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Buying Moonlight - Any advice?

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I was about to complete the checkout process...


..then i notice the "Order Notes" option.


So, before i press the button, what is possible to asked for on that little option? What would you advice asking for? What have you got?


Moonlight would fly to Peru on Latin America, it is going to be a long and scary trip. Better to ask for something extra in order to make her trip more comfortable


Dying to know your stories

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Well, one does not have to add notes to their order. It is more if you have anything special to ask for related to the placed order. Many use it to ask for a lower declaration, to avoid customs fees. Another example would be those who might need replacement parts, and have discussed it prior over e-mail, have them sent along with an order.


Basically, what you ask for are things related to your order processing.

Is that what you wondered about?

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I saw some videos, and the users asked for spare Ziploc bags, other for the bag you would get if you buy and pickup the doll directly from the japan store.


So, i was just curious if someone else has asked for something in particular. A signed bust? That kind of stuff.


Personally, i will love to have the t-shirt signed by danny. But he is currently in UK so no luck. The pickup bag will do.

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I just got my Moonlight, nothing else.

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Get her a pair of the pumps if you can afford it. They are killer. If she's only going to have one pair of good shoes, that would be my choice.


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If you want, I think you can also ask for some extra piece of vinyl to stain test. There will be one included anyway, but it may come in handy to have more.

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I've only ever added notes if it was either something I already discussed with them by email or if I wasn't able to get a response by email and I happened to be putting in an order anyway and I reference the email I sent that had no response.


I would agree with belpita and ask for an extra piece of vinyl to stain test That's always handy!

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Get her a pair of the pumps if you can afford it. They are killer. If she's only going to have one pair of good shoes, that would be my choice.

And the white pumps look especially nice on Moonlight.

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Thank you so much for the advice


Extra stain piece and white pumps are on my list now!


Sadly, i´m going to buy her next year or by the end of the year. I have review the requirements at my customs office, and aside for the 20% taxes for the whole package (item+shipping costs) i´m going to pay a fee for a inspection test (due to the price of the item) and another one for the storage time.


It will add an overall of $200 to $300. (If you import her to Peru take note!) [Plus : The package can get lost at the customs office / They tend to do so here ]


Truly devastated, but luckily i´m going to travel to US (maybe on November or next February)so until i do so, i won´t order her.


Thank you again for your advice, truly appreciate it.

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Truly devastated, but luckily i´m going to travel to US (maybe on November or next February)so until i do so, i won´t order her.


Thank you again for your advice, truly appreciate it.

Will you have her sent to US? Then you could carry her on the airplane and hopefully not get slammed with customs, as she would then be considered a personal item (????).

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I made the same trip with my DD. No worries at all, it do get treat as a personal item .

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Danny's interested in making a US store, so who knows, maybe by the time you get to go there you'll be able to buy her directly.

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Danny's interested in making a US store, so who knows, maybe by the time you get to go there you'll be able to buy her directly.




I read it somewhere too, hopefully i will be in time for the store opening . Will need to check those updates.



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Not to be a downer, but I wouldn't expect much from the US store if it ever does materialise. Danny made a big deal about how Smart Doll would be sold in a specific Isetan outlet in Malaysia, and while technically true, it's a pretty pathetic stall that sells two dolls (Mirai and another one. I think Ebony?) and absolutely nothing else.


Obviously the US is a much bigger market than Malaysia, and it would make sense to invest more there, but I'll believe it when I see it

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