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Code Geass Collab: Smart Doll Lelouch

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He still doesn't look like Lelouche to me but the customer photos are so much nicer.

I saw in the official unboxing video that there's a small piece you put on his neck under his head which seems to make his head sit higher and that really does make a difference in making him look more elegant.

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  Torino said:
He still doesn't look like Lelouche to me but the customer photos are so much nicer.

I saw in the official unboxing video that there's a small piece you put on his neck under his head which seems to make his head sit higher and that really does make a difference in making him look more elegant.


I am curious to see what this neck piece looks like. I just got a old-style Eiji and I would love to get that short neck to look longer.

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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Shipping on these has been really slow. Not unexpected though, he did say it could be late December before they're all out there.


Starting to get nervous though as I bought one for a Christmas present.


EDIT: Haha!

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I received my Lelouch yesterday! There are somethings that I am not fond of, like his clothes being very (very) tight. It highlights his body underneath well but in my mind I can just hear him saying "I can't breathe, or move my legs!".


My true point of this post is to ask other Lelouch owners (or maybe any SmartDoll owners that have bought their doll in the last year) if they noticed how 'soft' his body is?

My Mirai is mostly hard vinyl, the only parts that are soft are her head cap and breast piece, everything else is nice and formed and requires a lot of squeezing to get the vinyl to buckle at all.

Lelouch on the other hand is soft everywhere. Not "soft-soft" but it does not require nearly the pressure that I would have to use for Mirai to buckle the vinyl on any point of his body. He is very "squishy" compared to her. . . . . I do not know if I like it. The hard vinyl of my Mirai is one of the things I love compared to my Dollfies.


Has anyone else noticed this? Is this a Lelouch thing, SmartDoll guy thing, or all new SmartDolls thing?

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I have noticed the same softness on my Moonlight, that I bought this September, in comparison to my 2015's Kizuna. I guess they made the vinyl softer after several cases of cracks near the joints. I don't mind the softer body - I see no practical drawnacks of it. But I see at least one good point - Moonlight can pull her thighs closer to her body and therefore she's able to sit more straight than Kizuna.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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Okay, so they adjusted the vinyl stiffness in all dolls then, good to know. I probably like the stiffness more because it reminds me of my resin dolls and holding them in forced positions or wearing tight clothing have less possibility of 'warping' them. I was not aware there were cracking issues on the 'older' SmartDolls. Do you know if it was by use or just age?


You make an excellent point of the posing, it is why my Mirai hardly ever sits. Getting her hips just right for her to still be leaning back a bit is a hassle, so she just stands, kneels, or lays down. I will play with Lelouch a bit more and get him into some clothing that is not cutting off any circulation and get over my issue with it (lol).

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I've noticed the same difference between my Mirai from 2014 and my Kurenai from 2017. Mirai's body is a lot stiffer to move. Tbh I prefer the newer, softer body. It's easier to pose.


I think the stiffness of the old bodies might've caused them to crack more often due to people putting more force on them to move. I thought I had handled my girl with care but within 1 year of owning her, I know that I managed to crack an elbow and snapped a wrist joint whilst changing hands. The wrist joint on the other hand looks a bit fragile and I fear that one day, it'll snap as well >___<

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Does someone still know, how much he was asking for the Deluxe Edition? I only found the price for the "normal" Lelouch. >__<"

Dollfie Family:

DD Emilia - DD Mashiro Mito (Custom) -  DD Asuna Titania - DDdy Sasara - DD Kirika - DDH16 Tan - DD Rin Tohsaka

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  Kushina said:
Does someone still know, how much he was asking for the Deluxe Edition? I only found the price for the "normal" Lelouch. >__<"

On Fabric & Friends it's $775 USD for the deluxe ($685 USD for the default). Hopefully that helps, I'm not sure how much in JPY!

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  Kushina said:
Does someone still know, how much he was asking for the Deluxe Edition? I only found the price for the "normal" Lelouch. >__<"


I believe it was 77,000 Yen for the deluxe and 67,000 Yen for the standard. Those US prices are actually much more expensive than just buying from Danny.

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  marishade said:
I was not aware there were cracking issues on the 'older' SmartDolls. Do you know if it was by use or just age?

Definitely by use - i.e. when you raised the arm too much, so that the shoulder frame pushed the outer shell, the shell would crack like this:



I probably like the stiffness more because it reminds me of my resin dolls and holding them in forced positions or wearing tight clothing have less possibility of 'warping' them.

Even if the vinyl gets warped under pressure, it can be restored to its default shape by using a hair dryer. If somethings gonna break because of the forced positions, it's rather the internal frame, not the vinyl shell.



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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Lelouch is for sale for 990 EUR on Anime-sugoi : https://anime-sugoi.de/?a=1872&lang=eng

This is NOT a drill!! 

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Interesting. The listing mentions that this will also be available through Fabric and Friends. So if you are US based it might be worth reaching out to them (I don't see anything on their site at the moment).

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  On 10/25/2021 at 4:38 PM, Wasabi said:

Interesting. The listing mentions that this will also be available through Fabric and Friends. So if you are US based it might be worth reaching out to them (I don't see anything on their site at the moment).

Yeah, they are selling Lelouch for 1.000 USD, Iris has just messaged me a few hours ago since I was on her waiting list. Seems like quite a few have messaged her already.

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