'm planning to go there in person too, and I'm trying to figure out as much as I can before I go.


For anyone that's done this, are they usually booked up or can you go in or call and make a reservation within a few days? I don't know if I should set my heart on being able to make a Dream Choice doll.

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For the video, does anyone know what sculpt that is that is presented towards the end in the first video (in the box with all the frills and stuff). She has this really cute ":3" look

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  LadyAoi said:
For the video, does anyone know what sculpt that is that is presented towards the end in the first video (in the box with all the frills and stuff). She has this really cute ":3" look

That's DCH14, one of the three heads exclusive to Dream Choice (the other two, 12 and 13, are DDH01 variations) it's also the same one asianed got, although he got one in tan and on an MDD body.


Edit: @requiem art designs it seems like it's pretty easy to get a slot on the day (or even immediately)these days but to be on the safe side I'd go early in your trip just in case you have to come back on another day. Also keep in mind there's the chance a head won't be in stock - it's probably easier now than when it was new but apparently DC12/13 were particularly popular. Chances are pretty good you can do it. Asianed has put a really nice guide in the Q and A board if you haven't seen it yet. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=16493

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  Torino said:
  LadyAoi said:
For the video, does anyone know what sculpt that is that is presented towards the end in the first video (in the box with all the frills and stuff). She has this really cute ":3" look

That's DCH14, one of the three heads exclusive to Dream Choice (the other two, 12 and 13, are DDH01 variations) it's also the same one asianed got, although he got one in tan and on an MDD body.


Thank you for answering! Sigh, she's very cute and I'm noticing a pattern. Everyone is getting the 14 with a tan body, at least from what I saw ;_;


To everyone else, especially those like @asianed who've done the DD Choice, are you asked not to take photos? I'm a little baffled at this point that we're for the most part in the dark about all the choices. I think I'm leaning on a 06 but I need to know the faceup options!

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