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star trek 2 wrath of khan

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Time is left to see the rerelease of this great movie tomorrow the 13 of sept. 2017. I went and saw it on the 10th. I hope they release others but it was nice to see the movie in the big screen. As a side note studio ghibli is releasing their movies.

These are the dolls you're looking for, no you cannot haz them they r mine:)

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I learned of this yesterday, so I missed the showings on the 10th which I might have been able to make. Sadly, I won't be able to attend either of the local showings on the 13th. Star Trek II is my favorite movie of all time, and it's a minor dream of mine to be able to see it in a theater again, so I'm pretty damn irritated I won't be able to go see it.


Did the crowd have any energy when you went? I remember when I saw it back in 1982 the scene where the Enterprise rises up behind the Reliant caused the crowd to literally roar and erupt in thunderous approval. I kind of miss that energy of movie theaters in the 80s.

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I got tickets to see it tomorrow. Good thing I saw this post, because I forgot all about it.

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Time is left to see the rerelease of this great movie tomorrow the 13 of sept. 2017. I went and saw it on the 10th. I hope they release others but it was nice to see the movie in the big screen. As a side note studio ghibli is releasing their movies.


Ahhh, learned too late!


on the Ghibli movies note - it's because Disney licensing has expired and GKids has picked them up. They have been doing a big screen limited release of the movies in turn all summer to promote them all over again and get new wave of kids into those stories

They will also release the full catalog of these moves on bluray/DVDs with new subs for the Japanese audio portion

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