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MAGICAL MIRAI 2017 --DD Luka is Coming!!!!

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I'd be VERY surprised if she wasn't lottery after Rin/Len. Not that I'd complain of course. If she's lottery she'll hopefully keep getting rereleased like all the previous vocaloid DDs have been. I think the preorder is more likely 2B (and hopefully 9S too) or the other idolm@ster girl since they were announced first, but it could be something completely different and unannounced too.


I'm with you on a Kaito. I'm hesitant to make a DD of him now because of the possibility that it'll happen for real. (I do wanna make MDD Kaito though, cos that's adorable)

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Now I'm hoping the pre-order is Luka and Kaede Takagaki. I want both, but with the 3 IM@S pre-orders coming up for payment in October there is no way I could go for both in a December lottery.


With that said it would be quite something if they introduced something totally unexpected for the preorders.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I just ordered Deep Sea Girl for my Miku, and now two new dressed, I need those too for my outfit collection. And they have human sized happi that match the DD happi? I just may need one of those too so Miku and I can match. I so live in the wrong country for this hobby.

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I'll have to see what DD Luka ends up looking like. I'm not a fan of her default costume, but it CAN look OK. I'll just have to see how Volks does with it.


I must have that 2020 outfit, though.

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The assumption of her not being a DDdy was purely mine. More 'expecting the worst' part of my mentality. Sorry about that. Ravendruid and I have just been talking about his DD Luka for almost 6 years now that I just expect that Volks is going to flub it up somewhere along the line. (I'm really not mad about this and hope it doesn't sound that way, it's not my intention.) Just anything they do anymore on preexisting properties I have learned to take with a very large pinch of salt.


Her adult persona fits the curvy DDdy body much better than just a big busted Miku. At least in our household she has been seen as a lot more sultry like Meiko is sexy, and unlike Miku's innocence. Even her voice is a deeper adult voice. I've done a couple songs for Miss Lottie by tuning Luka's voice a bit differently, but it works for Miss Lottie because of the sultry/deeper sound to it. Having her be on a DD and not a DDdy body would just be wrong. However, Volks so rarely releases girls with the DDdy body. Her body in the pic illustrates my point even if her boobs are too big... That doesn't negate the fact that there is fan art out there that clearly has her in a DDdy body style. I think it just suits her much better.




The thing I'm most concerned about is her expression. I know the image they use is her standard box art, but there is no real way of guessing what direction the sculptor will go and what Volks will approve. Does the sculptor even know about her, or are they completely just dependent on provided images? There is a difference between copying a thing and capturing the essence. The pics below is more how I see Luka.




I'm hoping that the Volks version is most like this. Her smile isn't entirely nutral, but it surely isn't grouchy. Plus she looks so very lovely like a queen should.




I'd be pretty darn happy if she looked like this too, although I'd still prefer the other if given the choice.


I'm sure more than one of you could be wondering why I'm being so picky and verbal about a DD that isn't even for me. Well, I'll still have to live with her and with Raven's other girls a buttload of getting their DD persona figured out has fallen on my shoulders. Raven has expressed that he finds it very hard (if not impossible sometimes) to to essentially work through character creation and turning them into realistic personalities. For me I find it so easy that I can do it in my sleep. I'm the highly creative one, so I have to point out all these visible differences to him because he just isn't very good about ripping an image apart to analyze what makes the intricate details different from one another to discover what about it he likes. He sees a full image and says if he likes it or not, but has a very hard time articulating why he does or doesn't like it. So, again, it's my job to help him figure it out. And with Luka being his grail since we started the hobby, I do all this not to shred her apart but to help him identify what are the crucial components that he finds important for Luka to be his Luka.


This is something I've spent years trying to talk to him and figure out, even to the point of trying to see if I could have made him a custom Luka in secret and surprised him with her. The only reason I never managed to was because I was afraid she wouldn't be perfect for him. (A lot of this I'm still struggling with Azalea (custom Snow Miku Rin) who would be done sooner if I wasn't still so unsure of what he wants. The images he has given me are so contradictory. )


I super duper hope they make Kaito (something I never would have thought I'd say a few years ago) and you just can't have the set without Meiko even though she looks quite a lot like my Dakota. I'm afraid those two would be two peas in a pod...




I'd be smitten if Kaito looked like this...


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I was almost late for work this morning after seeing the news about Luka because I got so excited, lol! She's my favourite Vocaloid and I've been hoping for Volks to release her as a DD so I'm super psyched to see it's finally becoming a reality!


I'd wish for Luka to have DDdy body because she's more mature than Miku and I love, love, love wide hips and thick thighs... but I really am not a fan of the DDdy bust options. Like Oni-Chan said, DD L bust would suit Luka well. I got the DDdy body for my Sheryl and modded a DD L flat type bust to fit it and I absolutely love that combination. Sadly Volks probably won't offer a body like that, ahah... but I guess I'll just do some body switching again if Luka ends up being on the DD body. *u*;;; Must have my dream Luka!


Now... I just hope she'd be pre-order instead of lottery but I guess that would be a bit of a long shot... I swear the lottery stress with Rin & Len took ten years out of my life, lol! XD With Luka it would be twice as bad, I'm sure. But well, even if she ends up being lottery, I'm still grateful that they're actually releasing Luka.


I also hope that Kaito and Meiko will eventually be released as well.


Those Miku outfits are cute, but luckily not must haves for me. I do adore the shoes, though, I wish those were available separately!

My doll family: Umeko DDH-06 Megumi DDS Mariko Suiren DDdy Sheryl Nome Yuuri DDS Kagamine Rin Yuuya DDSb Kagamine Len ♥ Kanade DDdy Megurine Luka Miharu MDD Arle Nadja Rion DDb Kaito Enju MDD Marisa
+ guardian to DD Y'shtola
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Eh....I personally don't like the shape or bust options for DDdy at all, so I'm hoping she won't be on one either. That would be a bit of a hassle for me to offload it(Or hopefully not if this many people like it?). Just not the look I'm going for with my own Luka. Plus...I hear Dynamite gets hard to shop for and I'm picky enough with the girls' clothing options and don't need it narrowed down even further lol. But we'll see what Volks does.


I guess if they made her default skin-tight to a DDdy that would be unfortunate too because it wouldn't fit a DD, right(I don't actively study up on DDdy, so apologies if I'm wrong there)? Well, I'll deal with issues as they come up. She's just a picture at this point, so lots of time to think of plans.


Another in the boat too for hoping they make Kaito next. Meiko can come too, but I won't get her lol. Kaito and Luka are lowkey my BrOTP so she has to be here with my Kaito. Trouble will be whether she's more friends with my current one or his official made brother down the line...


Also, that picture only made me think "Can we just skip regular outfit Kaito and go straight to Gakuran Parka?"

Because that's my favorite Kaito outfit. >_>

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Just going off her more official appearances like box art and everything she is a bit slender for Dynamite. DD L would make more sense if they base it off of that. Plus... If I get her as A DDY I'm going to need to get her peach pai and hopefully some matching hips eventually cause I don't like default Dynamite boobs either and dynamite hips in my experience get really loose, really fast. I love the aesthetic over all but I do have some gripes with it... I figure volks will probably make the outfit so it could fit both body types. I just hope it doesn't stain. Especially if she gets the silicone treatment. I'll love her either way obviously.


As for DDY VS DD L on clothes. Usually they can share clothes pretty well. Only way you'll have problems is on things that fit DD L really tight with no stretch. Those probably won't fit dynamite. And things that fit Dynamite well without any stretching will be a little loose on DD L.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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Oh no! My worst fear and best dream together all in one! I just started school up again so this will take some major budgeting, but Luka is the one who got me into Vocaloids in the first place. In fact, I wasn't even going to get Miku at first and just save up for a potential pipe dream Luka (who is totally going to be real now! ), but Miku won me over with her sweetness (and Project Diva Mirai)


I really, really hope she will be the next pre-order project. Or at least take a year to get to us. Or half a year. I could do it with half a year with some good budgeting. I mean, I'll totally take a lottery too, but a pre-order would be a lot less stress.


Luka's coming! After a hard week, this is the pick me up I needed!

Home: Hatsune Miku ♡

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I just...can't see her as a DDdy, sorry. Just cos people draw sexy fanart doesn't make it canon. The DDs are based on their canon designs and she doesn't look that bodacious in her official art of project diva to me... (..' ? Lots of people like sultry booby Miku too and draw pictures to reflect that, so those people stuck her head on the body they wanted. Hopefully that works for you if she isn't a DDdy.


Also -flips table- the Happi sold out in less than half an hour after opening WHILE we were in line for them >:T the human ones too.

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Not going to lie, I do not spend too much time with Luka (pink is not my color). I have always seen her much 'larger' than Miku and usually rivaling Meiko's body. . . Now that I look through Google images, I guess neither one of them are officially DDy size? Part of me thinks it is weird for Luka and Meiko to have the same body as Miku, but they are not 'quite' DDy in their official photos. IDK, at this point I do not think it will matter to me as long as the outfit looks good on whatever body they choose. I am very interested to see how they do her face-up; will probably skip over her regardless, but I look forward to her design.

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Oh, can't wait to see her prototype. I think Luka is one of the prettiest of all the female Vocaloids.

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Torino, I know you have the best of intentions, but just because you don't see her one way doesn't mean that others don't. The fan art is our there because some people do see her differently. It's not all about what's cannon. Sure that can be helpful, but even you and I can't agree on the 'right' Kaito. I simply cannot imagine any of the Vocaloid DD as robots, and especially not Kaito. But that doesn't mean that any of them can't be different in different households. For goodness sake, I have two Len, even if one is custom. It could be that a DDdy Luka makes sense to me because I see her as older so the slender DD body for her is strange. Even Miss Lottie hates the DD L shapely body, but positively comes alive on the DDdy L shapely body.


But that's one thing that makes DD interesting, there are quite a lot of bodies and types to swap between. Sometimes it's kinda like a jigsaw puzzle trying to figure out what body would suit any character best. At least I look at it that way. It can be a game to find the essence of a character, not the 'letter of the law' as it were. I've tried to perfectly match a character. With Bea, 06 Len, Kiyoteru, Kyoya... and they have been my most stressful DD to work on. It was very hard for me when I began to realize with Bea that she would never be a 'perfect' remake. I had to hit a point where I literally had to choose between making something perfect for everyone else, or make the girl that I had missed all these years and give her a chance to change a little too. Len I already knew most people would find him weird, especially with the official Len to compare him to. But one of the reasons I fell in love with Len was because he very often was portrayed as a very excitable and full of energy guy. Much of the time when I thought of him I would always think of the happy versions. I positively love Len's sculpt for Alister, but Alister could never be Len. And Kiyoteru has been in limbo since Dakota was finished because I tried to remake him 'perfectly' (again that stupid ideal of mine...) and he has just never felt right. It drives me crazy and I can't figure out how to make him work so he feels like my Kiyoteru. And Kyoya? He is the absolute worst. My standards for him reach the moon, as is the problem with any ultimate grail. His head has been sitting in the same spot for more than a year waiting for a faceup. I am completely terrified of doing it wrong/not perfect to his reference pics I have that I literally cannot work on him. I completely freeze up. In all the time of the last year and a half trying to work on him I still haven't reached the point where I can just let go and make the Kyoya that I want, not the one that would be flawless to everyone else. (I know I worry about stupid things like that because I have a massive fear of being criticized. I wish I could grow out of it.) And yet again I'm fighting this all over again with Andy. He's not hardly similar to who he's being based off of, but still it is a wonky process trying to figure out how to get all the details right to who I would like him to be.


With so many comments about the DD L bust on the DDdy body Raven said that it may be the body type he would prefer. "The full DDdy body would better suit Meiko, but Luka needs the DDdy body if she has the DD bust. That's why she has the skirt with the slit up the side, because it's there to show off the thighs!" Well, the master has spoken.


My biggest concern with Luka is just to have everything the way that Raven would like her to be so there is nothing hindering him from bonding with her. I'm hoping that very little will need to be done to make her 'complete' but I am also aware that there could be a lot of work too. Even if that just applies to her extra extra clothes (Darn those DD characters that drag along a wardrobe...) In my own way I'm trying to mentally do 'damage control' trying to research a ton of options if there is the very slim chance that Raven wouldn't like the default sculpt for some reason. I would completely go out of my way to do whatever is needed to have him end up with his Luka. Just like with Miku, having him heartbroken is just not an option. Personally I'd prefer if she was on a standard DDdy body because it just makes pattern drafting a lot easier instead of yet another set of custom patterns that only fits one of our girls. But if it's what makes him happy to have a custom body shape for her, then that's what I will work with.


DD are, and should be, a very personal thing.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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It's not all about what's cannon.


I think from the standpoint of product licensing canon is relevant. A fanfictionesque re-imagining of a character might not be allowable under their license.


Just to be clear I don't really know the Vocaloid games, so can't tell you which body she belongs on.


I do think one of the great things about DD is you can customize them to fit an image you have of the character. I put an S bust on my Takane if it fits her outfit personality more than her L, and an M on my Kos-Mos because she looks better with it than the default L Shapely. My Chihaya had her head moved to a SS DDIII, because it just looked disproportionately large on a SS DDS body, but canonically the early IM@S characters did have great big heads. It just worked better on DDS Makoto than it did with DDS Chihaya.


Every M bust DDS I have got swapped with an S because the DDS M just looks odd to me.


In any event I am sure Volks will make her as close to the production material as they can with a Dollfie body.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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It's not all about what's cannon.


I think from the standpoint of product licensing canon is relevant. A fanfictionesque re-imagining of a character might not be allowable under their license.


Let me clarify: I was referring to customization after the girls are received. It has noting to do with what Volks decides to do with the licence or their version of Luka. Once our preorders from last year arrive, I think we will have 25 or more DD/hybrids. Exceedingly few of those still hold true to the Volks official characters. So when Raven or I get a DD I expect that something is going to change. All of my comments were based on my habit of not leaving our Kiddos as 'stock characters' no matter what Volks chooses to do with them during the production period.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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One thing to keep in mind is that they are using the original Kei artwork as a stand in for now.


All of the vocaloid releases so far have been based on the original Kei V1 designs, and Luka's boobs arent that big in that picture. an L-bust, tops.


Considering every other girl in the series so far are pettanko's even an M bust in a lineup would make the same effect, so Dynamite in my oppinnion considering the image source is pushing it.


The only thing I find problematic with the V1 design is the trumpet valve doohickey above her chest, that could end up looking awkward, also the woodgrain effect on the shoulder strap, and arm-console might end up weird, but I still like it more than the V4 redesign.

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I would love to see her on a dddy too, but she would need a custom bust... agreeing that she's just not THERE bust wise, haha. If Luka made them release a more natural/slightly smaller dddy bust so she could still have those hips I'd be over the moon!

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I would love to see her on a dddy too, but she would need a custom bust... agreeing that she's just not THERE bust wise, haha. If Luka made them release a more natural/slightly smaller dddy bust so she could still have those hips I'd be over the moon!


Return of Yoko's natural bust: that's what we need!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Hmm, I've always been under the impression that a part of what makes Vocaloids so popular, is that there aren't really these super strict canon guidelines. Fans are pretty free to make their own interpretations of the characters. At least, that is a big part of the appeal to me. :3


So yeah, Volks does have that one particular artwork that they're most likely going to base the doll on. No, it doesn't look like the artwork matches DDdy body. But, as long as there is no official doll prototype, I don't see any harm in expressing what you wish you could have. I find it fun to read what kind of "dream Lukas" everyone has. C:


If (and most likely when) Volks releases Luka on the DD body, that's fine and it's not like I'm going to throw a fit. I'll still want the doll, because I can customise her to look like my interpretation of Luka (just like I did with Sheryl). It would just be handy for me if the doll was already on the DDdy body, you know? I realise that it's highly unlikely, but I still have a tiny glimmer of hope until they unveil the actual doll, haha. xD


But yeah, in any case - I'm just really glad that Luka is getting released.

My doll family: Umeko DDH-06 Megumi DDS Mariko Suiren DDdy Sheryl Nome Yuuri DDS Kagamine Rin Yuuya DDSb Kagamine Len ♥ Kanade DDdy Megurine Luka Miharu MDD Arle Nadja Rion DDb Kaito Enju MDD Marisa
+ guardian to DD Y'shtola
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This is just a fan made Luka that I saw at the exhibit. Far from DDdy there. The bike was really cool too.



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I really like that one!

But aw dang I missed the DD photo op What time was that? Oh well. My Miku got to high five another Miku in the line.


(I didn't mean to cause offense SK. I'm not saying your headcanons aren't valid/important (when I said I can't see her as DDdy I meant I can't see Volks doing it, not 'I can't accept that and it's wrong')but rather that it's weird to (prematurely?) say Volks will 'mess up' by...making her look like the official art instead of fanart that makes her sexier. I get not always liking what they do - and I can definitely understand not liking DD Len as he has a very different aura to the Len I'm used to seeing (which is why I like DD Len so much as I'm honestly not a huge Len fan, DD Len is one of my fave sculpts ever although my opinion on this is irrelevant of course because my Len is Mel ^^; I think if I was a huge Len fan I'd be tempted to redo his faceup to make him smilier and less tsundere looking though) but it does seem odd to complain that Luka might not look like a 'fanon' interpretation (albeit a popular one) instead of the 'classic' version. Also, just out of curiosity... what is it about DDdy that makes her more mature and sexy to you personally? I think the DD L bust is plenty mature and sexy myself, but then again you have more body types than I do to compare (I mean...Bri's got Miku and Rin to compare 'sexiness' with so it's hardly a contest lol) I guess the other issue with DDdy Luka is that teensy height difference that would make Miku a teensy bit taller, which would be weird to me. (Although boots could easily fix that)


But I think we should wait and see before...uh, whatever the negative version of counting chickens before they hatch is. I hope that, whatever body she has, she will look great enough that it won't matter - and if not, you can hopefully alter her to your liking. I know how Raven must feel about this kind of thing and how perfect you both want it to be. I'm the same with Kaito, especially now that there's the very real possibility that he'll happen. I'm pretty sure I'd be nervous too, come to think of it. ...not that there's much body choice I could hope for one way or the other (Just DDSboy or DDboy) but hey!

Edited by Guest

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Just walking about the hall & ran into it around 11:30am. Didn't know there were gonna be shoots, but makes sense since so many people brought their dolls.

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Just walking about the hall & ran into it around 11:30am. Didn't know there were gonna be shoots, but makes sense since so many people brought their dolls.

That would explain it, I was stuck in merch line hell to get a penlight for the concert and it took so long I had to head straight there after. I didn't get the chance to look around the hall till after the concert and didn't see many DDs out and about (just a few) so I wonder where they all went. I really love looking at other people's DDs so I wish I could have caught that.

I did see the same adorable MDD Kaito I saw on twitter a few days back, in the line before we went in. I wish I'd asked the owner for a photo.

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I'd be smitten if Kaito looked like this...


~Sister Kyoya


I want this. badly

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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