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Azone Pure Neemo "Sorami Kanata": My first doll

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I'm rather glad this section exists in these forums, since I get to properly introduce the doll that led me to discovering Volks and the community in general.


One day in 2010, while wandering around Akihabara, I stumbled upon an Azone store. At first I looked... then walked away. I later returned, stared, and decided "why not?" and went in. I left with my first doll; Azone Pure Neemo character doll "Sorami Kanata".


It seems she wasn't a very popular model... She was on sale (almost half off) although new on shelf...


Kanata is still with me and was my "ice breaker" at Dolpa 27, even though she wasn't a true Volks doll.

Yeah... I played the Gaijin Card.



Kanata all geared up for a day of fishing... Always wear a helmet. Catfish can be serious business ya'know.



Hanging out at my new place back in October before the cold set in. Hmm, I should take snow pictures.

Yes I know, I need to get a real camera and stop using my phone.



My Tokyo apartment in 2011. You can see Kanata sitting next to my computer.

Edited by Guest

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That was an enjoyable show. Glad you could take her with you places. I am wanting to get a Prue Neemo someday. They are cute little things.

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Kanata looks like a very good companion, ready for anything! I like her uniform.


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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On her uniform, last time I was at an Azone Store (March 2016) her helmet, backpack, and boots were all being sold individually as fashion items. Her jacket and pants weren't, but they are "Sora no Woto" specific so that makes sense.

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