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Lisbeth from SAO

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I know not everyone is an SAO fan but i'm thrilled to make a custom Lisbeth from SAO. Her freckles are quite cute and would love to see her transferred into doll form. The biggest struggle I think I'll find is recreating her weapon. Any suggestions?

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I like Lisbeth, I think she is a versatile character! Plus she is cute. Have fun putting her together!


If I were making her weapon, I think I would start with some wood doweling and find some fancy beads to put on the end.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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Lisbeth is so adorable, as for her weapon, I haven't watched SAO in so long (when it first came out, my older brother was/still is obsessed with it) so I had to look at pictures, it looks like a mace sort of thing, so going with what someone else said, a wooden dowel as a base, paint it, and use foam for the spikes.


I hope she turns out well for you, make sure to post pics when she's done !

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sounds like she'll turn out super cute! i'd look tos we if there's any 3d printed weapons simalar and maybe customize using styrofoam from there- good luck!

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Oooh I'm excited for this one! I think she would be so cute in DD form!

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Good choice.

She has a lot of recognisable features. I am eager to see how she turns out. (We like photo’s)

The weapon is an interesting feature. Seeing images from the anime, games, fan art etc. brings out the amount of details in its design. An important question before creating a replica is how many details do you want to use? 
For detailed items like this I would break the design apart in different parts/sections. Creating the replica part by part, starting with the easier parts. The blade is definitely the hardest part and creating two parts that click together is the easiest solution. For the material I recommend using material that you prefer. 3D printing, thin plastic or wood (not triplex or layered wood) could give nice results. Foam could be possible, I see nice thing made from it. 
hope you share some photo’s of the process.



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