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A "Cinderella" in the Making [Mika Jougasaki]

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Yeah the lips are a bit too much, I think. Shiki's mouth is always like that but this seems overdone. This Perfume Tripper figure from Alter looks about right.

Otherwise, I think she's a much better representation of the character than Mika.

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I'm a bit disappointed about her...her mouth is too much. I imagined more like miku or saber lips. 

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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Just like Mika, she looks nothing like the character. They both look like frogs. I do agree she is better than Mika, but the bar wasn't very high. Her mouth is just too weird and her eyes too. Eeehhh

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Waiting for eternity for Volks to release more Idolm@ster girls.


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The mouth is a tad weird but overall, she looks pretty cool.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I think she's really cute! Idk usually weird mouths turn me off but she has that :3c energy so I can't be mad. I like her much more than Mika. Her wig seems better too.

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Looking at her again, Danny just can't not make his dolls look cross-eyed, can he?  @onion16@

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  On 9/20/2019 at 6:14 PM, cfx said:

Looking at her again, Danny just can't not make his dolls look cross-eyed, can he?  @onion16@

I keep wondering when Danny will claim he's the first to market dolls who have Strabismus.

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I have both Akira and Airy, and I think the thing bugging me about Shiki is that her mouth is bigger. If the mouth is small, this expression is just a cute girl making a cute face. But with Shiki, because her mouth is bigger, it reads to me more like a human-cat hybrid, and seems like she should have ears and a tail for real.


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Indeed it's a much larger mouth than those DDs, and seemingly full protruding lips, or maybe just being painted that way. It sort of looks like she's puckering up.

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Oh dear, those lips are......extreme 😨

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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  On 9/20/2019 at 11:31 PM, cfx said:

Indeed it's a much larger mouth than those DDs, and seemingly full protruding lips, or maybe just being painted that way. It sort of looks like she's puckering up.

He certainly went with her mischievous look. Makes me wonder how he will handle Fure.

His Shiki isn't bad, I think what seems a bit off is the jawline and cheeks.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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I must be an odd one, I actually think she's absolutely adorable. I was really intrigued that he didn't cop out on her lips with just painting it on, or just carving the line in. I wonder how her profile view is gonna look like. As per usual though, the representation to me, is kinda off- but hey, it's not 'Random dude bought Lelouch's outfit' off.

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I can't unsee the triangle that starts at her chin.  Her cheeks are even shadowed, making it stand out more.  I pulled up images of Shiki on Google, and I really don't think the doll looks like her, beyond maybe the eyes.  

Not trying to change any minds, just disappointed that I still find SmD sculpts unappealing.  

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  On 10/1/2019 at 3:17 PM, Galvatim said:

I can't unsee the triangle that starts at her chin.  Her cheeks are even shadowed, making it stand out more.

I saw that, and thought it was so odd I hoped it was some lighting quirk or something done by jpeg compression. I was looking at the 3/4 view pictures, and was thinking how unlike most Smart Dolls she has more of a sculpted face, then I see how it's like there's a crease running from her cheekbone to chin.

Yeah it doesn't look much like her. I think some bits are pretty accurate like the eyes, which is something I can't say about Mika where I don't feel it looks like her at all.

I feel like I shouldn't comment because I never seem to have anything to say about the Smart Doll sculpts that isn't negative. I don't mean to put down something others may like. I'm not looking at the dolls just to dump on them; I am interested and hope one day there is one I like.


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  On 10/1/2019 at 3:17 PM, Galvatim said:

I can't unsee the triangle that starts at her chin.  Her cheeks are even shadowed, making it stand out more.  I pulled up images of Shiki on Google, and I really don't think the doll looks like her, beyond maybe the eyes.  

Not trying to change any minds, just disappointed that I still find SmD sculpts unappealing.  


Not only can I not unsee the triangle, but I can't unread Danny constantly talking about the "magic triangle" or whatever in which he seems to have made a literal triangle this time on Shiki.


  On 10/2/2019 at 8:19 AM, cfx said:

I saw that, and thought it was so odd I hoped it was some lighting quirk or something done by jpeg compression. I was looking at the 3/4 view pictures, and was thinking how unlike most Smart Dolls she has more of a sculpted face, then I see how it's like there's a crease running from her cheekbone to chin.

Yeah it doesn't look much like her. I think some bits are pretty accurate like the eyes, which is something I can't say about Mika where I don't feel it looks like her at all.

I feel like I shouldn't comment because I never seem to have anything to say about the Smart Doll sculpts that isn't negative. I don't mean to put down something others may like. I'm not looking at the dolls just to dump on them; I am interested and hope one day there is one I like.



I also feel like I shouldn't comment sometimes, because everything I have to say about Smart Dolls is pretty negative. The only reason I comment is because I desperately want to like them - and I want to want them. I DO want a Smart Doll, pretty badly, but I can't get over (aside from Danny issues) how wonky and broken their bodies look. they are a type of doll that only looks good from certain angles. But the angles they look good in are really really good. Their torso and front-facing face look amazing. Everything else and angle looks wrong. Yet I still find myself wanting to make excuses to want one and ignore all that.


I'm surprised at how good the Code Geass boys look. Why was he not able to replicate that with the Idolmaster girls? I just don't get it.

Edited by littlebirdzoom
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Waiting for eternity for Volks to release more Idolm@ster girls.


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I'm not familiar with the anime, but I do not care for this girl's mouth either. She's definitely unique though and will stand out.

 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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Ohhh yikes, that triangle is not pretty. I know shine bright like a diamond is a thing but I didn't think that applies to faces. It is literally in every picture, and the sad thing is, it looks more like it's a problem with her facial contour instead of her make up. Whatever it is, that really killed her frontal shot. (And this is coming from someone that genuinely thought she was cute in the promo images)


At this point, though, I kind of figured that he'll never be able to make a doll look like the intended character, Nami is likely the closest he ever got, I think. I mean, Spike is honestly, personally, no better than Shiki, and that poor guy has been in the makings for over 2 years, easy.

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  On 10/3/2019 at 2:31 AM, freakie-oppa said:

It is literally in every picture, and the sad thing is, it looks more like it's a problem with her facial contour instead of her make up.

I think this too, because of how it looks in some of the 3/4 view shots. It looks like rather than a smooth curve making up her facial features, there's a sharp line there. After seeing it, in some of those pictures it looks like Mika has it too, to a much lesser degree.

I know the prototypes are done with 3D software on a computer, and I think this kind of reeks of someone who isn't really proficient at working in 3D.

  On 10/3/2019 at 1:53 AM, Deyja said:

I'm not familiar with the anime, but I do not care for this girl's mouth either. She's definitely unique though and will stand out.

The character is often drawn that way, but it's overemphasized on the doll: Shiki Ichinose wiki page

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Oh my, I hadn't noticed the triangle on Shiki's face before, and now I can't unsee it!

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  On 10/3/2019 at 4:00 AM, cfx said:

I think this too, because of how it looks in some of the 3/4 view shots. It looks like rather than a smooth curve making up her facial features, there's a sharp line there. After seeing it, in some of those pictures it looks like Mika has it too, to a much lesser degree.

I know the prototypes are done with 3D software on a computer, and I think this kind of reeks of someone who isn't really proficient at working in 3D.

The character is often drawn that way, but it's overemphasized on the doll: Shiki Ichinose wiki page

Yeah, her mouth is way too exaggerated. It WOULD be cute if she was a different doll and made to be like a neko with a tail and ears. That could work.

 r75s0k.gifCircle (Towa) Yui (MDD) Coralie (MDD) 88 (Kizuna AI) 1rukij4.gif

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