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Replacement Hairpins/Barrettes for Kagamine Rin.

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Hi guys,


I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong subsection, but I am wondering if any of you Kagamine Rin owners/caretakers/slaves know what could be used as replacement barrettes instead of those plastic thingies that don't ever want to stay in? I don't have a Rin girl myself yet, but my Kagamine Rinto boy has a set of those same barrettes.


When he nosed dived onto my desk today, one of those hairpins actually snapped. I crazy-glued it back together all right, but I am thinking of finding a better solution. I have previously thought about cutting regular bobby-pins to the right length and painting them with enamel, but I have almost trashed a pair of wire cutters that way.


What do you use or suggest?



Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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There's a couple of options you can do.

A) 3D Printing

B) Getting one of your intact one and making a silicone mold of it. Then when the mold is complete remove the intact clip and pour liquid plastic compound into it.(It's very easy to use them)

C) Finding someone who's willing to part with their clips. I actually don't have any use for my Kagamine Rin hairclips since I lost 2 of them when I did a room cleanup >_> I'd give you mine but I dunno how much shipping would cost since you're all the way in Canada. I can ask my postman how much would it cost to send it in a normal envelope. If it's cheap I'll send them to you free of charge

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There's a couple of options you can do.

A) 3D Printing

B) Getting one of your intact one and making a silicone mold of it. Then when the mold is complete remove the intact clip and pour liquid plastic compound into it.(It's very easy to use them)

C) Finding someone who's willing to part with their clips. I actually don't have any use for my Kagamine Rin hairclips since I lost 2 of them when I did a room cleanup >_> I'd give you mine but I dunno how much shipping would cost since you're all the way in Canada. I can ask my postman how much would it cost to send it in a normal envelope. If it's cheap I'll send them to you free of charge


I thank you for your offer. However, I guess I am looking more for alternatives. I do have the original clips, and the glued together one is fine. My problem is that those original clips just don’t want to stay in place. I want to take Rinto (and Rin too once I get her) to meets and conventions without worrying about losing those dratted hair clips.


I apologize for the confusion...

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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Ah then I wouldn't know a better way to help them stay in place. It's extremely difficult to keep them in place as they are. I have yet to seen some sort of alternative for it. Good luck though!

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I suggest checking Etsy. You probably will not find something 'exact' but I see 1/3 scale barrettes on there all the time. Typical barrette-types will stay in the hair better than the clips that Rin comes with.

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I haven’t thought of Etsy. I will do that. I will also experiment some more roo.


Many thanks.

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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