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Peach Pai help!

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Hello everyone! I need your help! Last year I purchased a DD2 peach pai secondhand for my Ranka. It was a little old and it had a few issues but it was a very decent price so I didn't mind that at all. However, lately I've been finding that it's turned a very dark color... I try to keep it as clean as possible and I always powder it every time I bring my girl down from her shelf so I don't know what could be wrong... Is the silicone simply yellowing? Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is there something else wrong with it?


I'm attaching a picture so you guys can take a look: https://imgur.com/a/MJaUX


Please help me out if you can! Thank you so much in advance!

DDH07: Naoshin | Yui: Eclaire | DDH10: Noah | DDH01: Mafuyu P-chan: He Tian | Hime-Ane: Millefeuille

Kaito: Sora | DDH01: Astraia Tiamat: Ravus | DDH08: Alto  DDHo9: Leilani DDH07: Fyodor

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As someone who owns 3 pairs of Peach Pai (2 DDdy and 1 DD M+) I can confirm that the color darkening is just from it aging. The 1st Peach Pai I got which is the oldest is a much darker color now than when I first got it.

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As someone who owns 3 pairs of Peach Pai (2 DDdy and 1 DD M+) I can confirm that the color darkening is just from it aging. The 1st Peach Pai I got which is the oldest is a much darker color now than when I first got it.


Thanks for clarifying! Is there any way it can be deyellowed or colormatched to the bodies? Besides powdering it up to cover the difference?

DDH07: Naoshin | Yui: Eclaire | DDH10: Noah | DDH01: Mafuyu P-chan: He Tian | Hime-Ane: Millefeuille

Kaito: Sora | DDH01: Astraia Tiamat: Ravus | DDH08: Alto  DDHo9: Leilani DDH07: Fyodor

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Thanks for clarifying! Is there any way it can be deyellowed or colormatched to the bodies? Besides powdering it up to cover the difference?

Not to my knowledge. I think it's just one of those things you have to live with because everything discolors over time. For me it's more noticeable in photos where the lighting isn't great. In person it doesn't really bother me very much

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