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MDD and DDS Standing Issues

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Hoping to get some help here with two separate issues I'm having with my new girls and their standing.


First off is my DDS body, I guess. She has a very loose leg. She is the old DDS body that came with Reimu, so I was wondering if there's any difference in taking her leg off than in a new one? I'm hoping she just needs a screw or something tightened and that she doesn't have cracking in her hips or something. When I lift one of her legs, it won't hold at all. It just flops down. That body is bound to a stand because she cannot stand on her own with that leg being loose.


Second is my MDD. She's new, but I'm having a hard time getting her to stand as well. Her ankles seem to be the issue here...She always wants to fall forward onto her face. I can get her to stand if I put her feet in a very exact position, but even then I worry about her taking a nose dive. Anything here I can tighten, or any reinforcement part I can buy? Or just tips to get her to stay up? I'd hate to have her bound to a stand too. That's no fun. Right now, I have to keep her arm looped around the arm of my MDD size Parabox boy so he can keep her from falling face first by holding her weight. As cute as that looks, posing them separate again would be nice!


Thanks in advance for any advice or tips!

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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I can't speak for MDD but it sounds like that's definitely an issue with the older DDS body because both Rin and Mel pose like a dream. However, Miku's posing isn't good at all. One of her legs is extremely loose and false off pretty easily, which means I'm going to have to be very careful when I bring her to Magical Mirai with me because i want to carry her around. This was a snowMiku body from yahoo auctions that was said to be brand-new.


I have however seen plenty of MDDs at events at stuff standing pretty decently on their own. There is one guy at our meets who has stands that are kind of like smartdoll stands for his - he puts a magnet on their back and the tip of the stand also has a magnet on it. I think he said he got it from a camera store. I dont know if his MDD are unsteady too or if he just likes the extra security.

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I think the DDS issue sounds a lot like a broken skeleton piece... I found out my girl had a tiny crack in one of her joints that made her leg quite loose, but it's now broken all the way and she has the same problem as yours (if I put it up, it'll just fall down). Take her leg off and inspect the joints really carefully. I couldn't have found it another way.

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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Hoping to get some help here with two separate issues I'm having with my new girls and their standing.


First off is my DDS body, I guess. She has a very loose leg. She is the old DDS body that came with Reimu, so I was wondering if there's any difference in taking her leg off than in a new one? I'm hoping she just needs a screw or something tightened and that she doesn't have cracking in her hips or something. When I lift one of her legs, it won't hold at all. It just flops down. That body is bound to a stand because she cannot stand on her own with that leg being loose.


From what I gather, the source of the issue is the hip joint? Up where her thigh goes into the torso? If so, it could be cracks causing the socket in the leg to not be tight on the shaft in the torso. If there aren't any cracks on that tube then it's probably wear and tear on the joint causing it. Over time those pegs in the torso wear down and the leg socket loses traction and cirbleepference. You can either wrap the shafts on the torso with clear tape or brush a layer or two of super glue on them to add more diameter to them and hopefully get that friction back.



Second is my MDD. She's new, but I'm having a hard time getting her to stand as well. Her ankles seem to be the issue here...She always wants to fall forward onto her face. I can get her to stand if I put her feet in a very exact position, but even then I worry about her taking a nose dive. Anything here I can tighten, or any reinforcement part I can buy? Or just tips to get her to stay up? I'd hate to have her bound to a stand too. That's no fun. Right now, I have to keep her arm looped around the arm of my MDD size Parabox boy so he can keep her from falling face first by holding her weight. As cute as that looks, posing them separate again would be nice!


This sounds like the screws in the ankles need to be tightened. I've had to repair MANY MDD ankles in the past ( all of them first generation bodies tho, not any MDD3 ones ) and it's relatively easy. Warm up the vinyl foot until the material is bendable. You can use hot water or a hair dryer for this. Then move the ankle joints around till you can see the screw in the ball joint inside the foot. I usually have to get a very thin flatblade screwdriver to pull down the vinyl to access these screws. Once you can see the screw, check to see if it's loose. If so, just tighten it up with a Phillips head screwdriver. If it's tight or just spins in place then that means it is stripped out and you'll either have to drill it out and replace the old screw with a new wider and longer one or just buy new feet for her.


You can also tighten up the knee joints by pulling off the feet and then sliding off the shin vinyl. The knees are Phillips head screws as well and easy to access with the shin vinyl taken off.

Also, when you have an MDD seated and want to go to standing poses, make sure you push the lower legs back up into the upper legs. The lower legs below the knees tend to slide out along with the feet so you have to push them back up into the upper thigh parts to give them more stability when standing.


Hopefully that helps you and your girls out!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Torino: The leg on mine hasn't fallen off yet, but I almost wish it would so I wouldn't have to worry about breaking it when removing it myself. I definitely want to fix this body up before searching for a Rin too. I guess if it isn't fixable though, I'll probably just stick a DDH-09 on it. Don't wanna go all out on the expense of Rin's head(IF I can even find one) if I wouldn't even be able to pose her! Poor Miku though! I wonder if anything can be done for her too to keep her leg on?


And totally agreed on MDDs, that's why I was wondering if there was something I was doing wrong to mine. Everyone else's seems to stand just fine. Mine just wants to do a frontward ankle roll right into the ground. That is a good idea with the magnets though...if for some reason tightening screws won't work.


Shailara: I'm sorry to hear your girl has the same issue! It's really unfun to deal with. Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to inspect really closely when I get her leg off!


baldylox: Hopefully it is just the wear and tear. I'm not sure how long her previous owner had her(or if she's had multiple owners) so it could be just that. There's nothing weird about taking the leg off this body, right? I should still be good to go if I follow a guide on how to do it to a new DDS? And if her internal frame has cracks, can I buy a new lower torso/leg part for her? No idea on whether the frame is compatible or not.


And with the MDD issue...now we're speaking my language I can handle tighenting screws. I really hope that helps her, because she is pretty new. I don't think this body is even a year old. Thanks for the instructions!

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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baldylox: Hopefully it is just the wear and tear. I'm not sure how long her previous owner had her(or if she's had multiple owners) so it could be just that. There's nothing weird about taking the leg off this body, right? I should still be good to go if I follow a guide on how to do it to a new DDS? And if her internal frame has cracks, can I buy a new lower torso/leg part for her? No idea on whether the frame is compatible or not.


Nothing hard or weird about it. Just get a good grip on the leg up at the thigh, grab the torso and then move the leg up and down while pulling it away from the body. It should pop right off easily enuff. If not then just apply heat with a hair dryer. As for the cracks, they almost always happen on the tube inside the leg itself. Just check that tube to see if there are any. If there are and they aren't bad yet, you can always try out the Cool Cats metal parts to help. Those are designed to strengthen those areas and help get the tightness back and prevent cracks. If the cracks ARE pretty bad then you'll need to buy new legs from Volks.


And with the MDD issue...now we're speaking my language I can handle tighenting screws. I really hope that helps her, because she is pretty new. I don't think this body is even a year old. Thanks for the instructions!


I do hope that fixes the issues too. You're welcome!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Just a quick update! I did the tape thing to my DDS and it mostly worked. I think I need to bulk it up a little more, but it was hard to get her legs back on, so Im putting it off again. But her leg is a little better now Better news too, no cracks!


Bad news too though...Her foot snapped off her ankle in the process. I was warned about that issue with DDS. :I It was just old and worn, maybe. I really did barely touch it. Moved it to a downward foot position to get her leggings off like I've done a few times already, and this time it just plopped off.


New ankles from Volks are good to go on the old DDS body, right? These were old anyway, so I don't mind getting her new feet, I guess(good excuse to order more hand parts like I've been wanting to...) She's slowly getting her parts replaced with new ones over time it seems. I know she's had her upper torso frame and elbows replaced with newer ones.


As for my MDD, still need to find time to do that. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. And now I don't wanna break her feet too. I think I'll be a little peeved at that point.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Is it the right or left foot? I've got two good left feet left over from replacing right feet on a couple of my DDS bodies.

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Shockingly, it actually is her left foot! That would be great if you could spare one of your extras!

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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