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Cool Cat Silicone Wig Caps?

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I'm going to be placing an order with Cool Cat soon, and was wondering if anyone has ever tried one of these? http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=other_39&Category=382741


It's a silicone wig cap, and I was thinking of getting one. I have such a time with the cloth wig cap slipping off my doll's head or under her wig, and this looks like it might stay put much better. If anyone's used one, are they any better than cloth wig caps?


Thanks in advance!

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I've heard of people using a combination of both, though not sure if it is better than the cloth wig cap. I won't know till I get my first DD (Saber Nero) in June :3


Also if you're making an order with Cool Cat there might be a chance you'll get the silicone cap as a free gift as many people have said in this thread:




Now after reading responses though it looks like it's better to be safe than sorry if you really want one :3

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I use those wig caps for all my girls now -- but I use them UNDER the cloth cap. That prevents the slipping around. Unfortunately, dark coloured wig caps can stain through the silicone and stain the DD's head. So now I just use them both.


All my Cool Cat orders have come with free silicone wig caps, by the way.

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Hmm, I've ordered from them before and never got a free gift. Maybe I was just unlucky?


If you buy things from them through eBay chances are you won't get a gift.


I've only ordered once from them - it was over $200 since I got a doll stand, outfit, headcaps, etc and they sent me a free swimsuit.


Their silicone wig caps are nice to prevent wigs from slipping but if you want something to prevent a dark wig cap from staining, you should get a cloth wig cap. You can layer the cloth one over the silicone one (it's what I do).


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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I have received a cool cats order that did NOT include the free silicone wig cap, though it did have other free gifts. So I'm just warning that if you're ordering just because you want the cap, it's not 100% certain you'll get one for free so you may want to go ahead an order one explicitly.


But as others have said, silicone wig caps help with slipping, not staining. Cloth ones staining but not slipping. Layering cloth on top of silicone works well for both as long as the wig has room for it. Some wigs fit rather tight on some heads.

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Thanks for the heads up about the staining! I had no idea it would still stain through. I'll have to do the layering method, it sounds like that works best.


Well, I've placed two seperate orders through Cool Cat directly, and neither time did I get a free gift. So it sounds like it's random.

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Nightmare Tea

Does the Volks wig pitatto thing help with the cloth cap? And by cloth wig cap, or you refering to the volks wig cap?

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Well this is all really good information I had been wondering whether I would need just one or both, but I think I'll use both to help keep the wigs from moving around too much. I guess when I order from Cool Cat I'll just take my chances and see if they send me a silicone wig cap. Like Scripple said, if you really want one for sure it looks like it would be best to go ahead and order it. At least if you do get one as a free gift you'll have a back-up one

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Ah! Yes I've seen that, but I just don't want to stick velcro onto her head =3 I think I'll get one of the silicone caps, since that doesn't have to be permanantly attached but keeps things from slipping.

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Nightmare Tea


It's just thin velcro. You can probably get that at a arts and crafts shop, or a fabric store. I believe in the US there's JoAnne's?


Yes, we have Joanne's here (my mom loves the store).

I guess I can just get it there, then.

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Nightmare Tea
Ah! Yes I've seen that, but I just don't want to stick velcro onto her head =3 I think I'll get one of the silicone caps, since that doesn't have to be permanantly attached but keeps things from slipping.


I thought I read in another fourm that it was removable and didn't leave any marks, though.

Can someone confirm this?

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Hmm. I better get a head cap from what I am reading here.


I got a silicon cap from my first order with Coolcat and I was really glad because I hadn't thought about it when I ordered the goodies.

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I just make my own wig caps out of cheap cotton material. unlike with the Volks made caps, I have no trouble getting the wigs on as they don't slide around. So far I haven't noticed any staining either. And they are rather easy to sew. Since the fabric doesn't stretch much and DD heads aren't all the same size, in some cases I had to adjust the size for each girls head.

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I've done one order through them on ebay for some shoes and don't remember any free gift and if there was one it may have been the usual tissues that online retailers send out from that part of the world.


I have done another order from them throught there web site for some leggings so it would be interesting to see what come from them.


As for the wig cap. I tend to order as soon as I know a girl is on it's way. In the case of Tomomi that is on her way from the states, her wig cap is currently part of an order from Alice Collections, but as far as I can tell a Silcone Wig Cap is the same wig cap from dealer to dealer.

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Ah! Yes I've seen that, but I just don't want to stick velcro onto her head =3 I think I'll get one of the silicone caps, since that doesn't have to be permanantly attached but keeps things from slipping.


I thought I read in another fourm that it was removable and didn't leave any marks, though.

Can someone confirm this?


I can confirm this. I use the Volks brand "Pitatto Wig" loop tape on my non-vinyl doll. It is very easily removable and leaves no marks or stickiness. The adhesive holds well enough that the tape doesn't peel off annoyingly whenever you're positioning or removing wigs, but if you want it gone it's incredibly simple: just grab one of the edges and pull it off. There's not much resistance. Once you've removed it you can't really re-apply it, though; you need to cut a new piece. You also don't need very much to help hold the wig in place. One of the things I really like about this product is that the loops are very fine and delicate, so they hold the wigs in place without ripping out all of the fibres along the edge. Other brands of similar products, such as Velcro, are much harsher and can really damage your dolls' wigs.

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I can confirm this. I use the Volks brand "Pitatto Wig" loop tape on my non-vinyl doll. It is very easily removable and leaves no marks or stickiness. The adhesive holds well enough that the tape doesn't peel off annoyingly whenever you're positioning or removing wigs, but if you want it gone it's incredibly simple: just grab one of the edges and pull it off. There's not much resistance. Once you've removed it you can't really re-apply it, though; you need to cut a new piece. You also don't need very much to help hold the wig in place. One of the things I really like about this product is that the loops are very fine and delicate, so they hold the wigs in place without ripping out all of the fibres along the edge. Other brands of similar products, such as Velcro, are much harsher and can really damage your dolls' wigs.


Interesting - I didn't know that the Pitatto was a softer velcro. It makes perfect sense, though - why would Volks sell a product that deliberately ruins wigs I'll remember that if I ever need some extra wig "grip" for my resin girls.


Since most of the time the fit issues I have with DD wigs is that they are a little big, the silicone wig cap actually helps with the overall fit since it adds more bulk to the head


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Interesting - I didn't know that the Pitatto was a softer velcro. It makes perfect sense, though - why would Volks sell a product that deliberately ruins wigs I'll remember that if I ever need some extra wig "grip" for my resin girls.


Since most of the time the fit issues I have with DD wigs is that they are a little big, the silicone wig cap actually helps with the overall fit since it adds more bulk to the head


It isn't necessarily "softer," but it's finer and the teeth are shorter. n_n


Yes, I actually don't think Pitatto wig would generally be useful for a DD. It does a very good job of keeping wigs that are too tight on a doll's head (I need to use it on my SD or wigs literally pop right off, haha~), but DD don't seem to have very big heads. Also, obviously, it wouldn't protect against staining from the wig.

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Yes, I actually don't think Pitatto wig would generally be useful for a DD. It does a very good job of keeping wigs that are too tight on a doll's head (I need to use it on my SD or wigs literally pop right off, haha~), but DD don't seem to have very big heads. Also, obviously, it wouldn't protect against staining from the wig.


Yeah - and staining is the big elephant in the room in regards to DD's


I know what you mean about wigs popping off - my SD16 girl doesn't like to keep her hair on! LOL I resorted to putting a silicone wig cap on her right now because I had an extra one laying around. Every time I have to put it back on it messes up the style and it takes a lot of time to fix it >__<"


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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Cool cat has got their fabric caps back in stock... I just bought 4


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

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Recently, I got a Nine9Style wig and I have been struggling to keep it on Yukino's head.

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I have two Silicone wig cap form coolcat and it is great to keep the wigs on my girls. It does make me feels a bit safer about them getting stain via wearing Dark colour wigs.

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