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Dollfie 5:00 Shadow

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Lily seems to be getting a 5:00 shadow on the lower portion of her face. I thought, perhaps this might be happening because of chemicals that could be present in the display case in which I keep her.


Then, about six months ago, I bought a second, used DD that had been somewhat abused by a previous owner. (Repairs, to date, have gone very well! Both of us are happy.) But, I noticed the same effect on this DD's face. Since this doll has never been in the display case, I'm wondering what's going on. Anyone else observe this effect? And, if so, what have you done about it -- if anything?


Thank you, in advance, for your help.


~~>>%{@ DesertAngel @}%<<~~

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Are you touching the bottom of her face when you adjust her head, put on a wig, re-dress her, etc? The dirt and oils from your hands can slowly build up on a doll's face and cause a darkening or discoloration of the vinyl.


I've never had anything along the lines of a "shadow" build up on my doll's faces, but I try to touch their faces as little as humanly possible.

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Cauldroness' theory sounds very plausible. The nearly invisible oils from your hands can be a contaminant magnet. Also the closed environment of a display case, while keeping out airborne contaminants, will contain any elements the case itself may be off gassing. What is the case made of, wood? Plastics? Vinyl covered fiber board? Did you buy the case new or has it been around for a while? A lot of new adhesives and finishes while appearing dry, can release minute traces of solvents for months after manufacture. Allowing a new case to air out for a time can help in the dispersal of these contaminants.


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Thank you for your replies. Both of your theories are thoughtful and plausible. I received Lily new and I have *never* touched her face. Although I would like to put glasses on her for a couple of outfit combinations, I haven't had the courage to do even that. So, I don't see how it could have something to do with skin oil. The hypothesis that it could be organic plasticizers or solvents coming out of the case is excellent. (I wonder how many DD owners realize that a case can be as hazardous to the doll as just leaving the doll out in the open?) What she's been in for the past three years is a china cabinet that I bought new fifteen years ago. It is about 95% glass and mirrors -- but!! -- the 5% that is varnished wood did outgas onto the glass for the first couple years that I owned the case. I know because I had to clean the glass every few months to get the film off of it. I haven't had to do that in years; so, I think any vapors coming off the finish are long gone. I was starting to give credence to this theory up to the point I got my second DD. This one has the same type color shift on her face; and, I suspect the previous owner had her in a bag (so sad) in a closet and not a display case. I'll be at the DD gathering in Anaheim and I'll ask Volks about this while I am there. If they have anything to say, I'll post it here. In the meantime, if anyone else has any ideas, I'd like to hear them. Both dolls are away from sunlight, BTW.


~~>>%}@ Desert Angel @{%<<~~

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The age of the case sounds like it probably rules out off gassing from the case. Any pictures?


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OK. I asked Volks about this at LA Dolpa 3 in Los Angeles this year. Their answer was a question, "What is the degree?" I didn't have a picture to show them. But, their question implies that a small amount of mismatch is normal.

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OK. I asked Volks about this at LA Dolpa 3 in Los Angeles this year.

Oh, this is what you were talking about with the "different colors" question during the workshops? Was that you? Okay. If so, Volks' question was just a question; based on the Japanese discussion they didn't understand what you were talking about and were trying to be polite and understand your question better so they could try to help.


As previous posters wondered, is your doll not simply dirty from residue on your hands while posing her? Or do you not touch her head in the same place this shadow appears? Photos would help for this question, because stubble growing is not something that usually happens to DDs.


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Hi. It's been a long time since I've been on the boards. So, apologies for the slow response to your note. I'll take detailed photos when I get home. (I'm at coffee right now.) I did post some very recent photos over on the "Christmas Card Exchange" boards; but, what you need are closeups. I also bought some photographer's lights that have tungsten bulbs in them. If there's a problem, it should be very visible under those lamps.


I also think that the color difference might be attributable to really, really bad lighting inside the display case. The light is in the top of the case and it tends to cast shadows on the areas of the face that are below the cheek rouge.


I now have a second dollfie (Mashu) and a third one will arrive in December. I am starting to think they would all be better displayed with a wall mounted detolf and overhead track lights. Too pretty to leave them under crappy lighting.

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