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Fate Santa Rider Alter set stain question

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Just got Santa Alter and wondering about her default set. Does anybody know if it stains?


The panties are black so it's obvious they might be suspect but what about the red on the cloak or the brown tights? I'll probably wash the tights and panties but nervous to wash the cloak due to the materials.



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I've actually not noticed a problem with any parts of the outfit on mine. The only item I can't comment on are the gloves, since I never put them on her... I'll double check her when I get home today, but I don't remember seeing anything from any of the parts she's been wearing.

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My Saber wore the outfit for literally months with zero issues!


The tights didn't stain at all (even reused them for another outfit, because the slight sparkle sheen to them is so precious)

didn't use the glove tho, can't speak for them

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thanks for your answers!


I washed the panties and gloves just to be safe but not much dye came off them so looks good.

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Good to know about the outfit, as I had her in a body suit when I put it on her. But as for the gloves, I did put them on her and they didn't stain. So it sounds like this outfit is a winner.

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This may be a bit late, but I recently took mine out of her default (right after Christmas) and found 4 stains.


2 stains from her panties directly opposite each other on the sides, right where the stitching sat. They look like two small dots on either side almost as if she's bruised from wearing low-riding jeans.


The other two are a couple of red lines across her left arm just above and below the inside elbow. Almost like a red sharpie. Turns out I didn't notice her arm had pinched the inside of the cape in there since I had her posed holding the sack over the shoulder.


I've since soaked/washed the panties, and treated the stains with Dream Rescue.


Not sure what I can do with the cape though. I'm afraid to wash this part and accidentally stain the white with the other colors.


Overall really minor details I should have spotted earlier. As mentioned by others, no other parts have stained. Not even the red gloves.

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I was super worried about the cape and gloves staining! I wrapped the hands in dollfie protection tape and didn’t have any problems. So far I haven’t had any problems with the rest of the set either.


Like acnon said about staining from the underwear, I could definitely see that happening. If you don’t mind putting them on over her tights, I think you’ll be okay. At least they didn’t give me a problem when I did that.

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