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Rei went and did it....

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Well, it seems that my Rei went behind my back and got herself a Kizuna.


She really likes the Kizuna that lives with K2 and has been pestering me to adopt one for a while. I told her no but she decided she needed one to pal around with so she partnered up with my buddy AsianEd and found one for sale over on Figurefm for an extremely good price.


So at the last doll meet back in May, Kizuna was presented to me to take back to Rei. It took me a while to process all of this so that's why it's taken me a bit to actually present her here.


Without further ado, here is my 45th family member Kizuna.


34825783104_471a9312af_z.jpgDSC_0632 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


35627194866_006f23ba06_z.jpgDSC_0634 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


As you can see, she's a complete Version 1 Kizuna. That means she came with the original "D" shirt with 3/4 sleeves, jeans and her original wig with the braid in it. I much prefer this setup to the newer versions that have the white shirts, corduroy pants and plain wig.


35627192686_738d843d65_z.jpgDSC_0635 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


35666889555_147ac4c7ce_z.jpgDSC_0636 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Since I don't have one yet, I'm thinking of ordering her the M-bust so I can have one example of each bust on a girl.


35536495251_f0ed885c26_z.jpgDSC_0637 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


It's still hard to believe she's the same head as Mirai since she looks so "put out" and miffed.


35666882235_066debfc00_z.jpgDSC_0638 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


But I do like her a lot and I'm happy Rei overstepped her bounds to get Kizuna here. I'm going to have to punish Rei somehow tho because she knows better than to use my Paypal account....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Congrats to Reí, she has a really great taste


But I think she will need to fight Minami so she won't get to close to Kizuna LOL (specially some sort of pillow fights )

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Congrads to you both on getting Kizuna. I agree with you that the Version 1 dolls had a great setup. I also prefer them over the newer versions.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Rei was just doing what was necessary for science. Congrats, Kizuna is cute! Those jeans from the first version outfit are so awesome, I wish I had a few more pairs.

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  MrFjmg03 said:
Congrats to Reí, she has a really great taste But I think she will need to fight Minami so she won't get to close to Kizuna LOL (specially some sort of pillow fights )


Ha ha, yes she does! But Manami won't listen to Rei, she will be wanting to meet Kizuna and check her out. I'm sure that will result in some sort of fight.... or Rei chasing Manami with her baseball bat again.


  Eiko82 said:
Congrads to you both on getting Kizuna. I agree with you that the Version 1 dolls had a great setup. I also prefer them over the newer versions.


Thank you! And yes, the jeans and wigs were much nicer IMO back on the first wave girls.


  Galvatim said:
Rei was just doing what was necessary for science. Congrats, Kizuna is cute! Those jeans from the first version outfit are so awesome, I wish I had a few more pairs.


HA! Rei would totally agree with you there. And thanks! You're right about the jeans, they totally rock and fit the DD girls nicely too. I have 3 pairs now and won't trade them for anything! If you're on Facebook then you can join a few of the Smartdoll groups.... I see the jeans come up for sale quite often so they're available for sure.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I am not getting a Kizuna, I tell you! I am not.


Maybe I should get a Kizuna...

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  baldylox said:
I'm going to have to punish Rei somehow tho because she knows better than to use my Paypal account....


If it were me, I'd get the kind of outfit she wouldn't be caught dead in and make her not only wear it, but do a photo shoot. Perhaps throw in some out of character poses.

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  K-2 said:




This is Rei. Thank you for the kind words and the offer about the "update". I shall be sending you a private message very soon my friend.




Rei A.

I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  belpita said:
I am not getting a Kizuna, I tell you! I am not. Maybe I should get a Kizuna...


There's no *MAYBE* about it. I think EVERYONE needs a Kizuna.


  sinclair said:
  baldylox said:
I'm going to have to punish Rei somehow tho because she knows better than to use my Paypal account....


If it were me, I'd get the kind of outfit she wouldn't be caught dead in and make her not only wear it, but do a photo shoot. Perhaps throw in some out of character poses.


I really appreciate the idea of that Sinclair! And after seeing the reply Rei left K2's Kizuna I came up with something.....


35572095171_881160d9f2_z.jpgTwo vocaloid by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


She was actually okay with it until I put the bow on her head. THAT sent her into a slight tirade about hairbows and blue haired girls and something very NSFF ( Not Safe For Forums )


And she was told she must wear that outfit including the bow for two full weeks. As soon as Manami sees her I'm betting an all out war will occur.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Billy your girl is cute.

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  Janeway said:
Billy your girl is cute.


Thank you very much!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  baldylox said:


She was actually okay with it until I put the bow on her head. THAT sent her into a slight tirade about hairbows and blue haired girls and something very NSFF ( Not Safe For Forums )


As K-2 can attest to- you don't want to cross Kizuna. Better hide the knives and blunt objects tonight when you go to sleep....


She's fabulous, congratulations, and a Version 1 on top of it! I like those t-shirts the best- the 3/4 sleeves hide that kind of ugly elbow joint. And yes, much better than the generic (zzzzzzz) white t-shirt that come with the new version.

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  cirquemom said:
As K-2 can attest to- you don't want to cross Kizuna. Better hide the knives and blunt objects tonight when you go to sleep....


Ha ha! Luckily my Kizuna isn't too malicious. I think Rei keeps her in line well enough.


She's fabulous, congratulations, and a Version 1 on top of it! I like those t-shirts the best- the 3/4 sleeves hide that kind of ugly elbow joint. And yes, much better than the generic (zzzzzzz) white t-shirt that come with the new version.


Thank you so much! I agree about the shirts, I buy every one I find if I can. I have one in blue, green and two in orange. And yes, those dull looking white shirts just don't cut it for me. I understand Danny wanting to cut costs and make things easier for first time doll owners but come on, these are characters that have a specific look and style to them! Stick with that!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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