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Buying clothes for a DDS boy type?

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I am new both here and to DDs in general so forgive me for asking this if it has been asked somewhere else already. I bought a DDS Kagamine Len recently and wanted to expand his wardrobe a bit outside of the official outfits Volks already offers that fit him. On other websites, there is a lot of SD clothes and clothes for DD M and L busts offered but nothing of the DDS boy type. So I was wondering if he would maybe fit one of these sizes?


On another note I was considering buying something from Alice's Collections however I came across a post where I couldn't tell if the store was being referred to positively or negatively so I was also wondering if they were safe to buy from.

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I am not sure about the DDS boy type, but I think maybe SD13 or even SD10 clothes for boys might fit.


As for Alice's, they are basically a dealer / reseller. They are very reliable and all my business with them has been more than stellar. Some people did not like that one or two of the people they deal for carry what look to be Volks-knock-off outfits.

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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For DDS boy, items made to fit DDS and SD10/SD (not SD13 boy) are the closest fits. Stretch/knit items work best in my experience. Alice Collection is cheap and the quality isn't great, but I haven't had any bad experience ordering from them. In general though their clothes run large for DD so I'm not sure I'd shop for DDS boys there.


This knit sweater from Dolline on etsy fits well, Volks pants are a bit long:



Azone 50cm cardigan fits really well, Volks shirt is rather large:


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